F3 Knoxville

Black Friday Special

THE SCENE: 40s and foggy; classic Christmas music playing


Pigeon stretches

Groin stretches

Willy Mays Hays

Tempo squats

Little baby arm circles forward

Little baby arm circles backward

Michael Phelps

A little bit of this, a little bit of that – twice

Tempo merkins

Mosey to the splash pad – our home

We just ate a big Thanksgiving meal and are ready for a nap, but the family has other plans.  First, we have to pull out the decorations and put them up:

Bobby Hurleys x 12

Table rows x 12

Bobby Hurleys x 12

The decorations are up, so it’s time for a nap . . . not so fast, we have to hit the Black Friday sales to get Tickle Me Elmo for the kids:

Native American run to the dark circle passed the rocks and docks, loop around the circle, and jail break to the rocks because you have to get in lines and are constantly trying to get to the front of the line before the store opens and then you make a mad dash to the toys to get Tickle Me Elmo.

Pick up a rock . . . a Tickle Me Elmo . . . and run back home as quickly as you can before someone mugs you for the last Tickle Me Elmo.

Back home, we first celebrate our victorious Black Friday efforts:

Shoulder press with a squat x 12

Time to wrap the rock . . . the Tickle Me Elmo:

Rows with the rock x 12

Alternating-arm merkins using the rock (left hand on rock, right hand on ground, do a merkin to the right of the rock and then switch hands and go to the other side and do a merkin for 1) x 12

The gift is wrapped and now we can nap . . . not so fast, it’s time to go caroling:

The 12 Days of Christmas

Just like the song, start with the first day and do 1 of the exercise, then go to each subsequent day doing the same number of reps that match the day (2nd day = 2, 5th day = 5, etc.).  However, just like the song, go down from the day you are on and do the reps and exercises for the preceding days (on the 4th day, you do 4 of those exercises, 3 of the 3rd day’s exercise, 2 of the 2nd day’s exercise, and 1 of the 1st day’s exercise and so on to where you finish on the 12th day where you will do all 12 exercises).  Here are the exercises:

1st day – 1 Pull-up

2nd day – 2 Triceps Dips

3rd day – 3 Hokey Pokeys

4th day – 4 LBCs (4 ct)

5th day – 5 Burpees

6th day – 6 Monkeyhumpers (4 ct)

7th day – 7 Dive Bombers

8th day – 8 Merkins

9th day – 9 Rockettes (4 ct)

10th day – 10 Frog Jumps / Froggie Squats

11th day – 11 Pickle Pounders (4 ct)

12th day – 12 Curls with the rock

We were running out of time, so we had to drop the 4 counts and just did single counts for the last 3 or 4 days and then we had to combine the 11th and 12th days, but most everyone finished.

Bads news, we bought the Tickle Me Elmo and that was popular like 20 years ago.  The kids wanted a PS5.  So, we had to take our rock back to the store.

Mosey to the AO

No time.  Sorry, Mary.  But, “Mary” Christmas (bad pun)


7 PAX challenged the fog and took on Black Friday.  Everyone else was fartsacking or standing in line for a PS5 (and probably didn’t get one anyway).  In addition to the people tagged, Tortoise was there, but I couldn’t find his tag.


We need to maintain perspective.  A lot of people have been praying for people struggling, suffering, and in the hospital because of COVID.  We should be praying for those folks.  But, we also need to remember that people have been struggling, suffering, and in the hospital from things other than COVID that may actually be worse than COVID.  People have been suffering and dying from things long before COVID, and they will suffer and die from things other than COVID long after we overcome COVID.  We do not need to forget those folks once the crisis du jour has fallen off the news tickers.  We need to always be praying and working as HIMs for everyone in need.

Prayers for Ribbed’s wife, Curveball’s wife, everyone traveling, and everyone struggling, suffering, and dying in the world regardless of the cause or reason.

Congrats to all for a successful coat drive

Giving in Thanks

THE SCENE: Beautiful and sunny day, temps in low 60s

20 Plank Jacks, 10 Pinto Twists, 10 Windmills, Gobble Trot around the parking lot, 7 Baby Arm Circles forward and backward, 5 Wide Arm Circles forward and backward.
Mosey on trail toward Mt. Everest but stop halfway for 20 American Hammers.

