F3 Knoxville

Hey I want to show you something

AO: the-project
Q: Piston (Ralton Emory)
PAX: KickFlip (David Greer), Ocho (Matt Hudson), Erector (Jason Champion), Biohack (Andrew Ditmer), Mathlete (Jacob Platfoot), Papa Lock (Chris McCarthy), Comfort Zone (Colin Courtney), Tom Tom (Peter Thies), Piston (Ralton Emory), slappy (Nathan Evers), Rocket (dave weston)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: 10 SSH, 10 Tennessee Rocking Chairs, 5 Knoxville Cherry Pickers, 50 Chattanooga Cherry Pickers
THE THANG: Mosey to the project pile of CMUs.

Workout Consists of:
8 burpees
25 of a called exercise
9 merkins
25 of same called exercise
73 of a called exercise

Sets of 25 were:
Heavy Pickle Pointers
Chain Saws (alternate arms)
And Thrusters again

73 were:
Flutter kicks
Jocko leg raise (10 deg to 45deg)
Awkward Turtles
Flutter kicks (again)

After each set a 50 foot bear crawl.

Mosey RTB

MARY: No time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Ultimate Frisbee at Rampart Saturday
Proverbs 21:31 says,”“A horse is prepared for the day of battle, but victory comes from the Lord.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭21‬:‭31‬ ‭CSB‬‬

Block Dora

THE SCENE: Clear morning. Temperature ~68F

  • 12 Projectivators,
  • 5 Cherry Pickers
  • 15 Moroccan Night Clubs
  • 10 Tempo Squats
  • 10 Temp Merkins

Moseyed to blocks.

Set up as a Dora workout.  One person does the listed number of the first exercise before switching until they reach the number for the second exercise

  • Clean and Press Block – 20, Boxcutter – 200
  • Rows – 15 each arm, LBCs – 200
  • Curls x 30, Hold Wall Sit until other has completed then switch, 4 total
  • TRANSITION – Each Partner either does 10 pullups or 30 rockets
  • Squat Jumps – 30, Basilisks – 200
  • Dips – 20, Big Boys – 200
  • Lunge – 10 each leg, Hold Plank until other has completed then switch, 4 total
  • TRANSITION (See above
  • Repeat if necessary

Time for a little Mary at the End.  Participants called out who would give the next exercise.  Did Box cutters, LBCs, and Basilisks

Boxcutter also attended but doesn’t have tag yet
“My actions are my only true belonging.  I cannot escape the consequences of my actions.  My actions are the ground on which I stand.”  Ran across this quote.  Word addressed evaluating not what you feel you have done, but to look at what actions you have taken.  Thinking about something can often feel as real as taking the action itself.  So look back on what actions you have taken, not how much you feel you have done based on what you have been thinking about.  Ocho made the point that from this perspective, prayer is an action.
If a similar workout is redone, recommend reducing the numbers of Clean and Press to 10, Squat jumps to 15, and all 200’s to 100 or 150.  Two reasons.  First, the clean and press and squat jump winded people very fast and often they seemed to make this modification on their own.  Second, the workout was running long so had to have folks move through early.  Reduced counts would have it run closer to the expected time.
Q101 this weekend 8/19. Hosted at The Project but open to all F3 Knoxville

A retreat is coming up this fall at Doe River Gorge.  Spots are open.  Cost is $110.

Ultimate Frisbee OTB on Wednesday (8/16) went well.  Plan is to shift it to Saturdays, but since Q101 is next week, it will be on Wednesday again.

Threshold Work

Q: Erector (Jason Champion)
PAX: (Tooth Fairy) Dana Rust, Shrubbery, Full Tank, Wagon Wheel (John-Mark Chesney), Noodles (Brian Solmonson), Nadia (Aaron Jacques), 5K (Derren Burrell), Erector (Jason Champion), Fetch (Joel Moran)
FNGs: None

1.5 miles to the track
2 x 15 minute repeats at threshold pace. This is somewhere between 10k and half marathon effort. 3 minute recovery between repeats. Cooldown on the way back to JUCO.
I have a couple of questions to consider for the word today. Is it necessary to go to church to be a Christian? Should we show up each time the doors are open for a service at the building? Questions like these are often asked probably with an excuse in mind or a judgemental thought towards someone else. I once heard in a sermon that this question about attending worship services is the “wrong question”. The question should instead be something like “why don’t you want to be there?” It is about our attitude and where our heart is when deciding whether or not to go. The Bible teaches that we should assemble together to encourage each other and stimulate one another to love and good deeds (Heb. 10:19-25). We should want to assemble because Jesus died for us. He broke down the barrier that separated us from God. Worship is commanded, but God doesn’t need our worship. We need to worship! Desire to be there!

