F3 Knoxville

Circle the Wagon

THE SCENE: Crisp, clear, and cool.

  • Michael Phelps IC x10
  • Big Arm Circles IC x10
  • Mosey 2 laps around the parking lot.


Circuit. AMRAP 5 Minutes.

  • Round 1:
    • Calf Raises x20
    • Lunges x20
    • Run lap around parking lot.
  • Round 2:
    • LBC x20
    • Sundial x20
    • Run lap around parking lot.

Mosey to new, big parking lot.

  • Do exercise at every light pole on the outside of the parking lot. When you make it a full lap, do burpees until everyone gets back.
  • Round 1: Squats x10
  • Round 2: Merkins x(Pick your own poison)

Mosey to base of Cardiac Hill via new path. LBCs and American Hammers along the way to keep up the good cheer.

Cardiac Hill.

  • Sprint to first turn.
  • Merkins x10
  • Sprint to second turn.
  • Squats x10-20
  • Sprint to top.
  • LBC x20.
  • Mosey back down. Rinse and Repeat.
  • Lead group began doing lunges up Cardiac Hill on the 3rd ascent, picking up the PAX along the way. Then back to the (absent) flag.

PAX: 22. Smallmouth, Fabio, Coolio, Cheatsheet, Leonardo, Cherry Picker, Walkabout, Mr. Ed, Pusher, Expedia, Charmin, Crablegs, Snitch, High Heels, Umbro, Waffle House, Rainbow, Bunny, Rascal, +2 early departures

FNG: Compost (Forgot to get his contact info! Umbro, can you hook us up? Or Compost, just keep coming, ok?)


Mr. Ed has a torn ACL. It’s been torn for 5 years (what?). Surgery is scheduled for December. YHC felt that was too long to wait. This PAX prayed for complete healing NOW. Cause that’s what a Good Father wants to do for His boys.

I woke up late. Didn’t have a good plan the workout. Felt scattered. Didn’t have a good WORD ready for the COT. Then Mr. Ed shared about his ACL being torn and the upcoming surgery and asked that we pray for a quick recovery…after surgery. BOOM. It hit me. “There it is. Here’s the moment. Stop feeling guilty about not having something ‘prepared’ and STAY PREPARED to live freely in the moment.” I was immediately convinced this was no accident. “Mr. Ed, yeah, we’re going to pray for a quick recovery. But not for a quick recovery two months from now. We’re going to ask our Good Father for a quick recovery NOW.” A Good Father doesn’t give his boys snakes when they ask for bread. So, Father, sure, we’ll give you glory if you want to slowly heal Mr. Ed’s ACL post surgery. But we would much rather brag about how You healed Mr. Ed’s ACL without surgery.

Christian Brothers Automotive (https://www.cbac.com/knoxville/?L=true) are providing free oil changes to single moms. Contact for more details: (865) 270-6588.


Everest Circuits

Crisp and cool

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Michael Phelps IC x10
Windmills IC x10
Imperial Walker IC x15
Mountain Climbers IC x15
Plank Jacks IC x15
The Elvis Special IC x3 (From Plank, right hand up, right foot up, right foot down, right hand down, 2 merkins, repeat on left side)

Mosey to Everest.
Audibles along the way to keep the PAX nice and tight­–and as a preview of what was to come: 20 LBS, 10 merkins, 10 squats

Circuit at the first light pole at the base of Everest.
Go for time: 5 minutes per round. Each round, drop 5 reps from each exercise. Start with 20 reps.

Round 1:

  1. LBS x20, then slow mosey to next light pole.
  2. Merkin x20, then slow mosey to next light pole.
  3. Squats x20, then SPRINT up Everest.
  4. Slow mosey back to 1st light pole.

Rinse and repeat for 5 minutes. Then 1 minute recovery. (The “1 minute recovery” turned into “Dealer’s Choice core work.”)

Round 2: Same as above, but x15 reps/exercise. Rinse and repeat for 5 minutes. Then 1 minute recovery. Challenge: try to complete the same number of laps as previous round.

Round 3: Same as above, but x10 reps/exercise. Rinse and repeat for 5 minutes. Then 1 minute recovery. Challenge: try to complete the same number of laps as previous round.

Audibles along the way to keep the PAX nice and tight: Al Gores, Lunges, Burpees.

LBS OYO x20 with Boat/Canoe at the end
Sun Dials OYO x20 with Boat/Canoe at the end
V-ups OYO x10 with Boat/Canoe at the end

CountaRama, Name-a-Rama, BOM.

Train yourself to be obedient. The Father has good things in store for us. He wants you to be a part of the work He’s doing in the world.

The Power of Three

68 and Muggy

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

– SSH 25x (IC)
– Side Lunges 10x each leg(IC)
– Burpees x10 OYO
– Dive Bombers 15x (IC)
– Arm Circles Forward 15x (IC)
– Arm Circles Backward 15x (IC)
– Burpees x10 OYO

Divide into 3 groups and mosey with your group to the specified area…
– Group 1: w/Woodshack to flag pole / pavilion area
– Group 2: w/Pfiffer to hill near parking lot
– Group 3: w/me (Cap’n Crunch) stay in parking lot

Group 1
Circuit Circus
Divide up and head to 5 Stations (in the pavilion area).  PAX perform the prescribed exercises at the station and then move clockwise to the next station.  Continue rotating until time is up.
– S1: 10 Burpees & 20 Reverse Pickle Pounders
– S2: 15 Superman Swims &20 4ct Flutter Kicks
– S3: 10 Chin-ups & 20 Prisoner Squats
– S4: LCS Shuttle (Lunge to 1st cone, Bear Crawl back to 2nd cone, Sprint to 3rdcone and back)
– S5: 20 Derkins & 20 Let Me Ups

When relieved by Group 3, gather together and mosey to the hill.