Continue mosey to base of Mt. Everest.  We will do 10 Tempo Merkins and 10 Tempo Squats.  We will then run to top of Everest.  At top we will do 30 Baby Crunches, 20 Hello Dollies and 10 Shoulder Taps.

Mosey to Shaded Parking Lot across street from Northern Ball Park Entrance Parking Lot.  We will do 20 Flutter Kicks.

Mosey to Caribbean Parking Lot.  We will run a U shape around parking lot stopping at every 3 islands to do exercises.  Those getting to end of U first will sweep men back.  Here are the exercises:

  • 20 Smurf Jacks
  • 10 Hand Release Merkins
  • 20 Bicycle Kicks (4 ct)

Mosey go grassy area by first ballpark off of Northern Ball Fields entrance.  We will play a game of 10 second huddle football (no more than a ten second huddle between plays).  The game will be touch with one blitz allowed per four down and only mid field being a first down mark.

29 men/boys with one FNG, 5-year-old Jack, son of Lunch Money.  Jack now has the F3 name of Turkey Gobbler!

I had the opportunity to look at some quotes from Presidents that each made on Thanksgiving Day.  I was struck by how many, in giving gratitude for the way our nation has prospered, also gave attention to the need to give to others, particularly the less fortunate.  I will quote from two of those presidents:

Calvin Coolidge 1925:

 “As we have grown and prospered in material things, so also should we progress in moral and spiritual things. We are a God-fearing people who should set ourselves against evil and strive for righteousness in living, and observing the Golden Rule we should from our abundance help and serve those less fortunately placed. We should bow in gratitude to God for His many favors.”

Ronald Reagan 1981:

“In this spirit, Thanksgiving has become a day when Americans extend a helping hand to the less fortunate. Long before there was a government welfare program, this spirit of voluntary giving was ingrained in the American character. Americans have always understood that, truly, one must give in order to receive. This should be a day of giving as well as a day of thanks.”

To give to others is an American call and certainly a call for F3.  I am proud of F3 for the principal we attempt to follow of giving to the community and those in need.  I have been struck by the way are N’antans, currently Judge Judy and formerly Abscess and Cap’n Crunch have made that a mission of F3 Knoxville.  Let us keep the spirit of giving in our hearts as we give thanks for our blessings.

Prayers for Pinto, for Ribbed’s wife as she goes through surgery for removal of tumor by spine on Dec 14, for Curveball and his wife as they head to Florida on Saturday for surgery she will have there early next week, for the wonderful woman that F3 helped clean shelves in her garage last week, and for the lonely and isolated in our country on this Thanksgiving Day.

Earn that pie

THE SCENE: low 40’s…about perfect.


SSH x20, Imperial Walkers x10, Windmills x10, Tempo merkins x10, cherry pickers x10, little bit of this and that.
Mosey to Playground for 7’s

  • Pull-up at playground and v-ups at the flag.

Mosey to splash-pad

20-minute AMRAP of:

  • 50 Squats
  • 50 SSH
  • 40 Lunges (total)
  • 50 SSH
  • 30 Merkins
  • 50 SSH
  • 20 Big Bois
  • 50 SSH
  • 10 Burpees
  • Run to outhouse and back
  • Rinse and repeat until 20-minutes was up.

Route 66 of merkins at each light until we got back to AO.

No time for dat.
11 HIM’s
Psalm 103 — a psalm of gratitude and blessing the Lord for his goodness in our lives.  He does not treat us as our sins deserve!
Next time, I’d switch it up and do the same number of SSH as the exercise we are on (so decrease it by 10 each rep)

[ The Scene ]

– Apparently this whole “board meeting” idea has caught on with “The Others” = people that don’t do F3. So tonight, The Others were having a board meeting (sort of – sitting around in camp chairs in a circle and talking with/without drinks in hand) – so PAX moved to the Asylum AM spot to circle up

[ Welcome/Disclaimer ]

  • Welcome to F3: Fitness/Fellowship/Faith
  • My name is Steam and I am not Thunderstruck unfortunately but he had a previous engagement so I will be your Q tonight!
  • Couple things:
    • I’m not a professional
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • If you need to modify anything that we do tonight – you know your body better than anyone – so feel free to do so.

