F3 Knoxville

Here Comes Peter Cottontail

THE SCENE: Mid 30s to start, but warming up quick!

SSH x25 IC
TN Rocking Chairs x11 IC
Monkey Humpers (4ct!) x25 IC
Hindurkins x10 IC
Imperial Squat Walkers x10 IC

Mosey down the road to the Elementary School/Little League park (wagon wheel and a stop for 30x BBS OYO halfway)
Pax split into 2 teams, each team with an Easter basket (5 gallon bucket w/25lb sand).
Easter eggs are hidden on the playground.
One PAX from each team carries the basket down the hill and collects one egg. Then bunny-hop back up the hill and hand off to next man.
Remaining PAX alternate between plank and Al Gore with each trip.

Once everyone has run twice, gather in the middle of the basketball court.
Exercises were going to be color-coded to egg color, but looks like we’re short on time.
Just make one run through the list.
PAX pair up for:
15x Low-5/High-10 Burpees
60yd partner carry
20x Leg Throws
20x Squirkins
Wheelbarrow around perimeter of the court
20x Reverse Rows/OH Leg Press

Mosey back to the AO… Getting so late!

Not much today… Just some LBCs, Protractors, and Tempo Merkins.
15 PAX including one FNG. Or FOG… Turned 73 yesterday! Welcome Dozer! Thanks for being our War Daddy today.
The silliness of bunnies, eggs, candy, etc. is fun, but try to get as much of it out of the way as possible today and reserve tomorrow to celebrate and meditate on the real reason for Easter – Remembering the resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ from the grave, sealing the long promised gift of Salvation. It’s even more free than F3 – He did everything for you.
Great to have Moses’ dad with us this morning.
Hardship Hill is May 19th… Sign up today! If you need a team, jump on GroupMe and you’ll get recruited real quick.