F3 Knoxville

Shoulder day with coupons

THE SCENE: A little cool but overall perfect weather

Welcome to F3 (Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith).  I’m not a professional and you are here on your own volition.  Push yourself but don’t hurt yourself.

SSH x 15 IC

Baby arm circles x 15 IC forward and reverse

Overhead claps x 15 IC

Shoulder taps x 15 IC

Tempo Squats x 15 IC

  • Mosey to coupon pile at the L&N Academy, pick your favorite and mosey to sidewalk across from field
  • Curl, press, tricep, lower with arms extended = 1 rep
    • 30 reps then run to other end of building for 2 burpees
    • 25 reps, run, 2 burpees
    • 20 reps, and so on until finish with 5 reps
  • Walk to the Big Ball with coupons periodically over head
  • At the bottom of the stairs – 30 rows with coupons – with coupons go to top of the stairs for 30 squats
  • Back down for 20 reps, back up for 20 reps
  • 10 reps at the bottom, 10 reps at the top
  • Walk with coupons to stage.
    • Horizontal press x 30
    • Flutter kicks with coupons over head x 20
    • Horizontal press x 30
    • LBC’s with coupons x 20
    • Horizontal press x 30
  • Mosey back to coupon pile to return coupons.
  • Mosey back to AO.


Duggar, Abort, Java, Drive Thru, G-6, Postman, Livestrong
There is a lot of fear and anxiousness going around these days.  Remember Phil. 4:6-7 “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Congratulations to Abort, Swanson, and Trowel for representing the Big Ball well at Hardship Hill

The Not-So-Merry-Go-Round

THE SCENE: 60’s, clear skies, a little damp from yesterdays rain

Static stretching, Tempo Squats, Hill Billies
Moseyed over to the field behind the amphitheater with the paved walkway around it, then got into partners with someone who would push you but not lap you or be lapped. Here we had 8 stations, 4 corners and 4 cones (1 between each corner). Each had a different workout assigned to it. Pairs rotated around the stations by completing the exercises, running a lap around the field, and then moving on to the next. Here are the exercises at each station:

  • Toe-Tap-Merkin Bearcrawls forward and backwards across the large paved section
  • Monkey Jumpers across the field then duck walk back
  • 50 x Cobras, 25 x Carolina Dry Docks, 10 x Walkout merkins
  • 100 x BBS
  • 25 x Hand-Release-Release Merkins, 25 x standard Merkins
  • Murder Bunnies across the field and Overhead Carries back
  • 25 x Standing Shoulder Taps, 25 x Plank Shoulder Taps
  • 20 x American Hammers, 20 x Flutterkicks, 20 x Freddie Mercurys, 20 x LBCs


Shared the story of Robert McCherye, who was a 19th century minister who was just as well known for his faith as he was for being a workaholic. He died of cardiac arrest at 29 and on his death bed wrote “God gave me a message to deliver and a horse to ride on. Alas, I have killed the horse and now I cannot deliver the message.” I think we tend to acknowledge that rest is worthwhile but are still reluctant to take the time needed for it. Sometimes it makes us feel weak or like we’re wasting our time. When Jesus was confronted about working on the Sabbath He said that man was not made for the Sabbath but the Sabbath for man. It’s easy to walk away from that saying “OK, Jesus said its fine for me not to rest”, but rather we should hear that and acknowledge that if the Sabbath was made specifically for us then it must be worthwhile. So let’s seek out rest wherever we need it, whether that be physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually
Hardship Hill next weekend

Who Wears Short Shorts – Steam Wears Short Shorts

[ The Scene ]

CHILLY – Finally.

  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith
  • My name is Steam and I’m honored to be in your company and be your Q this morning
  • FNGs? – Yeah, 1 (Thanks G-6)
  • Couple of things before we begin:
    • (1) Contrary to popular belief I am not a professional
    • (2) You’re here on your own volition
    • (3) If you need to modify anything we do this morning – feel free to do so as you need but push yourself and those around you.
      • No man left behind – no man left the same
  • COVID measures are still in place so as much as you can let’s try and keep 6ft if possible.