[ Warm 0 Rama ]

  • SSH: 30 x 4 IC
  • Rockette: 25 x 4 IC
  • Squat: 20 x 4 IC
  • Merkin: 15 x 4 IC
  • Imperial Walker: 15 x 4 IC
  • Motivators: 4

[ The Thang ]

(mosey to the CMU pile)


  • 5 rounds
    • Round 1: 5 CMU curls —> run to playground: 5 dips
    • Round 2: 5 CMU curls + 5 chest presses: run to playground: 10 dips
    • Round 3: 5 CMU curls + 5 CMU chest presses + 5 CMU rows: run to playground: 15 dips
    • Round 4: 5 CMU curls + 5 CMU chest presses + 5 CMU rows + 5 CMU sit-ups —> run to playground: 20 dips
    • Round 5: 5 CMU sit-ups + 5 CMU rows + 5 CMU chest presses + 5 CMU curls
  • 2 POCs (Points of Contact)
    • CMU pile
    • Playground down from AO
  • 5 Xs
    • @ CMU pile: curls, chest presses, rows, sit-ups
    • @ playground: 5 dips —> +5 —> +5 every round

(Return CMUs and mosey to Pavilion)

All My Benches

  • 4 sides of the bench
    • Short Sides: 25 pull-ups/chin-ups
    • Long Side 1: 25 Incline Merkins
    • Long Side 2: 25 Decline Merkins
  • Wall-Sit when done

(Mosey to playground)

The Final 15

  • 10 at the playground
    • 5 minutes of bench work
      • Alternate between box jumps/step ups + dips
    • 5 minutes of core work (these were some LONG minutes). Have you ever had 5 minutes last 3 hours? Because now we all have.
      • Alternate between flutter kicks and big boy sit-ups
  • 5 back at the AO
    • Mosey back to the AO
    • Light stretching with Steam (not Pusher approved OR denied. OR denied, that’s important)
      • Stretching back and lower legs
      • Borderline yoga stretching legs an chest

[ COT ]

  • # off
  • Name o Rama
  • BOM

”When I”

When I wandered, He led.

When I was thirsty, He supplied water.

When I hungered, He provided nourishment.

When I strayed, He called me back.

When I let my thoughts wander, He re-focused me.

When I was weary, He provided a place to sit and rest.

Think about your own “When I” statements from this year. In addition to the ones I’ve experienced above, some of mine have been “When I wondered if I was going to have a job” or “When I was isolated in my home for days on end during the original quarantine” or “When I didn’t know how this would end” or “When I questioned why all of this is happening” and so on and so forth. So what are your “When I(s)” ?

But the thing about a “When I”statement is just that, the but. But God. So if and when you find yourself wandering – let Him lead. If and when you find yourself thirsting for something (literal liquid or not) – let Him supply it. If and when you hunger (physical hunger or soulful hunger) – let him provide nourishment. If and when you feel yourself straying – let Him call you back gently (or strongly sometimes). If and when you feel your thoughts begin to wander and take control – let Him refocus you. And when and if you find yourself weary – let Him provide you a place to sit and find rest in Him.

Crabs & Stargazers

THE SCENE: Cold. Dark. 



  • Cherry Pickers IC | Grady Corns IC
  • Baby Arm Circles IC | Rockettes IC


Broken Elevator: 5 Pull-ups at Starting Line

Run to Farthest Cone (#5) and perform 25 each Squat Jumps, Merkins, and BBS

Back to Start Line: 5 pull-ups, Cone #4 (20 reps)

Rinse & repeat | Al Gore to wait for the six

Lunge Parking Lot | Squat each line

Bear Crawl Lot | Diamond meek each line

Single leg pickle pointers IC

Stargazers x10 OYO

11s with Dips & Step-ups w/ Leg Raise


  • LBCs IC | Fkutter kicks IC



Prov12:15 – “A fool’s way is right in his own eyes, but whoever listens to counsel is wise.”