Group 2
CMU Back Blaster
Get with a Battle Buddy.  Battle Buddy 1 runs to top of hill, does 3 burpees then back down.  Battle Buddy 2 does 1 of 3 exercises while Battle Buddy 1 is running.  When Battle Buddy 1 gets back they switch.  Do rotate through the three exercises and repeat until time ends.

– CMU Press
– CMU Swing
– CMU Bent Over Rows

When you see Group 3 move, gather together and mosey to parking lot.

Group 3
Partner with Battle Buddy of similar fitness level. There are six drills, each has an exercise to be completed on the spot and an exercise involving shuttle run of some type.  One Battle Buddy from each pair completes a shuttle while the other Battle Buddy completes the exercise on the spot. As soon as the shuttle is completed, tag your Battle Buddy and swap exercises.

Each drill will be 1:45 with 20 seconds rest in between each set.

Drill Shuttle Exercise Exercise at the Cone
1 Sprint x2 Diamond Merkins
2 Bear Crawl Star Jumps
3 Lunges Burpees
4 Sprint x2 Carolina Dry Docks
5 Bear crawl Squat Jumps
6 Lunges Burpees

When time is up, gather together and mosey to flag pole/pavilion area to relieve Group 1.

Groups rotate until time is up

Number off & Name-O-Rama

The opposite of manhood isn’t womanhood, it’s boyhood!  Our goal as HIMs is to always be moving forward own the road of maturity (RFP).  What F3 has taught me is that growth (physical, relational and spiritual) comes through challenge, consistency and comradery.

  • Physical: Take your DRP (Daily Red Pill)
    • Challenge – Get up and get out in the gloom!
    • Consistency – Daily
    • Comradery – the PAX
  • Relational: No lone ranger
    • Challenge – Reject passivity and engage with family, friends, co-workers and neighbors
    • Consistency – Daily
    • Comradery – the PAX
  • Spiritual: Luke 9:23, “And he said to all, ‘If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.’”
    • Challenge – Obedience and faithfulness
    • Consistency – Daily
    • Comradery – the PAX and Jesus himself (“follow me”)

This morning we had a special guest from a local news affiliate.  He came to do an online piece on F3.  He asked if I thought I could get a good sized group out on a Wednesday morning at 5:30am…61 PAX including 3 FNGs answered with a resounding “HELL YEA!”  For me, this sums up F3 Knoxville.  Over the pas 18 months this PAX has set the bar and then surpassed it when it comes to heart, passion, and dedication.  They work hard, play hard and always have each other’s six.  There is absolutely no questions…I’m a better man for being a part of this PAX, and Knoxville is a better city due to what these men are doing in each other.

Embrace the Suck

The scene : Pretty Dang nice out!

The Theme: Embrace the suck
Ratchet Effect x3
Hill Billys
Sumo squats x20
Narrow Squats x20
Mountain merkins x10
Surfees x10

MOSEY to the Playground for Leg ups/quad blasters 3 sets each leg x30

Mosey to the PAVALON for bench pull ups. while others are hanging leg/ab execersise in the dug out. Rinse and repeat 4 times x20 reps

Mosey back to the AO for Doracides.
100 merkins, 200 LBC, 300 squats P1 does reps while other does suicides with increaing burpees at each cone

Circle up for PAX choice. CONES OR MUSIC! Pax chose music. I get Knocked down. Do a burpee everytime the song says I get knoecked down, SSH between. TOtal of about 32 burps
As Shakespear once said “Let thee embrace me, sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course” = Embrace the Suck. Get out there and challenge yourself and push your self so you can change yourself for the better.

Full House Monday


  •  SSH x20 (IC)
  • Cherry Pickers 4 count x 15
  • Imperial Walkers 4 count x20
Mosey to field office for 10 Burpees on your own. ->Mosey to the soccer field some fun!
Groups of 3. Exercises on each touch line with 3rd man sprinting from one side to the other. Excercises:
Carolina Dry Docks
Sprint ->
Big Boys
<- Sprint
Plank Jacks
Flutter Kicks
Mosey to the paved hill that peaks at the Asylum
Repeat above exercises with the hill being your sprint. 
Mosey to back to the SP up for MARY


One round of ATM’s (15/10/10)
42 with one FNG
Romans 5:2-5
Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we[a] have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Through him we have also obtained access by faith[b] into this grace in which we stand, and we[c] rejoice[d] in hope of the glory of God. 3 Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, 4 and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, 5 and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.
Hebrews 5:7-10
In the days of his flesh, Jesus[a] offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to him who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverence. 8 Although he was a son, he learned obedience through what he suffered. 9 And being made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him, 10 being designated by God a high priest after the order of Melchizedek
Obiding through Suffering results in HOPE! Stay with the PAX and keep your head down. Iron sharpens iron. if you are suffering reach out to the PAX and ultimately God as He is the one that provides us Hope!