F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE:  40 degrees F, 69% humidity, dark with clear skies.

SSH, Inch worms

30 second planks: High, low, John Trivolta’s left and right, rear

Glute Marches

  • With two CMUs, one held high and the other low, perform reverse lunge to step up (5/leg).  After that perform single leg Romanian Dead Lifts (8/leg).  Do three total rounds and plank until all HIMs are complete.
  • Push – Pull Ladder:  8 to 1 pull ups or inverted pull ups, 16 to 2 merkins.
  • Four Rounds: 5x CMU Curtsy Squats, 4x Burpee broad jumps, 3x grinder laps.

20x Flutter kicks, 20x box cutters, 50x LBCs
11 HIMs including Spooks (Travis Elkins) from Fredericksburg, VA.
Jude 24-25:  Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever.  Amen.

This should be our reason for assurance and hope.  Live it.

Prayers for Fins mom (health) and for Espy’s family (death of his dad).
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

12 Daze

THE SCENE: 46 degrees F, 90% humidity,

Mosey to Mt. Crumpit with CMU gift in hand. From the base of Mt. Crumpit run to the first Daze and do the exercise with CMU.  Run back to base and do the first Home Base exercise.  Run to second Daze and do that exercise plus the first one.  Run back to base and perform second exercise. Continue till all 12 Daze are completed (all 12 are performed at the last Daze) and all Home Base is complete.

12 Daze

1x Roll Over Merkin (all sides)

2x Blockies

3x OH Squat Press

4x On the Shelf (4/side)

5x CMU Swings

6x Goblet Squats

7x Upright Rows

8x Triceps Extensions

9x Curls

10x Lawn Mowers (per arm)

11x Bent Rows

12x Dips


Home Base Exercises  (12x Each)

  1. Dry Docks
  2. Iron Mike Squats
  3. Body Builders
  4. WWII Situps
  5. Shoulder Taps (4 ct)
  6. Squat Jumps
  7. SSH (4 ct)
  8. Plank Jacks (4 ct)
  9. Box Cutters
  10. Merkins
  11. Flutter Kicks (4 ct)
  12. Mountain Climbers (4 ct)

(Note:  Most completed the first 10 or 11.  All were gathered together at the 12 Daze and completed the exercises in cadence before heading back to the AO.)
No time for Mary today.  Actually ran 4 minutes over time.
13 HIMs bearing CMU gifts
What does this time of year bring to your mind?  Past gatherings with family and friends? Reminders of favorite gifts received when you were young?  The excitement you had when you saw your wife or children open a special gift you gave them?  I certainly have those memories.

There is another memory I have and it comes to me every time I hear or sing Silent Night.  Back in the late ’60s and early ’70s, Bob Hope would take a USO show to the soldiers in Vietnam.  It was his way of bringing joy to a desperate place; his way of giving back to those who were giving so much for us back home. It was about two hours of comedy, song and dance, and beautiful women for the GIs to enjoy.  And did they ever enjoy the time.  The looks on their faces told it all.

As tradition had it, Bob Hope ended each show with clips from the several locations they visited.  That clip was a montage of the singing of Silent Night.  It was hard to keep the tears from flowing – from me or from the military personnel in the audiences.  It is a scene I will never forget.

All of this reminds me of the verse in Luke that captures the feelings of Mary on that first night of Jesus as a baby.  The shepherds had appeared at the manger and told Mary and Joseph all that the angels had told them about the child.  Luke 2:19 “But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart.”

We need to do the same. We need to ponder the beauty of God’s gift of His Son.  The gift that is our only way to everlasting life with God.  And if we haven’t done a good enough job of it, we need to provide those experiences with the ones we love so they can treasure up and ponder for years to come.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Breakfast at Drifter’s on Saturday, December 28th.

Red Line


 Just finished a light rain and 40

Squats , imperial walker , imp squat walker, merkins , all IC then jog down and back of the grinder
Deck of cards

  • 2-6 , sprint the grinder and do the number of pull ups according to the card, no matter the suit. Jog back to flip the next card
  • Spades- Iron squats ( jump lunge each leg, then one squat , thats one rep
  • Hearts -body builders
  • Diamonds -LBC on the 4 ct
  • clubs -flutters  on the 4 ct
  • Reps – 7-10 , do that many reps
  • face card were 15 reps and Aces were 20
  • jokers, dealers choice .. 10 burps and sprint the grinder (thanks to Sprockets ) and greatest merkin ever by Drifter
  • the bodybuilder and 4ct exercises , I picked or someone volunteered to lead the count . Always good so guys can practice cadence and go at their pace
  • named this post red line because we did close to 2.5 miles of sprints and jogs on the grinder making one big red line !

