F3 Knoxville

Circuit City

The-Scene: 63 degrees and sprinkling

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Squat 4ct IC x 15
Merkin 4ct IC x 20
Imperial Walker IC x 15

Mosey to the Rink w/ Brick or Pee Rock
Break up into groups of 3 – 1 at each end of the rink and 1 go between

Circuit 1:
Bobby Brick Hurley
GripRite Curls

10 Burpess OYO

Circuit 2:
Plie Goblet Squat
Brick Row
Farmer Carry (Street Side)

10 Burpees OYO

Circuit 3:
American Hammers
Caterpillar Burpees
Lunge & Press

Big 3’s (Bear Crawl, Back Peddle, Sprint) x 2

Mosey back to the AO

Banana Boat, Cherry Bombs c/o Flanders

Count off

In Freed to lead a Sad Clown has 3 holes that need to be filled. First is Pogo 40 where a man loses 40 lbs, just to gain it back, to lose it again, and to gain it back. The Sifter has to do with loneliness. A man has is Legacy Friends from High School and College, goes on Man Dates and has some work friends. This is a problem because we lack accountability. An acquaintance will not tell you when you’re backsliding. The last is The Reacher. It’s about a man who drifts aimlessly without real purpose. The only way to have real purpose is for a man to abandon himself and faith in something that he cannot see.
As men it’s alway easier to help someone than it is to accept help. No matter what we’re going through, there is either someone who has gone through it, is going through it now, or will go through something similar. We have to remember that when we allow someone to help us, we’re also giving them the opportunity to help us.

UF3 Championship: The Comeback

The scene: 55 degrees and absolutely perfect outside
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Mosey around the outhouse
5 jump squats with knees up
20 seconds of air punches L/R combos
10 seconds of girl fight arm windmills
5 sprawls
5 knockdowns w/one hand getup
Get loose with the Billionaire shuffle
Tha Thang:
Slow Mosey w/CMU in two lines 10 feet apart to boats. At each command, sprawl to the ground do 5 merkins on CMU and 5 overhead presses
At boat area do high knees with consecutive sprawls and “knock downs” with one hand get ups on command
Mosey w/CMU down dock trail to bottom of steps. Wagon wheel with side shuffle till 6 catches 10 count, mosey w/CMU to top of restaurant lot. Alternating time with CMU overhead.
At restaurant lot, wagon wheel w/CMU till 6 catches up 10 presses, 10 curls, 10 triceps w/CMU
The Octagon:
8 stations
1)Grappling: bear crawl to center cone and back x2
2) Boxing: 10 left/right combos then burpee x10
3) Jujitsu: 10 BBS roll to 10 merkins repeat 3 times
4) Muy Thai: high knee while holding CMU 20 on 3-count
5)Karate: 20 front kicks each leg
6) wrestling: CMU get ups (start w/CMU on chest)..get up x10
7) judo: “throws” take CMU from shoulder height to the ground 10x each shoulder
8) kickboxing: 10 karate kids (or front kick) and 10 side kicks each leg
Run around Octagon after completing station w/o CMU then pick up CMU and move to next station.
Mosey w/CMU Back to AO doing sprawls w/5 mericans and 5 presses w/CMU
Jacares (lizard walks)
CMU V -holds
Flutter kicks
Pickle pounders
BOM: Getting back up
The parable of the sower
“Others, like seed sown on rocky places, hear the word and at once receive it with joy. But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away.”
‭‭Mark‬ ‭4:16-17‬ ‭
Persecution, strife, pain, struggle and trials in our lives will come. So what do we do? Will we wither away or will we dig in with our roots?
James 1:2-3 says
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.”
Push through Physically and mentally with faith in our God who strengthens us. Pray. Read his word, lean on your brothers and do not give up.
Our Championship Belt is waiting on us in heaven!
Great work by the PAX today, I saw some men pushing themselves to get better.  Here is some F3 math for you…
17 men + a large Octagon shape + moaning and grunting + CMUs + private parking lot= cops being called
Who better to diffuse the situation than Mayberry!

Rise of the Merdipkin

The Scene: 46 and chilly wet

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Tha Thang:
SSH 10x IC
Cherry Pickers 10x IC
20 Merkins oyo
LBAC 10 forward 10 reverse IC
Michael Phelps 5x
Little some o’ this/that

Mosey to little Everest –
Partner Merdipkin 11’s

Dora – pole to pole

Route 66 – to the base of the Matterhorn
Drydocks & Squats

To the pavilon
Alternating 12 Merkins/ 10 table-ups

Mosey back to the AO

“And as Jesus passed on from there, two blind men followed him, crying aloud, “Have mercy on us, Son of David.” When he entered the house, the blind men came to him, and Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” They said to him, “Yes, Lord.” Then he touched their eyes, saying, “According to your faith be it done to you.””
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭9:27-29‬ ‭ESV‬‬
Why would anyone ask God to do something and not believe He could do it? Why would Jesus ask them that question? He was standing right in front of them, they knew He had healed others, why wouldn’t they believe that He was able to do it?

