F3 Knoxville

The Dragon King of Sufferlandria

THE SCENE: It was glorious! Like a perfect 60

20 SSH


The Dragon Strikes!

Each person rolls a d20. Write down each person’s number. 

Save a Villager – 15 min timer

  • Stay low – Murder Bunnie set distance
  • Dig your friend out of the rubble – 10 Grave Diggers
  • Repeat 
  • Write down each person’s tally next to their original number

Put out the fires – 10 min timer

  • Sprint the Full Grinder
  • 10 Hand Release Merkins (hands out to the side) saves 1 building
  • Repeat 
  • Write down each person’s tally next to their other numbers

At the end, how many more or less villagers or buildings were saved is +or- that many points to aid you in finding the dragon’s lair.

Find the Dragon’s Lair… 

Run to the top of the plateau of pain in the far north of Sufferlandria (We went to mt. crumpet)

Depending on everyone’s plus or minus from the previous rounds

  • + On save the villager means you run that many light posts and do that many burpees before running back to the 6 and then repeating
  • – On save the villager means you crawl that many light posts searching for clues before standing and running to the position of whomever is farthest along and then repeating

Note: We were only able to do this once because of time and how the dice rolls worked out. 


On the plateau of pain, the Dragon King of Sufferlandria attempts to wipe out our band of heroes. 

Total number rolled at the beginning (adding all D20 rolls) is the Dragon’s health bar. We need to get the bar down to 0 before time runs out (5 min before beat down ends). The second largest D20 roll is the dragon’s armor. You must roll above that number to damage the dragon. Example: The dragon has 10 armor, you roll a 12, you score 2 damage.

  • + On put out fires grants that many bonus points to your roll to strike a blow
  • – On put out the fires means that many additional reps to get to strike a blow

To strike a blow, you must first do

  • 20 mountain climbers (2ct) / 20 squats / then roll the D20

20 of a bunch of stuff. Flutter Kicks, Super Men, Calf Raisers, Pickle Pounders


In regular life, we also have dragons we have to fight. For me, it is the dragon of lust. Some days, it feels like I made a bad roll and have to fight a lot harder than it seems I should have to. Other days aren’t so bad, but then a single slip will burn me. I’ve found that the key is to keep fighting and to trust God for the victory He has already won. I’ve also found that it’s important to battle our dragons together, and it’s pretty hard to battle dragons that no one else knows about. So I encourage you to name your dragons, to call for aid, and to KEEP FIGHTING!!!


Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Chariot Dice – Zelda Edition

THE SCENE: a comfy 58 with clear skys

20 SSH
8 stations set up in an ovel. This is the chariot track. Each charioteer gets 2 dice to represent their two horses. Roll the dice and do that number of reps. Only advance to the next square when you roll doubles. When you roll doubles, do double the number of reps shown, gallop to the pull-up bars, do 5 pull-ups, gallop back and star rolling for the next exorcise. Use this album to set the zelda adventure quest vibes https://open.spotify.com/album/1k2WWlWmP2bCDNQhsN8ofh?si=XgTCxbj2SfGY8qNChSlZuA&utm_source=copy-link

Stations were

  • Box jumps
  • Good mornings
  • Flutter kicks
  • Mekins
  • Lunges
  • BBS
  • Bench Walkers
  • Squats

20 Sword slash sit-ups
Read the verse below about God’s sovereignty. I would think if I really believed God is sovereign, I wouldn’t worry so much. And I also think I would find more assurance and comfort in following Christ’s example and become a servant of those around me.
Who does majesty, glory, and power belong to?
Who is righteous in all His ways and never wrong?
Who is God? Sovereign
Who is awesome?
Who do all men depend on for life and breath?
The author of life and death
The often overlooked but still He’s all-seeing, all-knowing
Holding all creation in its place, the God of wrath and grace
The one who could crush every idol man would rather chase
And leads men to the narrow gate, through these crooked paths we navigate
This world exists cause You’ve commanded it
So is Your hand in it?
Or have you handed it over to man and turned away and abandoned it?
Did you try your best and then left man to handle the rest?
Will your plans find success or should we second guess
When world leaders are deceivers, eager to puff their chests?
Is life a game of chess? Do you have these kings in check?
With so much evil how can we believe you’re good?
But I finally understood when I saw that man nailed to wood
Would like to play two hand touch football on the 24th if we can get enough people to commit to coming to the beatdown. Maybe bring the young men out too?

Not much running

THE SCENE: Fall has arrived

Cherry pickers and imperial squat walkers
A little work on the grinder, let Nguni between light poles with increasing reps (Merkins, Curls, Skull Crushers, etc)

Mosey, stopping every 5 mins to do PAX roulette. Rep counts started at 10 then up up to 60 and back down again. 4ct monkey jumpers turned out to be a crowd pleaser. Thanks Woodshack.

Pax roulette ab work.
approach the challenges you face daily by taking the first step to overcome them instead of getting bogged down by the magnitude of the whole problem
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.

keep your eye out for a date for a work day at drifters house!

Just a few merkins

THE SCENE: a farmer’s rain. Slow and steady.

Little baby arm circles. SSH. Peter Parkers.
Using the full upper loop, run 5 light poles, do 5 merkins and 5 LBCs. Run 5 more and do 10. Keep running 5 light poles and increase by 5 each time. Go all the way to 50.

Finished up with a couple victory laps on the full upper and lower loops

Stuck with 50 for each of the following. Flutter kicks. Side crunch L&R. Crossing side crunch L&R.
2 Pax
It was a bit of a small crowd since Hydrant had to leave early. But was thinking about the difference between goals and momentum. I feel like I don’t have a lot of specific goals in my life at the moment (aside from major house reno), but I do have a lot of good momentum on many positive life habits. I think that momentum is really important for times like this. And it’s always easier to maintain current momentum than trying to ramp back up to activity after a lull.
Might be a demo day at my house soon!

A Sweet Murder Mystery Chicken Finger Workout

THE SCENE: Low 60’s.

SSH x 10.

LBAC X 10 (forwards and backwards)

Cherry pickers x 8
Staying on the grinder, we have 5 stations with a set amount of reps. Overhead carry to each station, then do increasing laps in a lengthened seabiscuit type work out.

  • Curls x 20.
  • Skullcrushers x 20.
  • Thrusters x 20.
  • BBS with a CMU hammer type twist x 20.
  • Goblet squat x 20.
  • Run a lap.

Overhead press and curls for time.

Recently I saw a video online of a bullrider at a rodeo. Not long after he was out of the chute, the bull pitched forward and the bullrider slapped his head on the horns and was knocked off and unconscious. The clowns tried to keep the bull distracted for a while, but once it turned to go back to the defenseless rider, a man ran out layed down on the bullrider, and hugged him to protect him from further harm. As I researched further, I learned that the man that protected the bullrider was the guy’s father. That is biblical, sacrificial, F3 manly type love. It was a love that would willingly put itself in harm’s way for the defense of another. I used that illustration in my Sunday sermon. Earlier this week, I had one of those moments where I completely blew it with my son. I got super-frustrated, and lost my cool, and did all the things a Dad shouldn’t do. Once I had calmed down and realized how stupid I was being, I was just sitting in a recliner holding my boy. A thought occurred to me in that moment. Instead of being the dad that protected that boy from the bull, when I let my anger go, I became the bull that tried to stomp my son. Realizing this, I just was reminded of Ephesians 6:4, “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.”
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.