F3 Knoxville

52 Card pick up with Miles

THE SCENE: cool morning

cherry pickers 5X

right over left foot, touch your toes 10 sec

Left over right foot, touch your toes 10 sec

Mosey to the flag poll.
Played 52 card pickup where each suite is a different workout with two jokers. every 10 cars we run a lap.

  • Diamonds – dips
  • Hearts – merkins
  • clubs- v ups
  • spades- Plank Jacks
  • Jokers- 15 burpees


Go around the large circle and get some legs and core work done. Some of the exercises included but not limited too:

  • captain thors
  • american hammers
  • hello dollies
  • SSH
  • freddy mercury
  • box cutters
  • merkins


Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Thankfulness, be thankful for those in your life. Especially Family. They are going be always be there and you need to be peach makers with them. Friends come and go but family never leaves us. let’s remember to be peace keepers in our lives.

Do or Do Not…There is No Try!

THE SCENE: Mid to high 30s with a less-than-desirable breeze

  • Overhead Claps x 50 IC
  • Rockette x 20 IC
  • High Knees Ring of Fire with Burpees

PAX moseyed to the path where we began a Route 66 with BBS at each light pole until we reached the bleachers.

At the bleachers we smoked 20 merkins, 40 squats, and 60 dips OYO.

We continued the Route 66 BBS until we reached the playground. We did a set of 11s with derkins at the bottom of the hill and burpees at the top. The catch is that each trip up the hill was a sprint “Pickett’s Charge” style with the whole PAX staying in sequence.

Following the 11s we moseyed on to the MRSA-laden soccer fields where we lined up on the base line. One PAX called out an exercise of choice and then side-shuffled along the boundary line while the stationary PAX performed that exercise. We did everything from side straddle hops to asphalt kissers.

We eased our way back along the Route 66 (with pistol squats this time) and paused at the bleachers for 20 merkins, 40 squats, and 60 dips.


  • Plank 30 seconds
  • Hello Dolly x 20 IC
  • Plank 30 seconds
  • Flutter kicks x 20 IC
  • Plank 30 seconds
  • Box Cutters x 20 IC


“Do or do not. There is no try.” Yoda coined this phrase years and years ago, but I never stopped to think about what it meant until I listened in on F3’s 43 Feet podcast about time management. They suggested removing the word “try” from your vocabulary. It sounds incredibly simple, but I have found that saying “I WILL do something” in lieu of “I’ll try to do something” makes a tremendous difference in how much I promise, how serious I am about that promise, and how efficiently I spend my time.

Mark your calendars for pull-up bar install day at the Dog Pound. Contact La-Z-Boy with any questions. WE WILL DO PULL-UPS IN 2020!

All Truck and No Stop

THE SCENE:  mid 60’s and warm….weird weather for January


  • mosey around the island
  • SSH x 10
  • Squats x 10
  • Rockettes x 10
  • Tempo merkins x 10
  • Cherry pickers x ?  just do some ’till your ready.


  • Start out on the track.  Route 66 burpees at each light pole going the long route to the other side of the park.  13 poles total.  Lots of burpees
  • Kraken style run around the island with 6 stations.  Start with 5 Merkins and 5 Iron Mikes (each leg) at the first station and increase by 5 each lap. Reps = 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 at each consecutive station.
  • Mosey to the long hill by Watt Rd.  Battle buddy up for DORA 1,2,3.
    • 100 squats, 200 Big Boys, 300 Flutter Kicks
    • Partner A does exercises while Partner B runs to top of hill and does 2 Diamond Merkins
  • The short steep hill by the concrete bleachers was feeling left out so we stopped there on the way back to the AO.   Box jump up the bleachers, run to top of hill, do 5 burpees, come back down.
  • Mosey back to AO


  • Dealers choice
    • BBS x 20 – Frosty
    • Peter Parker – Driftwood
    • American Hammers – Finger Food
    • Hello Dolly – Butters

Frosty, Butters, Finger Food, Abort, Sparky, Driftwood, Amazon, La-Z-Boy, Mayberry, Charger, Bartman


Shared some of the challenges I’ve faced this week with my son and the fact that no matter how much he pushes my buttons there is always some grace left in the tank to show him.   It’s a reminder of the grace that Jesus has shown me over the years.


We hit the ground running and never let up this morning.  Great work from all 11 today.  Also, shout out to Amazon for being out in the gloom shortly after knee surgery.  Dude was giving 100% and modifying where he had too.  That was motivating!!


Truck Stop Convergence

THE SCENE: 40 and clear….perfect



  • Side Straddle Hop x 25
  • Tempo Merkins x 15
  • Tempo Squats x 15
  • Grady Corns x 31
  • Crabettes x 10


  • Mosey to the concrete bleachers (Bartman)
    • 11’s on the hill – squat jumps at the bottom / carolina dry docks at the top
  • Mosey to the end of the soccer field (Waxjob)
    • 50% run across the field
    • 75% run back the other direction across the field
    • 100% run across the field 25 v-ups at the other end
    • 100% run back – 25 big boy situps at the other end
    • Tunnel of love
  • Mosey to the bottom soccer field (Bartman)
    • Kraken style run around 6 cones.  Start with 5 burpees, 5 merkins, 5 squats at the first cone, then increase by 5 reps after each lap around the cones.  When you get to the last cone you’ll be doing 30 burpees, 30 merkins, 30 squats.  Time ran out, had to cut this short.
  • String of pearls mosey back to the AO (Waxjob)
    • Monkey humpers facing the road
    • Freddie Mercury by the outhouse
    • Pledge of Allegiance by the flagpole

MARY:  (Waxjob)

  • Boat/canoe while singing row, row, row your boat

41 strong!   Snorkel, Waxjob, Brick, Mr. Jinxy, Driftwood, Woodshack, Kickflip, Drive Thru, Curveball, Herbie, Bagman, Mustard, Snitch, Swimmies, Full House, Choir Boy, Gibbler, Tweet-E, Swanson, Cosmo, MC Hammer, Tank, Face Plant, Manilow, Abscess, Cavalier, Poyo, Mermaid, Mailbox, Slag (FNG), Guardrail, Lillydipper, Pele, Butters, Frosty, Sparkler, Moses, Steam, Rosetta, Hammy, Bartman

2019 has been a tough year among our F3 brotherhood – we have dealt with illness, injury, death.  In light of that and also in light of the Christmas season I decided to share several scriptures of encouragement to remind us that GOD is ultimately in control and we can find our rest in him.

It’s always fun to have a big group together for a convergence workout – today was not different.   It was great to see many faces I hadn’t seen in a long time.

3rd F immediately after the workout at Two Rivers church

Good deed done

THE SCENE: 45 clear

OH claps

cherry pickers

imperial walker

4 burpees

20 squats

10 merkins

10 BBS
Mosey to concrete bleachers

20 incline merkins, 20 step ups, 20 BBS

Repeat 3x

50 calf raises

mosey to AO

50 calf raises and a couple of 10 second holds in there

11’s – BBS and American hammers, mosey up the hill to the bench

mosey to the outhouse, 20 easy ups, mosey to playground for 20 hanging knee raises

20 leg raises on the picnic tables

mosey to AO


we jumped a young ladies car off


Insert the WORD here.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.