How does this play out with us? We just don’t bother asking. We go about life doing our own thing. We all know the scripture “God helps those who help themselves,” right? Except that’s not a scripture, it’s an old Greek teaching popularized by Ben Franklin. Start inviting Him into your daily decision making…and see what happens. When you come up against a big one, and you hear the question echo through your mind, “do you believe I can do this”…lean in
The Merdipkin 11’s were brutal, but the men hammered it out…just about left me in the dust. The hard work in the cool with a storm threatening the entire time was the definition of working in the gloom.

Wheelbarrow o’ Junk

The Scene: 66 and clear

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Tha Thang:
SSH x10 IC
Cherry Pickers x10 IC
20 Merkins oyo
LBAC 10 forward 10 reverse IC
Michael Phelpsx5
Little some o’ this/that

Mosey to the coupon pile – partner up – 20x Squadips

Mosey to the boats – burpees til the six is up
20x Merkins – squats – SSH

Mosey to the office – burpees til the six is up
20x Merkins – squats – SSH

Mosey to the Matterhorn – burpees til the six is up
20x Merkins – squats – SSH

Wheelbarrow up the Matterhorn
20x count WB – 20 squats – switch

Junk Mosey back down
20x Merkins – squats – SSH

Mosey back to the rock pile
20x each – curls/press/tri/domo


“Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.”
Psalms 1:1-3

The key here is that the tree bears its fruit in season, not every second of every day and not before it is ready. Faithfulness usually takes time. Just because you don’t see fruit yet doesn’t mean you won’t, it just means you need to keep it up and be faithful. Don’t get caught up with the jokers and the smokers…delight in the Lord and His word and you’ll see change.

Wheelbarrowing up the Matterhorn sucked. That is all

Le Kraken

57 degrees & storms-a-brewin

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SSH x 25 IC
High knees across parking lot
Little bit o’ this
Little bit o’ that
Butt kicks back across parking lot

Mosey towards the Kraken; wagon wheel at halfway point for 1 round of circle burp.


8 cones are placed in a circle.
Complete the exercise at one cone and then run around
the circle of cones to the next cone (i.e., one loop +
one cone). Rinse & repeat until you have completed
all exercises.

Dry Docks x 30
Narrow Squats x 30
4ct Flutter Kicks x 20
Star Jacks x 30
4ct Should Taps x 20
Reverse Lunges x 30 (each leg is 1)
4ct Hello Dolly x 20
Smurf Jacks x 30

Super 21s:

Perform 1 situp & sprint to opposite side of parking lot.
Perform 1 merkin & sprint back.
Rinse & repeat, adding 1 rep to each round until you perform 21 sit-ups & 21 merkins. (Total rep count is 231 of each exercise if you finish)

Mosey back to AO for Mary:

Shoulder blasters (1 round)
Box Cutters x 25 IC
Mountain Climbers x 25 IC

Number off & Name-o-Rama


My wife and I were recently discussing the end of our 20s/beginning of our 30s and she commented that quite frankly she’s glad her 20s are over because they honestly didn’t start off very well. I found it to be an interesting note because it is so easy to remember “the good ole days”. We tend to relish in our past glory and forget the pain & angst that may have also been present.

Joshua Fields Milburn, 1/2 of the due known as “The Minimalists”, published an essay about this titled “30 is NOT the new 20”. Below are a few excerpts that echo what I’m getting at here:

“I officially turned 30 today…They say 30 is the new 20, but to be honest I’m glad that’s not true. I’m moving forward, not backwards.  I’m growing and I’m happy to be 30…today marks a new decade for me, a decade of opportunity…I will embrace this life, even though it scares…me at times. It is the only life I have. And I will love my life–a beautiful, terrifying, wonderous life–through the good times and the bad. Here’s to another 30 years, and then another”

(The full essay is here is anyone is interested: http://www.theminimalists.com/30/)

I think we are all guilty of some remorse when crossing into a new decade. Often we are not where we want to be financially or socially or emotionally or physically. It’s easy to think about how much better we could have been over the last decade if we’d only known what we know now. I challenge all of you, myself included, to focus on the present and plan for the future. Instead of looking backwards on what you haven’t done, remember to seize the opportunities that lie ahead and focus on what you CAN do now blessed to wake up and spend some time in the gloom with out brothers. Relish in that, and seize the day. Conquer the Kraken, and then move on the next one. AYE!