[ Warm-o-Rama ]

  • If you have keys or anything you need to throw in the ruck now would be the time to do it – I’ll also have water, some medical gear and my phone.
  • Here we go – let’s mosey


Did some warm-up Xs while we were waiting on Cheatsheet – got the blood flowing

[ The Thang ]

(Mosey to the track)

(2) Warm-Up Laps

  • SSH: 10 x1

Take a lap

  • Cherry-Pickers: 5 x 1

Take a lap

(Mosey to stream across tracks)

(3) Rockin’ Down the Stream

  • Pick a rock, any rock
  • 50 curls
    • Walk (rock overhead) to the end
  • 50 curls
    • Walk (rock overhead) back to the stairs — 10 merkins 
  • 50 rock presses
    • Walk (rock above head)
  • 50 rock presses
    • Walk (rock overhead) back to the stairs — 10 merkins
  • 30 rock rows
    • Walk (rock on 1 shoulder) to the end 
  • 30 rock rows
    • Walk (rock on other shoulders) back to the stairs — 5 merkins
  • 30 rock squats
    • Walk (bear hug rock) to the end 
  • 30 rock squats
    • Walk (bear hug rock) back to the stairs — 3 merkins
  • 10 rock triceps
    • Walk (rock overhead) to the end
  • 10 rock triceps
    • Walk (rock bearhug) back to stairs — 1 merkin

(Put back rocks)

PAX hold the Al Gore position and just listen. Simply listen. To the sound of the brook running below, the world waking up, etc. No matter what comes at you today, no matter what happens this week – take in THIS moment. Just listen to the simplicity of creation.

(Mosey back to AO)

  • hit track lap on the way back — same exercises as 1st time + 2 laps 
  • Hit 9-square up on the way back 
    • Under bridge — 9 squares = 9 burpees to get across

BTTW (Balls To The Wall) back to the AO (100 or so meters)

[ Mary ]

  • 5 slow flutter kicks
  • 5 slow American hammers
  • 5 slow Little LBCs
  • 5 slow hello dolly’s

Light stretching Xs

[ COT ]

  • # off — 10
  • Name o Rama
  • FNGs — 1 = Roadkill
  • BOM

Encouragement from a “It Could Always Be Worse” GORUCK patch

THIS is a great patch. What a good reminder – It COULD Always Be Worse.

You woke up this morning by nothing of your own doing. Breath was put in your lungs. You have vitality in your bones to do something like F3. Physical health.

When it feels really dark – tell yourself “It Could Always Be Worse” and put one foot in front of the other.

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has no enough trouble of its own.”‭ — Matthew‬ ‭6:34‬ ‭

TODAY is a good day to have a good day. Focus in on today. Also let’s talk about this word “trouble.” I want to challenge us to reframe this word.

“Trouble” — trouble for the kingdom of Hell. There is a very real enemy that seeks to kill, steal, and destroy. So when we do things like F3 and gather together to strengthen each other in prayer and as High Impact Men – this causes trouble for the enemy. Let’s cause some trouble for the enemy this week by what we say, what we do, and how we live our lives as HIM. 

BE ENCOURAGED! (1) It Could Always Be Worse and (2) It’s A Good Day To Have A Good Day

The Amazing Race: Big Ball Edition (Soot Co-Q)

THE SCENE: Lower to Mid 60’s, partly cloudy. Couldn’t ask for better weather!

SSH, Arm Circles, Imperial Walkers, This and That, Tempo Squats
We divided everyone into two teams for an Amazing Race style workout. Each team was given a clue, then had to decide what landmark that clue was hinting at. If the team went to the right location, Soot or I would tell them the workout for that spot. The first team to hit each location and finish each workout won. A few bonus rules: bear crawl every bridge, 1 burpee at each landing or top of each staircase, and bernie up every hill. Each team went in opposite orders, I led one clockwise while Soot led the other counter-clockwise. Here are the clues, locations, and exercises:

