F3 Knoxville

CMUs, Sprints and Hills…

THE SCENE 74 and humid

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Forward arm circles x10 IC
Reverse arm circles x10 IC
Michael Phelps x10 OYO
Leg swings x10 each leg OYO
Plank Complex IC
Merkins x 10 4ct IC

CMUs on baseline. Get a BattleBuddy

//BattleBuddy. 3 minutes per round.
1. Farmer carry down and back + Box jump on curb
2. Weighted lunge down and back + split lunge
3. Sprint down and back+ CMU SSH

x10 Carolina Dry Docks IC

Grab CMU and mosey to base of New Hill (Along the way: 20 LB sit ups OYO. 20 American Hammers OYO)

Base of the New Hill…it’s a torturous hill and deserving of a terrible name.

//BattleBuddy: 3 minutes per round
1. Run up hill + Merkins
2. Run up hill + BBSU

Mosey with CMU to base of Everest

 //Everest+Deconstructed Burpees:
10 squats
10 merkins
10 leg thrusts
10 Merkins
10 squats…Then sprint up Everest
Rinse/repeat. AMRAP: 3 minutes

Plank combos while you wait for those on Everst

Mosey with CMU to the flag (LBSU, flutter kicks, etc while you wait for everyone to mosey back)

Number Off and Name O Rama

We were running a little behind so Elvis just prayed us out.

Sprints and Merkins

THE SCENE 65 and clear

F3 Welcome and disclaimer

Side straddle hop x25 IC
Burpies x10 OYO
Baby arm circles x10 IC
Michael Phelps x10 IC
4ct Squats x10 IC
Carolina Drydocks x10 IC

Start at one curb, sprint to opposite curb, fast walk back.
Rinse and repeat x10

Merkin Sprints
Sprint to far curb, 20 merkins.
Sprint back, 19 merkins.
Continue to sprint back and forth performing 1 less merkin until down to 1.

Mosey to cardiac hill

Cardiac Hill…Like a Beast
Bear crawl to first turn, perfrom20 merkins.
Bear crawl to second turn, perform 20 merkins.
Crab walk down to first turn perform 20 merkins.
Crab walk to bottom, perform 20 merkins.
Sprint up cardiac to benches, fast walk back to AO.

Tunnel of Love
Finish up with a little tunnel of love

Number off and Name-O-Roma: 29 PAX, 5 FNGs

Yes, in a tennis match love means “nothing”—–15-love, 30-love, 40-love. But to a Christian and a HIM (High Impact Man) love is everything. Jesus commands us to love one another. Sometimes this is not easy to love others who are not like us, don’t treat us well, or don’t believe the same as we do. Matthew 22:37 Jesus was asked which commandment was the greatest. He replied “love the Lord your God with all your heart, your soul, and your mind. And the second is like it, love your neighbor as yourself”. How do we love God with all our heart? Obey His commands, spend time in His word, spend time meditating and in prayer. How do we love our neighbor? Look for opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Just for today make the decision to be less selfish and more Christ-like—–encourage others, engage with those around you and help them however you can. Serve others, love on your wife and kids, love on your parents and friends—-love them well!!!!


The Basics…

72 and clear

Welcome and Disclaimer
COP (all IC)
Cherry Pickers x10
This Right Here x10 sec
That Right There x10 sec
BACF x10
BACR x10
Michael Phelps x10
Merkins x20

Mosey to coupon pile and grab two:


Coupon Work
Overhead press x20
Merkins x20
Chest Fly x20
Merkins x20
Alternating Curls x20
Merkins x20
Tricep Extensions x20
Merkins x20
Weighted Squats x20
Merkins x20
Return coupons

Indian run to concrete wall at parking spaces on middle road.

Wall Sit x60 sec

Mosey up stairs to top road, then down two hills. Grab a battle buddy


Doras up both hills: Merkins x10 at top; 275 combined BBS at bottom.

Mosey back to AO

MARY (all IC)
Hello Dolly x20
Flutter Kick x20
Lance Armstrong x20
Mountain Climbers x20
Pickle Pounders x 20
Merkins x10 OYO

Number off & Name-O-Rama

How can we help those around us? The people we know, that we don’t know, our families, people we see every day, people we’ve met for the first time: how can we lift them up? Well, just keep it simple, stupid and get back to the basics: encourage one another. Encourage in their struggles, in their strengths, hardships, celebrations. Something as small as “you’re doing a great job, keep it up” can make all the difference in someone’s day.

Support scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:9-11; Hebrews 3:12,13

The 12 PAX brought plenty of chatter with them to start off their Friday morning. Encouragement throughout the workout was present and very needed as we all struggled thinking of a total of 275 BBS at the end! Welcome Snowden! Looks like rain later in the day, glad we beat it and got better together.

Just Keep Moving…

73 and Foggy

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

SSH x30  (IC)
Toy Soldiers x10 (IC)
Windmill Merkins x10 each side (IC)
Diagonal Lunges x10 each side(IC)
Baby Arm Circles Forward x10 (IC)
Baby Arm Circles Backward x10 (IC)
Two laps around the parking lot

Mosey to flag pole near covered area.

Circuit Circus
Divide up and head to 5 Stations.
S1: 15 Burpees / 20 Reverse Pickle Pounders
S2: 20 Superman Swims/ 20 4ct Flutter Kicks
S3: 10 Chin-ups / 25 Prisoner Squats
S4: Shuttle Lunge/Crawl/Run  (lunge to 1st cone, bear crawl to 2nd cone, sprint back to start)
S5: 25 Derkins / 20 Let Me Ups

When you complete one station move to the next.  Rinse and repeat AMRAP in 22 min.

Abs and ATMs
ATMs (15 Shoulder Taps (4ct), 10 Tempo Merkins, 10 fast Merkins no rest between)

Hello Dolly x25
LBC x30
Side Crunches left x25
Side Crunches right x25


Number off and Name-O-Rama (12 PAX)

As men we are created to be life-givers, not life-takers.  YHC has found that over the last few weeks my desires have morphed into demands.  This has caused me to be judgemental with my family and led me to punish them when I don’t feel like they are performing up to snuff.  This also has the unexpected side-effect of making me feel hollow inside.  After reflecting with a mentor I realized that I was demanding my “rights” rather than fulfilling my responsibilities.  A sense of significance and purpose doesn’t come from getting what we want, but giving what others need.  This small shift has cause a major turn around.  Jesus meant it when he said it is in loosing our lives that we actually find it!

Small PAX this morning, but it was sweet time of pushing ourselves and each other.  It was nice to have a visitor from Columbia (Alter Boy)!  Thanks for stopping by brother…you are welcome any time.

Burpee Hills – Your Own Worst Enemy

73 and Clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

SSH x30
Cross body arm swings
Duck Walk (4 up/4back)
Lunge Complex
Plank Complex
Merkins x10 regular
Merkins x10 wide
LBSU x20

Grab CMU and mosey to base of New Hill (which needs a name…maybe The Wall?)

Plank while we wait + x10 merkins OYO

Burpee Hills
Get a BattleBuddy
One person runs up hill while other does burpees
5 minutes. AMRAP

Mosey with CMU to base of Everest

Everest+Deconstructed Burpees
Sprint up Everest
When back at start do the following (Deconstructed Burpees)
– 10 squats
– 10 leg thrusts
– 10 Merkins
– 10 leg thrusts…then up.
Rinse/repeat. AMRAP: 5 minutes

Plank+merkins while we wait for everyone to descend after time was up then x20 LBS IC

Mosey with CMU to the flag.  Burpees while we wait for everyone to return

Sprints + Burpee Jumps
Get with BattleBuddy:
One person sprints the length of parking lot while other does jumps over CMU, doing a burpee on each side
3 minutes AMRAP

Core: reverse bridge x 20

Count off and Name-o-Rama

We all carry a burden that keeps us from performing at our full potential.  Identify it, acknowledge it, and then release it to your father so that you may run the race set before you with passion and purpose!

The stars were glimmering in all their majesty this morning as I drove through the gates of splendor at the Asylum. The warm fuzzies quickly dissipated with the collision of my face to the famous East Tennessee Humidity. Even at 5am, it’ll knock your teeth out.