Lbcs 10

dollys x 10

never cross dolly x 10
10 pax including Wed Culbertson aka Sprockets from Charlotte
Focus on nutrition
Short—- we can workout until we are blue in the face but if you put crap in your body as fuel , the workout is all for not
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Bomb Biscuit

THE SCENE: Upper 20’s. Cold enough to make beard-cicles.

Slow-seyed the quarter mile loop.
We did a seabiscuit on the quarter mile loop.

10 burpees

20 merkins

30 squats

Up to 4 laps and back down.

3 rounds of:

20 BBS

20 4-ct flutters
8 brothers
Talked about truly minding your injuries. I ignored an injury from the end of summer and it has become debilitating to where I can’t do what I want to physically. Now I’m paying for it and it’ll take longer to heal.
Not enough time to finish the ‘biscuit but a couple of us got to the 3rd lap on the downside.

Checking In

THE SCENE: 33 degrees F, Partly Cloudy

SSH, Cherry Pickers, Inchworm Merkins, Little Baby Arm Circles

Jog across grinder, skip across grinder, bear crawl to CMU storage and claim one.


Mosey with your CMU on the Block Party circuit while stopping at the following 20 stations:

    • Bent rows x24
    • On the shelf x6 each side
    • CMU toe tap x67
    • Squats x24

    Road Block merkins, x18

    • Clean and press x12
    • Roll over merkins x6 each of 4 CMU ends

    Run to Springbrook fountain w/o CMU and then return to retreive CMU

    • Dead lift x6 per arm
    • Triceps extensions x12
    • Dips x24
    • Straight arm overhead lift x12
    • Upright rows x24
    • Burpee press x12

    Interlude: Mt Crumpet count off by 2’s.

    #1 run up, #2 farmer hold – switch.

    #1 Bernie up, #2 farmer hold – switch.

    #1 bear crawl up, #2 farmer hold – switch

    • Curls x24
    • CMU swing x12
    • Overhead press x12
    • Lawn mowers x12 per side
    • Squat press x12
    • Lunge to grinder with CMU

Box Cutters, Floor Wipers, Flutter Kicks, LBCs to cash out.
Total of 15 HIMs including Knoxville visitor Umbro.
When I first started with Alcoa, Inc in 1974 the Engineering and Maintenance Manager was Dick Taylor.  In his late 40’s, Dick was three levels of management above me and reported to the Operations Manager.  Dick was sharp, energetic, smart, confident, experienced, driven, and demanding.  He was also introverted.  Like many of us, we are often required to function out of our personality comfort zone.  Dick did and he did it well.

Dick had the habit of touring around the plants to maintain a pulse on things.  Often he would show up in an engineer’s office, say hello, and take a seat.  And he would be quite.  We have heard of the pregnant pause.  This seemed longer.  When it happened to me the first time, I was taken off guard.  What did he want?  Why was he in my office?  What should I do or say?

In short order I started telling Dick what I was into from a work perspective.  I talked about the projects that were consuming my time.  I asked for any advice he might have.  After that we might get into a little conversation about life things outside of Alcoa, Inc.  Dick used these impromptu meetings to touch base, to learn some details, to connect with his entire staff.  Over a period of 5 years, Dick probably stopped in 3 or 4 times.  Each one got easier and more beneficial to me.  Perhaps for Dick also.

Years later I looked back at the time spent with Dick and it hit me that this is a good way for me to spend time with God.  Instead of Dick sitting across the room from me, what if it was God that just came in and sat down.  I know, He was there all the time, just like He is here as I type this.  But the difference is that I act like He is in front of me.  There are certainly things I need to tell Him; not for His sake since He already knows it, but for my sake.  By telling Him, I can bounce things off of Him, ask Him for advice, and understand His will for me.  I need that kind of relationship with God and I know He wants that from me.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.