  • “It rises in the morning, but never gets out of bed” – The Sunsphere – Here we did 7’s between the edge of the water and the base of the sunsphere with Smurf Jacks and Star Jacks
  • “Here you might enjoy a nice view of the river, but you won’t enjoy the dense new additions to your team” – The Rockpile – Here we did 30 reps of Thrusters, Tricep Extensions, Curls and Front Raises
  • “The crown jewel of UT’s campus. The hallowed high ground” – The Hill – Here we lined up at the flag pole and did flutterkicks while one at a time each of us bear crawled around the flag pole
  • “Floors of empty spaces” – 11th Street Garage – Here we did the following in all 4 corners of the garage: 15 reps of Merkins, Squats, LBCs, Mountain Climbers (2ct)
  • “It’s almost time for our show to end, so be sure to grab your seats” – The Amphitheater – Here we just did 50 inverted rows
  • “End our race with a world tour and a splash” – The AO – Here we did a kind of inverted Indian Run. While running in line around the fountain, the person in front would do burpees until the rest of the team caught up, then the next person would pick up where they left off and the first person would go to the end of the line. The first team to a total of 200 burpees won.

The race ended just before 8am with our team reaching 200 burpees while Soot’s team was only 3 burpees behind

Abort led us in an ATM cash out
Soot led the word talking about how he and I met his junior year of college when he went to visit a campus ministry that I work for called the Navigators. After meeting we got lunch a couple times and eventually started meeting on a weekly basis for discipleship. After graduating, Soot and I have maintained that relationship, although we no longer meet as often, and Soot has gone on to lead his own Bible study and invest in guys the same way I invested in him. Also, Soot was the guy who first got me to come out to F3. After a lot of tip toeing in the shallow end, I eventually became more involved with F3 here and have also brought a few other FNG’s in along the way.

We shared all this for a few reasons. One being the importance of relationships and community. Soot and I have maintained our relationship with one another even in busy seasons, when he was deployed in Kuwait, and now as he moves from CO to NC. The second being you never realize how far a simple invitation will go. I invited Soot to grab lunch, which led to a mentoring relationship, which led to Soot mentoring others as well. Soot invited me to a workout, which led to me being more involved here with Big Ball and the Quacken, which also led to me inviting others to workouts. These relationships we have and the invitations we extend to others are important, and we never know how far they’ll end up going.

Hardship Hill is coming up

Rain Plans

THE SCENE: Lower 70’s, started with a drizzle ended with a downpour

SSH, Arm Circles, Shoulder Taps, Tempo Squats, Rockettes
Went to the coupon pile by L&N and got ourselves a brick. Moseyed with our bricks over to the 11th street garage. Here we had 4 cones spaced out on the opposite end of the garage. We did suicides, running to the 1st cone and back, then to the 2nd cone and 1st cone and back, and so on til we hit all 4. Each cone had an exercise assigned to it.

  • Round 1 (with our rocks): Cone 1= 15 curls, 2= 15 tricep extensions, 3= 15 shoulder presses, 4= 15 goblet squats
  • Round 2 (without our rocks): Cone 1= 15 LBCs, 2= 15 Merkins, 3= 15 American Hammers (4ct.), 4= 15 Hand Release Merkins
  • Intermission: Took a break from suicides with 1 minute wall sits, 5 reps of slow merkins, then another minute of wall sits and 5 more reps of slow merkins
  • Rinse and Repeat: We did all the above one more time through

Ran back to under the bridge, did some flutterkicks and grasshoppers, ended with the word there and then took our rocks back

Mr. Wedgie talked about being a bit of an overplanner at the Quacken yesterday. I had been reading Proverbs earlier and one of my favorite verses that Wedgie reminded me of is “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps” (Prov. 16:9) I think this can often sound like “My plans are useless because at the end of the day God decides what happens”, but the accurate way to hear this is “my plans succeed because the Lord allows them to”. My campus ministry has made all sorts of plans to accommodate for the restrictions on campus in order for us to continue to minister to UT students, but at any point in the future we could be told to limit our numbers even more, to no longer meet on or near campus, or that we aren’t even allowed to come to campus at all. So right now we’ve been spending a lot of time praying about and reminding ourselves that our plans are worth pursuing, but that should our plans change we should be content and remember that the Lord is still sovereign. So I encouraged all of us to continue to put effort and thought into our plans, but to hold onto them open handed and be willing to see them change