F3 Knoxville

Greed and an AMRAP

AO: the-project
Q: Erector
PAX: Biohack, Boy George, 3-Peat (Carlos Rodriguez), Ocho, Rocket, Mathlete, OBrother, Munge, Comfort Zone, Icey Hot, LeatherSquid, Erector
FNGs: None

15 SSH, 15 mountain climbers, 10 tempo merkins, 10 Moroccan Night Club, 10 tempo squats, 5 cherry pickers
Mosey towards the playground. There are 4 workout stations: playground, front of amphitheatre, courtyard, and pool wall. The following pairs of exercises were performed at the locations above, respectively: 25 merkins and 10 pull-ups; 25 LBCs and 25 flutter kicks (2-ct); 15 box jumps and 15 lunges each leg; and 10 wall-ups and 10 burpees. Repeat AMRAP!
pistol crunch and merkins ring of fire
2nd F lunch planned for Friday
In American, we are generally very blessed. Many have more than enough to live, and we often are always in pursuit of more. Life is more than riches and success. Let me share a passage with you to consider.
Luke 12:15-21
“Then He said to them, “Beware, and be on your guard against every form of greed; for not even when one has an abundance does his life consist of his possessions.” And He told them a parable, saying, “The land of a rich man was very productive. And he began reasoning to himself, saying, ‘What shall I do, since I have no place to store my crops?’ Then he said, ‘This is what I will do: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. And I will say to my soul, “Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years to come; take your ease, eat, drink and be merry.” ’ But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your soul is required of you; and now who will own what you have prepared?’ So is the man who stores up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.”

There is a lot that we can take from this passage, but I want to hone in on our pursuit of riches. This pursuit gets in the way of doing more important things like serving God and spending time with our families. True life isn’t about riches at all! Be on guard and don’t let greed rule your life.

Blocks and Form

AO: the-project
Q: OBrother
PAX: Ocho, Erector, Comfort Zone, 3-Peat (Carlos Rodriguez), Tom Tom, Munge, Papa Lock
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Tempo Squats, Moroccan Nightclubs, Projectivators, Cherry Pickers

THE THANG: Ran to the concrete blocks, started with some Good Mornings

Went through exercises explained the form and answered questions followed by a 1 minute work , 15 sec rest, 1 minute work, 15 sec rest, 1 minutes work of each exercise. Exercises done were:

Goblet Squat
Upright Row
Deadlift (with extra weight provided by Black Betty and John Henry to feel the form)

Run break for some Cardio between Row and Deadlift

COT: Discussion of Courtesy. I was a Boy Scout ages ago and I always wondered why the Scout Law listed that a Scout was both Courteous and Kind. Aren’t those the same thing. Now that I’m older, I see that Courtesy is how you treat someone and Kindness is why you treat someone that way. You can be courteous without being kind (see the Southernism ‘Bless your heart’) and kind without being courteous (Papalock used the example of the old man in the movie Gran Tarino). Courtesy helps people interact without misunderstandings. I used the example of the internet as an area where Courtesy can be lacking and it be source of contention and strife. Ocho pointed out that both Courtesy and kindness can be viewed as proceeding from viewing everyone as made in God’s image and worthy of that respect.

A walk in the park

AO: shamruck
Q: Mermaid
PAX: Betty, Eliza, Curry, Baby Boomer, Bed Wetter, Mermaid, Steam, Swifty, The Situation, Toretto, skewer, Tailhook, Erector, Shrubbery, Honeydew, Nadia (Aaron Jacques), Anchorman, Skidmark, Photograph
FNGs: 1 Photograph
Simple out and back ruck with 12 of us.
Tailhook had a solo workout going
Skidmark was doing IPC Week 2 on his own
Runners knocking out a 10k were Erector, Shrubbery, Nadia, Anchorman, & Honeydo

The COT was short and sweet. A verse from the Beatitudes in Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. (NIV) Or translated another way, Happy are people who are humble, because they will inherit the earth. (CEB)

All that to say, this is a behavior of Jesus, and modeling his role should be a goal for all of us.

[running] 1000s

AO: running
Q: Erector
PAX: 5K, Butterknife, Downhill (Chester Blessing), Fetch, Cosmo, Shrubbery, Wagon Wheel (John-Mark Chesney), Erector
FNGs: None

1.5 mile warm-up run to the track
1000m repeats with 400m recovery x5
cooldown run back to JUCO
COT: see JUCO backblast

GPS Art F3 Juco take 1

THE SCENE: 70° and comfortable

Get ups, tai chi warriors, Reach for the stars, Let it hang, Butt kicks, SSH, High Knees, Mountain climbers
A campus tour spelling “F3 Juco” as GPS ‘art’. At each turn there were excercises.
Starting with 10 SSH, then introducing some new excercises
Flip flop merkins, Shuttle run the lower bar of F
Bernie up to the top of the F twice, then 10 Gorilla Humpers (wide monkey)
Finish the F with a shuttle run to flutter till the 6 arrives.
Straight to the Railings for 20 underdogs
Draw the “3” with Hello Dolly, kick throughs and monkey humpers along the way.
Then to the top of the J to carry some of each others weight on a pole.
One legged SSH and “James Bond” made the U, the C was hand stand merkins (or burpees) and dips.
We finished the O with a rope run around a tree.

LBC is about all we had time for
Hebrews 12:1
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us

I want to focus on the word endurance. On a Wed, we have runners who know about endurance. I used to think of Endurance as just working hard and harder. But it is a lot more about pace than it is any one hard step.
Ask yourself, are you making forward progress?
Do you have a plan? Do you know where you are going?
Have you removed the sin in your life that weighs you down?

Your race is your race. Your journey to become more like Jesus is not identical to anyone else, but it is not meant to be done alone.
Get into a community of believers, find a Church home, F3 is great, but it is not a church.
A church needs all ages, men and women, worship, communion, baptism, giving, accountability and all the pains and joys that come along with all that.
Then make sure Jesus is your motivation, source of energy and Goal.
And consider your pace. Yes, take breaks but ensure forward progress. Guys who get up before 5 to work out tend to want to push hard, but don’t burn out.
And God gave us the gift of (warning, unpopular word) the Sabbath. It got abused in Jesus’ time, it gets forgotten entirely now, but Sabbath was made for man.
That weekly day of rest, change of pace and focus on worship and serving will allow you to Run the race.
Maybe you step back from formal serving for a season, but you still run the race – stay involved, make others a priority, show up, care , pray
Endure to the end.

F3 In the nude coming up July 29.