Saying No

AO: juco
Q: Guardrail (Brandon Brown)
PAX: Fetch (Joel Moran), elf, Wanderer (Dave Staab), (Tooth Fairy) Dana Rust, Butterknife, MC Fraud (Chris Trice), Lil’ Spice (Chad Crawford), Shrubbery, Data (Joey Tipton), 5K (Derren Burrell), Nadia (Aaron Jacques), Wagon Wheel (John-Mark Chesney), Cosmo, Erector (Jason Champion)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Windmills, Tempo Squats, Ti Chi Warrior, Cherry Pickers, SSH, Tempo Merkins
THE THANG: “Catch me if you can” run to the cmu pile with 1 partner bernie the other 3 burpees then catch the bernie guy and switch. 11’s with Thrusters and Pullups, Crab Bear soccer, fun with planks and the ball on the hill, Ring of fire
MARY: Dealers Choice
COT: The rod and reproof give wisdom,
but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother.
Proverbs 29:13
There is power in saying ‘No’, from experience I can tell you kids need to be told no.
But here is the thing. We need to be told no too.
The way Jesus speaks of this is to fast – he said his disciples will fast when he is gone.
We can increase our patience and our ability to wait well when we tell our stomachs no. Then other desires are not in control of us either.
So consider that Proverb again, realizing we are the child and we need correction.
Where are you getting correction from and are you willing to receive it?

Army-Marine Q Relief

AO: the-project
Q: Mathlete (Jacob Platfoot)
PAX: Borg (Mark McKeever), skewer, slappy (Nathan Evers), Erector (Jason Champion), Rocket (dave weston), Biohack (Andrew Ditmer), Comfort Zone (Colin Courtney), Duke (Anthony Kahn), OBrother (Luke Platfoot), Munge (Nathaniel Bond), Fire inthe Hole (Dave Duhamel), Piston (Ralton Emory), Outnumbered (Daniel Hildebrandt), Econoline (Joshua Middlebrook), Mathlete (Jacob Platfoot), Ocho (Matt Hudson)
FNGs: None
Projectivators, LBACs, Grady Corn, Chatty Cherry Pickers, Moroccan night clubs, tempo squats, tempo merkins, mountatin climbers
Mosey to the pool wall – 13 wall-ups
Mosey to the recruiting center, grab a brick and do 3 pull ups, whichever bar you pick, that’s your team
Head up to the theater steps. Each team has a mission to complete 12 sets of 25 reps of 10 exercises: Derkins, OHP, Curls, Tricep Ext, CMU Swings, Hvy Squats, Hvy Lunges, Hvy Hammers, Hvy Freddies, and Good Mornings. After each set, run up the steps and mark it on the score card.
Ended by time.
MARY: – No time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Biohack is the new AOQ!!! BFF at Quanken Saturday, Dad Camp the next week, Forg3 in September.
The Q source provides us with Leadership Competencies (Vision, Articulation, Persuasion, and Exhortation) and Virtues (Candor, Commitment, Consistency, Contentment, and Courage), but ahead of these things, there is a fundamental reality – Trust. Without Trust, there can be no Team, and without a Team there is no Leader. While Trust-worthiness might be guessed at by evaluating the other leadership traits, there is only one way to truly get Trust – the Stress Test. Trust only truly develops when a man stands with you under stress and does not give way. Though I could speak on Biohack’s leadership traits, what gives me greatest confidence in his success is the Trust that I have in him, having stood with me in many gaps and proven himself reliable. So it is with no hesitation that I step aside to give him the lead of this fine and flourishing AO.