F3 Knoxville

World Wide Webb

THE SCENE: Shorts Weather and Mitten Conditions

SSH, Stretchies, Tie Fighters. I would have taken us all the way but I knew we needed unblasted shoulders.
Jack Webb + lap

The Pop-up Ad (Jump Squat/2-ct Iron Mike) +2 laps

The Cryptobubble (Dip/2-ct Aw Yeah) + lap

The Compuserve (Table Row + Bicycle) + AO/Baby Everest lap

The Dark Webb (Burpee/SSH)

The Dark Webb turns out to be pretty dark and the Q was toast. Crab Legs is made of sterner stuff so he led us in a Bicep Burnout. Mall Walkers halfheartedly joined us for Tempo Squats. The addition of Gibbler turned the mumblechatter into a mumbleroar, as predicted.

Dads, yours and your kids’


2 totems

THE SCENE: 22 degrees and dry

Not too much just a couple regular things and we got started

Two totem poles (see picture) we did the first one running around the main island of the lower parking lot between each exercise. The second totem we ran up from the parking lot to the bench at the top of the hill and back.

Took care of the ab work during the work out
Five PAX
Today in 1945, the battle of Iwo Jima started. 2500 American soldiers lost their lives on day one. 7000 total American lives were lost over 35 days of one of the bloodiest battles in World War II. 20,000 were injured. We talked about the sacrifice these men made to keep America and the world free. We also talked about our personal sacrifices we need to make on a daily basis. Putting ourselves behind our family and our neighbors. Putting our own desires and once aside while we concentrate on the people around us.
It was my first time back in quite a while. I definitely missed the fellowship and oddly enough to work out.

Two #1 Are Still Eleven, Even In This Asylum

THE SCENE: 39 degrees & humid. We had to watch for fallen limbs from the storm of the Asylum PM crew.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Yes, all the right things

SSH, TN Rockin’ Chair, Spider Merkins, Windmills

  • Route 66 Up To the Overlook:
    • Burpees 10 (-1 at each light pole)
    • Jump Squats 1 (+1 at each light pole)
    • LBC’s (While Waiting on the 6)
  • Elevens Stations at the Overlook:
    1. Station (NO ELEVENS – 10 EACH TIME)
      • Big Boys (10)
      • X-Factor (10 – 4 Count)
    2. Station (NO ELEVENS – 10 EACH TIME)
      • Box Jumps (10)
    3. Station
      • Box Cutters (10)
      • Imperial Squat Walkers (1 – 4 Count)
    4. Station (NO ELEVENS – 10 EACH TIME)
      • Box Jumps (10)
    5. Station
      • Lt. Dan (10)
      • Hand Release Merkins (1)
    6. Station
      • Calf Raises (10 – 4 Count)
      • Dips (1)

Boat / Canoe.
15 HIM’s, including 1 FNG – Welcome Banjo. Also Double Wide’s 2.0 Newton was in the gloom with us.
Except from Phil Robertson’s book “Uncanceled”. We should not trade insults, but follow: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” (John 13:34)
CSAUP, Wesley House Donations, RAM Service Project


THE SCENE: Cool but Nice!

LBACF, LBACB, