F3 Knoxville

Shamrock Getting “Tire”d

THE SCENE: Shamrock. about 65 with some on and off sprinkles

15 Baby Arm Circles Forward and Back

5 Cherry Pickers

15 Rockettes

The work out involved 1 HIM flipping a giant tire while the rest of the PAX spun a wheel and randomly selected 1 of the 8 workouts below. When the PAX completed each exercise they then would pick of the person flipping the tire and then another member would begin flipping such tire and it was rinse and repeat

  1. Big Boy Sit Up (15)
  2. Merkins (15)
  3. Squats (15)
  4. Side Straddle Hops (15- 4 count)
  5. Flutter Kicks (15 – 4 count)
  6. Mountain Climbers (10 – 4 count)
  7. LBC’s (15 – 4 count)
  8. Burpees (10)

We then gather round and used the song “Flower” by Moby and when the word “down” was said in the song you held an Al Gore and could not stand up until the word “up” was said in the song.

Gathered back at the AO and did Box Cutters, Freddie Mercury’s, Merkins, and Flutter Kicks
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
During the workout a variety of different songs were played. Anything from hip hop, to classic rock, and even country. All the songs had a similar theme though and it was about tires, traveling, wheels etc. One point to take away is that just like the variety of songs F3 is a variety of different men who come together for one thing and that is to get better as men together.  Also the tire represents the fact that alot of us are “tire”d of something right now whether it be mandates, job loss, family issues or anything. Just like at a workout we all need to know that we will get through what ever we are tired of and will be stronger for it.


The Gauntlet

  • Welcome – 1 & all – Free all day every day
  • Warmup
    • Plank hold 6″.  Downward dog . Upward Dog. 20 Windmills . Sky touch . Toe Touch . Burpees
  • Workout: “The Gauntlet”
      • Bring 4 CMUs over to rocks marked with signs.  Those signs have your exercises on them to do in place and across the parking lot straight across to the opposing parking stall.  Do
        • 25 Curls X4—>Dead Bunny
        • 25 LBC X4—->Crab Walk
        • 25 Lunges X4—>Lunge
        • 10 Blockees x4—->Riffle Carry
        • 25 Bench Press x4—>Dead Bunny
        • 25 Flutter Kicks 4ct  x4—>Bear Crawl
        • 25 Squats x4—->Side Squat Spin
        • 10 Blockees X4—>Riffle Carry
        • 15 (2x Rows) x2—->Farmers Carry x2
        • 15 Big Boy Block x2—>Farmers Carry x2
        • 10 Overhead Squats x4—>Crab Walk
        • 25 Dead Blockees x2—->Farmers Carry 2x
      • For example in the first parking stall, do 25 burls with one block, then dead bunny drag it across the parking lot. Go back to your three cmus, do another set of 25 curls, then dead bunny drag that cmu across. Then go back to your two cmus, do another set of 25 curls, then dead bunny drag that one across.
      • So you care carrying and moving your 4 cmus through all the above stationary and traveling exercises.  Once you finish one “Lane” of the parking lot then progress (move) your four CMUs to the next Lane (lane = two parking stalls that appose each other).  The rocks & signs form a zig-zag over the square parkinglot.
      • Once you get to the, then carry your CMUS to the beginning and start again.
      • Each exercise is 1 count.   If there is a 2x by the exercise (or carry) then do the exercise with 2 CMUS at a time.  If there is a 4x by the exercise then do the exercise with one cmu but do it four times.
  • Warm Down – worked out till the end.
  • Word
    • Guess how many parts are in an average car?  ~30,000 parts
    • I just spent 2k cost to fix my truck – and that was only a few pieces. It’s expensive.
    • Guess who is the Richest man alive? Answer: Jeff Bezos at 177 billion
    • Guess which is the richest country in the world? The US at 20 trillion GDP.
    • What can neither Jeff Bezos nor the US BUY?? You!Your body is more expensive and has more parts than any car or machinery out there.

      No country can buy you or replace you. Jeff bezos or the us cant.

      No machine or animal can do what many of did last saturday at Hardship hill.

      And yet you have no plastic and no metal in you.

      You are amazing.. and extremely complicated. Let peter and Jesus explain it.

      “Peter said, “I don’t get it. Put it in plain language.” Jesus replied, “You, too? Are you being willfully stupid? Don’t you know that anything that is swallowed works its way through the intestines and is finally defecated? But what comes out of the mouth gets its start in the heart. It’s from the heart that we vomit up evil arguments, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, lies, and cussing. That’s what pollutes. Eating or not eating certain foods, washing or not washing your hands—that’s neither here nor there.””
      ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭15:15-20‬ ‭MSG‬‬

      Where is your heart focus? Fast to find out. The fasting is a tool to stir the heart to find out whats in there. Is your heart feeling dull? Are you out of touch with your heart? Try a fast and you will see what bubbles up and out and what is in your heart.

      But your heart is not the end of the conversation (and complication) is it?

      “Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that’s where life starts. Don’t talk out of both sides of your mouth; avoid careless banter, white lies, and gossip..”
      ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭4:23-27‬ ‭MSG‬‬

      “A wise heart takes orders; an empty head will come unglued.”
      ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭10:8‬ ‭MSG‬‬

      ““The heart is hopelessly dark and deceitful, a puzzle that no one can figure out. But I, God, search the heart and examine the mind. I get to the heart of the human. I get to the root of things. I treat them as they really are, not as they pretend to be.””
      ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭17:9-10‬ ‭MSG‬‬

      The mind leads the heart.
      The heart might say i want to stay in bed .. but the mind knows the goodness that comes from a good F3 workout and devotion and says ‘ yes we are getting up and going”

      And theres more than just the gut and heart and mind.  The Holy Spirit can inform, question and commentate on the other sysytems (Gut, Heart & Mind).
      “Hey go apologize, that wasn’t very nice.”
      “Hey go say hi to that person over there”
      “ Hey go help that guy”

      We are complicated by design but we are not without help. Praise the Lord that we are PRICELESS creations of God, irreplaceable,  wonderfully made, and complicated.  We are virtual symphonies of complicated interacting symphonies of physical and spiritual systems intertwined in infinite ways. You are more complex and far better than any plastic or metal machine or animal.  No animal or machine can go through the sand, climb over an inverted 15 foot ladder, swim in the water, climb through a mud pit and do it for 6 hours… AND MAKE IT FUN!!  But it’s even better.  We are not just amazing priceless, irreplaceable physical creatures – we are also spiritual saints endowed with the Holy Creator Spirit who guides protects and gives.   Truly amazing.  Don’t let any Doctor or Engineer or PHD person tell you otherwise.

Memory @ Shamrock

THE SCENE: Beautiful Cool & Clear Morning

Baby Arm Circles forward and backward
Cherry Pickers
Tempo Squats
Tempo Merks
Mosey to the CMU Pile
72 pieces of cardboard were labeled with exercises, and we divided into two teams.  Wee turned them over two at a time, trying to make matches.  We did all of the exercises that were flipped over.  This turned out to be too many cards.  We made 3-4 matches total out of 36 exercises.  We will pare this down and try it again soon!

No specific mary, lots of ab work included in the workout.

It was Labor Day and we talked about the fruit of your work, referencing Matthew 7:15-20

Hardship Hill and Iron PAX

Shamrock Jungle Safari – Tabatta Style

  • welcome: all are welcome – the strong disciplined few show up – 70 degrees – felt like 90.
  • warmup:
    • Inchworms
    • bear crawl
    • lunge
    • spinning side squat
    • burpee broad jumps
    • reverse lunge
    • crab walk
    • spinning side squat
    • reverse inchworms
    • imperial lunge walker
    • reverse bear crawl
    • broad jumps
    • reverse crab walk.
  • workout:
    • in a single file line repeat the above warmup exercises tabatta style.  45 seconds of work, 15 seconds of rest.  1 exercise per tabatta set.  so 45 seconds of inchworms + 15 seconds of rest.  then bear crawl for 45 seconds + 15 rest.  repeat… etc.
    • We made it almost a mile around campus – going around trees, up hills, …
  • warm-down: mosey back to ao.
  • wrap-up: Struggle share time – go around circle , share what God is doing in each persons life.  What challenges you faced last week and what are looking at this week.  Close in prayer – we all have great challenges – challenges of purity, integrity, discomfort, deepening faith, stepping up to leadership, extending physical self discipline challenges, patience challenges, endurance & perseverance challenges, focus challenges.  We all in it the thick of it!  The hill is steep but our God is victorious over all.
  • announcements:
    • Hardship Hill,
    • IronPax,
    • Knoxville Pre-Order F3 t-shirt orders.
    • Q-sign up

Planting Shade Trees

THE SCENE: 68 but pretty humid…it was great!

  • Reach for the stars
  • Let it hang
  • Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Baby Arm Circles Forward (IC) 4CT X 10 & Michael Phelps
  • Baby Arm Circles Backward (IC) 4CT X 10 & Michael Phelps
  • Tempo Squats (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Tempo Merkins (IC) 4ct X 10
  • Mosey


DORAs – one works, one runs

  • Diamond Merkins X 100
  • Big Boy Situps X 100
  • Bobby Hurleys (aka Chris Loftons) X 100
  • Carolina Dry Docks X 150
  • American Hammers X 150
  • Lunges X 150
  • Merkins X 200
  • Hello Dollies X 200
  • Squats X 200
  • Calf Raises (Toe Merkins) X 250
  • Flutterkicks X 250
  • Wide Merkins X 250


Part of the Q


!8 men w/ 1 big dog; Titan joined us as well


Dennis Swanberg, The Swan as he is known across the country is a former preacher turned Christian comedian and motivational speaker.  He spoke to us and some donors at KARM not long ago.  He weaved in humor and scripture seamlessly.  He was truly amazing.

He spoke about his immigrant great-grandparents who had to make their way in this vast, new land called America by the sweat of their brow.  And, considering that they settled in Texas, they sweat A LOT.

One day, when his great-grandfather was still a very young man, a neighboring farmer saw him out in front of the family home, meticulously burying dozens of acorns.  The farmer approached the grandfather, laughing, and asked, “what in the WORLD are you doing?”

“I’m planting shade trees,” the grandfather quietly replied as he continued dropping seeds into the warm soil.

“Shade trees?” the farmer exclaimed, “Don’t you know it will take YEARS before these things are big enough to provide any shade? You’ll be long gone before then!” he stated smugly.  The grandfather continued planting–determined.

“I’m not planting them for me,” he said patiently, “I’m planting them for my grandchildren.”

The lesson was about how his grandfather planted shade trees for his property that he never got to sit under. Swan’s father and future generations got to get blessings from those shade trees.

Donors of KARM are planting shade trees for poor, homeless, addicted, mentally challenged.

Judge Judy is planting shade trees mentoring that kid whose father is in jail.  Others are volunteering at the Wesley House planting shade trees.

Volunteer soccer, baseball and softball coaches are planting shade trees by teaching the game, character, teamwork.

Preachers, Sunday School Teachers, youth sponsors all planted shade trees over us in hopes that someday we’d figure it out and live out what they taught us.

The best shade trees you’ll ever plant…Are the ones you’ll never sit under!
None of us are self-made. We’re all sitting under “shade trees” that were planted by our forefathers, by our families, and by our friends. Now, it’s your turn to leave a meaningful legacy by planting your own shade trees for others to sit under.

Not everyone can be a legend, but everyone can leave a legacy.


  • Sign Up To Q/VQ
  • Saturday is Off The Chain CSAUP at the Dog Pound
  • Get ready for the Iron Pax Challenge