F3 Knoxville

O @spotter Where Art Though

AO: juco
Q: Mailbox (Chip Keim)
PAX: Butterknife, Shrubbery, Mailbox (Chip Keim), Erector (Jason Champion), 5K (Derren Burrell), (Tooth Fairy) Dana Rust, Wanderer (Dave Staab), Windex, Full Tank, Wagon Wheel (John-Mark Chesney), Fetch (Joel Moran), Hall Pass
FNGs: None
The usual – SSH, reach for the sky, let it hang, tempo squats, tempo merkins
To keep the legend of @spotter alive (trying to keep his name from fading from the memories of the gloom). We brought back the Burpin Bernie back but went heavy with CMU work. Started with 10 Blockees, ran to first line – 1 Burpee and Bernie back, next 20 Heavy lunges, ran to second line – 2 Burpees and Bernie back. Worked way up to 30 Tri Extension, 40 goblet squats, 50 curls, 60 heavy LBC, 70 overhead press/rows, 80 heavy flutter, 90 bench press, 100 heavy Freddy
Had time for 30 box cutters


Talked about Joy and seeing things through glass half full lens despite trials and tribulations life throws our way. Mom’s health struggles and subsequent miracle recoveries and positive attitude through it all has been a blessing in many ways and a gut check as well when I can be frustrated or down despite much better circumstances. Thank you for prayers and checking in. Means a lot.

Metric 1 – July

AO: the-project
Q: KickFlip (David Greer)
PAX: Mathlete (Jacob Platfoot), Biohack (Andrew Ditmer), Rocket (dave weston), Ocho (Matt Hudson), skewer, slappy (Nathan Evers), Erector (Jason Champion), Borg (Mark McKeever), Munge (Nathaniel Bond), Tom Tom (Peter Thies), KickFlip (David Greer), Headshot
FNGs: None
• Tempo squats
• Rockettes
• OYO while I explain the workout

Metric Workout #1
30 minutes to get as many cumulative reps as you can. The following list of exercises are performed in sets of 25 reps. After completing each set of 25 reps, run 25 yards (6 parking spaces), do 2 burpees, and return for the next set. Here are the exercises:
• 150 curls
• 125 heavy squats
• 100 OHP
• 75 CMU swings
• 50 Thrusters
• 25 Blockees
When you finish the blockees, start over and push until the timer is up. Once through the circuit is 525 reps. How many cumulative reps?

Four Minutes of Funny. 4-minutes of plank. Each PAX tells a joke to keep us distracted.

F3 in the Nude. Shovelflag handoff. Ruck BFF. Dad’s Camp.

COT: Specific to relationships…Whatever it is that you feel inadequate in, be curious, be teachable, seek counsel and pro tips. Ask for guidance in the areas of your heart that you feel inadequate. You can learn pro tips to share emotions, deal with conflict in a healthy way, pray in a group – or whatever else you feel inadequate about doing when it comes to relationships.

Proverbs 14:15, “The simple believe anything, but the prudent give thought to their steps”.

Proverbs 12:15, The way of a fool is right in his own eyes,
But a wise man is he who listens to counsel”

Proverbs 19:20, “Listen to counsel and accept discipline,
That you may be wise the rest of your days.”

James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.”

Just Like the Prodigal Son, I’ve Returned

AO: juco
Q: Mermaid (Bradley Roberts)
PAX: 5K (Derren Burrell), Mailbox (Chip Keim), Erector (Jason Champion), elf, Waffles (Pedro Da Silva), (Tooth Fairy) Dana Rust, Full Tank, Butterknife, Booster (Les Fout), Data (Joey Tipton), Fetch (Joel Moran), Wanderer (Dave Staab), Base Salary, Cosmo, MessyHobbs, Windex, Guardrail (Brandon Brown), Mermaid (Bradley Roberts)
FNGs: None
SSH – 15
Baby Arm circles forward & backward -10
Arm Stretching
Cherry Pickers -3 (long and slow)
Two decks of cards. Find a battle buddy, draw a card and multiply the card value by 10, and split the exercises with you battle buddy, each doing half of the total. Once you complete the exercises, take a lap, draw a card and repeat.
The suit of the card determined the exercises.
Spades: Big Boys & Hello Dollies
Hearts: Merkins & Dips
Diamonds: Squats & Lunges
Clubs: Bench Press & Curls
Joker: 25 Thrusters each
ab exercise followed by 10 merkins for the last 5 minutes, we went through about 4 or 5 rounds
F3 in the Nude on Saturday at the Cove at 0700, ask Mermaid if you have questions
This is my 4 year anniversary of joining F3. We talked about the importance of using a back blast. I was able to recall from my first post 4 years ago the attendees, the workout and the message. Now that we have a new and improved back blast system, I would encourage everyone to record this data because it is important.

Legacy (You vs You Metric 1)

AO: juco
Q: Commission (Adam Wilson)
PAX: 5K (Derren Burrell), Base Salary, Booster (Les Fout), Commission (Adam Wilson), Data (Joey Tipton), Erector (Jason Champion), Fetch (Joel Moran), Guardrail (Brandon Brown), Waffles (Pedro Da Silva), Wanderer (Dave Staab), Windex, Shrubbery,Hall Pass,Messy Hobbs, Elf
FNGs: 1 Elf
Warm up
SSH x 25 (4 count)
Cherry pickers x 5 (4 count)
Tempo merkins x 10 (4 count)
Tempo squats x 10 (4 count)

The Thang:
Metric Workout #1
(Every man will need 1 CMU)

Set a timer for 30 minutes.
Complete as many cumulative reps as you can in that time.

The following list of exercises are performed in sets of 25 reps. After completing a set of 25 reps, put down your CMU, run 25 yards, do 2 burpees, return to your CMU, and continue.

Here are the exercises:

– 150 curls
– 125 heavy squats
– 100 OHP
– 75 CMU swings
– 50 Thrusters
– 25 Blockees
When you finish the Blockees, start back at the top with curls.

It will look like this:

25 curls → 25 yard run → 2 burpees → 25 yard run → 25 curls…repeat until 150 curls are finished, then switch to squats…etc.  

Once through the entire circuit is 525 reps (burpees do not count toward total).

How many cumulative reps can you complete?

Flutter kicks and snow angels while the 6 caught up to the group during the Nosey back to the flag.

Last Thursday I hosted the young professional group from church. There were approximately 28 of them in my home. I loved seeing the good time they were having and the depth of relationships between them because this is the group that my wife and I started 12 years ago and that we stepped out of 5 years ago. The group has had its share of struggles with participation since we left but it has great momentum now and will be a spiritual blessing to each of them as they age as well as to the church. I see it as a spiritual legacy for me.

3 John 1:4 ESV
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.

What is your legacy? What will you leave behind if anything? Will it be with family, work, history and or the church?