F3 Knoxville

Pavilon Doghouse Beatdown

AO: asylum-am
Q: P3
PAX: Matlock (Bill Maddox), Cinco (Scott McGuire), Woodpecker, TRC/Crab legs, Grandslam, Cat Gut (Mike Davis), Cosmo 2, Sawdust, Hands, Rainbow, Pac-man, Double Wide, Charmin (John Willis), Bunny, Breaststroke (Will Duncan), Techmo, Ghostbusters
FNGs: None

5 Burpees

5 Cherry Pickers

20 SSH

Carltons / Front swings / Michael Phelps

Front Arm Stretch / Triceps Stretch

Runners stretch (knee up/ knee down)

15 Squat Jumps

Tie Fighters

5 Down / Up Dog


3 Rounds:

10 Table Rows
20 Merkins
20 Squats

– Lunge around the Pavilon

3 Rounds:

10 burpees
20 Big Boy Sit-ups

– Lunge around the Pavilon

3 Rounds (w/cmu):

10 Thrusters
20 Lawn Mowers (10each)

– Lunge around the Pavilon

3 Rounds:

15 Carolina Dry Docks
30 Hello Dollies (Single Count)

– Lunge around the Pavilon

3 Rounds:

15 Curls
15 Presses

– Lunge around the Pavilon

MARY: Very brief plank hold


Convergence next weekend!
Food drive this week. Bring food to P3 or Venmo and I will buy at the store when we go.


Grateful for every positive circle of influence. Thanks be to God for all of the great people in my life. They rub off on me, and ultimately rub off on my kids. I pray that I make good use of this and help my kids to be the good people this world needs. Happy Birthday Jake, and Happy Birthday TRC/Crab legs!

The Doctor Is In

AO: asylum-am
Q: Waffle House (Brady Greene)
PAX: Fabio (Joe Hamilton), Hands, Gibbler, Matlock (Bill Maddox), Trotline (Britton Carver), Rainbow, Cinco (Scott McGuire), Russell Crook/Crablegs, TRC/Crab legs, bluebird, Bunny, P3, Cat Gut (Mike Davis), Double Wide, Sawdust, Coolio (Greg Fox), Pac-man, Johnny Knoxville from Charleston (from Knoxville)
FNGs: None
SSH x 49, Shoulder blasters, BSIA

Today’s Tabata was brought to you by “Doctor” Tabata, originator of the Tabata.
Curls, box jumps, LBCs, dips.

We also took time to reflect on the legacy and example of John C “Jack” Webb, friend and teacher to all who labor under the delusion that air is weightless.

Everest was part of the journey, but not the destination. The real summit today was giving our friemd Johnny Knoxville a fresh decade to enjoy thanks to the wonders of Junk Science.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Haw Ridge in 51 weeks

COT: Jesus is looking for disciples, and they are not necessarily the super qualified

Better Together

AO: asylum-am
Q: P3
PAX: Grandslam, Sawdust, Cat Gut (Mike Davis), Bunny, Hands, Pac-man, Rainbow, Trotline (Britton Carver), Cinco (Scott McGuire), Waffle House (Brady Greene), Clipper (Ben McCurry), Love’s, Coolio (Greg Fox), Double Wide, pizzapizza
FNGs: None

5 Burpees
5 Cherry Pickers
20 SSH
Carltons / Front swings / Michael Phelps
Front Arm Stretch / Triceps Stretch
20 jumps on the right foot / 20 on the left
15 Squat Jumps
Tie Fighters
5 Down / Up Dog


Charging Station
Buddy One Starts on Trasport, Buddy Two Works at Station until Buddy One reaches next station, then Buddy Two Transports to next station while, Buddy One Bumps to next transport and station. Bump around the clock…

3 Rounds

6 o’clock – Burpees
Transport = Walking Lunge
3 o’clock – Wide Merkins
Transport = Frog Jumps
12 o’clock – CDD
Transport = Super Mario
9 o’clock = Diamond Merkins
Transport = Burnie

Mosey to cloud and find out from your buddy the best part about yesterday, the worst part, and something they are looking forward to (Rose, Bud, Thorn)


Buddy One starts on Table Rows, Buddy Two mosey to Cloud and does 20 Superman’s. Come back and switch until we ran out of time.

MARY: Notta



GTE Grow Ruck weekend of April 27th.


Matthew 18:20 – For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. We are meant to walk together. We share our joys, our struggles, and our hope with each other. Stay connected to your fellow men and women:)

Barkleys are Back

AO: asylum-am
Q: Charmin (John Willis)
PAX: Cinco (Scott McGuire), Jackson Palumbo, Dung Beetle, Matlock (Bill Maddox), Rainbow, Double Wide, Hands, Cosmo 2, Hot Tub (John Muller), Gibbler, Cat Gut (Mike Davis), Clipper (Ben McCurry), Pac-man, F3 Pluto ( Hugh Nystrom), Love’s, Waffle House (Brady Greene), P3, Charmin (John Willis)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSHs, Abe Vigodas, Tempo Merkins and Imperial SQUAT Walkers

THE THANG: Mosey to the gate below the Overlook for a history lesson: Many years ago, a young man had a dream of creating a brutally efficient circuit of running and reps. He called it the Barkley. That man was Zygote. He later learned that there was a slightly less famous race of the same name just to the north. Not as fun. Total coincidence.

Partner up and lap the Asylum hill, checking in at 4 stations for different reps at each lap.

3 laps, 4 stations:

1. Squats; Smurf Jacks; Iron Mikes;
2. LBCs; :flag-us: :hammer:; Hello Dollies;
3. Merkins; :diamonds: Merkins; CDD;
4. Burpees; Man Makers; Get Ups

Sweep and Mosey to the AO with one last sprint up Baby Everest and 5 burpees at the top

MARY: She was missed.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Somebody sign up with P3 for Escape From Haw!

COT: God has given us all gifts and tools to make an impact, but none of us have all the gifts and tools. God has put others in our path to cover our blind spots. Look to those closest to you for help.

Holy Monday Beatdown

AO: asylum-am
Q: Sawdust
PAX: F3 Pluto ( Hugh Nystrom), Cinco (Scott McGuire), Love’s, Trotline (Britton Carver), Waffle House (Brady Greene), P3, Fabio (Joe Hamilton), Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), Double Wide, Cat Gut (Mike Davis), Dung Beetle, White Belt
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, Tempo Merkins, Cherry Pickers, Windmills, Rockettes, Tie-Fighters & X-Wings

Two Times Each
Phase 1 – Each Light Pole Up the Dragon:
– 5 Big Boy Sit-ups
– 10 Lt. Dans
– 15 Imperial Squat Walkers
– 20 Merkins
– 25 Pickle Pounders
– 30 Sumo Squats

Phase 2 – Every Other Light Pole Down to Everest:
– 5 Burpees
– 10 LBCs
– 15 Iron Mikes
– 20 Monkey Humpers
– 25 Peter Parker’s
– 30 Star Jacks

Phase 3 – All the Way Up Everest:
– 5 Bear Crawl
– 10 Lunges Twist
– 15 Inch Worms
– 20 Murder Bunnies (no CMU)
– 25 Pogo Stick Hops
– 30 Side Lunges

Phase 4: Space Needle

Phase 5 – Working Our Way Back to the AO
– 5 Burpees
– 10 Lunges
– 1 Imperial Squat Walker
– 1 Merkins
– 1 Peter Parker
– 30 Squats Plus 2 Burpees

Good Friday Q @Hands
Escape from Haw Ridge
GTE Ruck Event

Unburden Your Soul (Matthew 11:28-30)