F3 Knoxville

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THE SCENE: Dark, wet, a bit rainy and lower 50’s

SSH x 20, Baby Arm Circles x 15 forwards and 15 backwards + 15 shoulder taps, Little of This and That, Michael Phelps, Cherry Pickers x 5, Imperial Walkers x 10
This workout was done with a basketball. Everywhere we went we ran Indian Runs, passing the ball to the person behind us and when the ball made it to the back of the line whoever had it would run to the run and start passing it back again. If the ball touched the ground at anytime, even during exercise, we all had to stop and do 5 burpees

  • Amphitheater: 2 laps of snaking the stairs. 1st lap we did 10 Big Boy Sit ups at the bottom of each staircase and 10 Merkins at the top. 2nd lap we did 10 Dips at the bottom and 10 Sumo Squats at the top
  • Min Kao Bridge: We lunged across the bridge, stopping 3 times to do 15 Carolina Dry Docks each time
  • Bottom of the Hill: 25 Incline Merkins, 25 Little Baby Crunches, 25 Squats and run up the steps to Ayers
  • Outside Ayers: We made a big circle on our 6’s and passed the ball around. Each time someone caught the ball they had to lead everyone in 5 reps of an exercise. We did 2 rounds and you couldn’t pass to the people next to you or the person who just passed to you and went until everyone had caught the ball. 1st round was American Hammers and 2nd round was Flutterkicks
  • Student Union Bridge: We played Bearcrawl Ball. We formed 2 teams and essentially played soccer with our hands while bearcrawling
  • Long Mosey back to AO


During this time of year we often take time to think about things we want to improve on, do more of, become better at, or start doing all together. I encouraged us to also consider where in our lives we can dial back, spend less time, less energy, or less money, in order to make room for the things we value or to just make more room in our schedules in general. Last night I read that the average audio book collection of the entire Bible clocks in at 71 hours, which is also less time than the average American spends in one month watching TV. So what are somethings, like TV, phone, social media, etc. that we could be spending less time on in order to make room for the things we value most?
2nd F New Year’s Party was moved to the 10th

Working(out) Through Genesis

THE SCENE: In the beginning, it was 45 degrees and slightly raining. And it was good.

SSH x 25, Baby Arm Circles x 20 forwards and 20 backwards, Shoulder Taps x 20, Cherry Pickers x 10, Mosey to Amphitheater
This whole workout revolved around the story of the book of Genesis

  • In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and everything in them. Then He made man in is own image. So we did 25 man makers
  • Then after Creation, the serpent deceived Adam and Eve, leading to the fall of man. So we did Cobra merkins in a Ring of Fire (each person did 5 reps while everyone else held a plank. we did 3 rounds around the circle)
  • After the Fall, mankind continued on its downward spiral of sin, eventually leading to God seeing that the intentions of their hearts were always evil and leading to the flood. God preserves life through Noah and his family and by gathering 2 of every animal to stay on the ark. We didn’t have an ark so we settled for Boat Canoes. Similar to the Cobras, we did this by going around the circle and each of us took a turn calling out Boat and Canoe
  • After the flood, several generations later, God calls Abraham and tells him that he will be father to a great nation that will bless all other nations. God also tells Abraham to go and leave his father’s homeland and go to the land He has promised for his descendants. So we moseyed to Ayres Hall aka the Promised Land
  • After much travel and even more waiting, Abraham finally has a son named Isaac. Years later, God calls Abraham to climb a mountain and sacrifice his only son Isaac at the top, but then provides a ram to take Isaac’s place. So at the bottom of The Hill we did 25 4-count Mountain Climbers and then sprinted up the stairs to the top of The Hill
  • After this Isaac has two sons, Esau and Jacob. Jacob tricks Isaac into giving him Esau’s blessing, leading to Esau threatening to kill Jacob and to Jacob fleeing into exile. While in exile, Jacob marries Leah and Rachel, and has a literal metric ton of children. So we did Pickle Pounders, also in a Ring of Fire. Each person did 10 reps while everyone else held a plank, we did 3 rounds total
  • After years in exile and building up his own family, God tells Jacob to return to his family and his father’s land, so we began to Mosey back to World’s Fair Park
  • Along the way back to Esau, Jacob has an encounter with God where the wrestle through the night and he is renamed to Israel, meaning “wrestles with God”. So we did Sumo Wrestler Squats in a Ring of Fire at the bottom of The Hill. Each person did 5 reps while everyone else held an Al Gore. We did 3 rounds
  • Esau and Jacob reconcile with one another, rebuilding the bridges Jacob burnt. Then years later his sons sell their brother Joseph into slavery in Egypt. Joseph ends up through circumstances as Pharoah’s right hand man after years in slavery and prison. Years later famine brings Jacob’s sons to Egypt to ask for aid from none other than Joseph. Joseph and his brothers are also reconciled, rebuilding the bridges they burnt years ago. So we did American Hammers and Bear Crawls on the bridge in front of the Hill. We partnered up, one partner Bear Crawled across the bridge and ran back while the other partner did American Hammers, then switched. We did 3 rounds of this
  • After reconciliation with his brothers, Joseph invites his family to live together in Egypt to endure the famine. Genesis then ends on a happy high note of encouragement with the eventual death of Jacob, Joseph and his brothers. So at the parking lot across from campus we did suicides. Each run had an exercise at the far end of the lot and at the beginning when we ran back, and each set was a shorter run and different exercises. Set 1: 10 merkins out and 10 Big Boy Sit ups back, Set 2: 10 Carolina Dry Docks out and 10 American Hammers back, Set 3: 15 Cobras out and 15 squats back, Set 4: 15 Wide Out merkins out and 15 Smurf Jacks back, Set 5: 15 Man Makers out and 15 BBS back
  • Then we moseyed back to the fountains

Did some Ring of Fire with merkins and squats to kill some left over time
The reason I thought to revolve our workout around Genesis was for 2 things: 1. We just finished studying it in the ministry I work for and 2. Someone at my church while preaching about Advent said the Church Calendar was originally designed to help us orient our lives around the story of Scripture. I think we have a tendency to do just the opposite, we’d rather try to take Scripture and God and try to orient them around our story. So just as we oriented our workout around the story of Genesis, during this Advent season let’s think of ways in which we can place ourselves into the story of God rather than try to put Him into our own stories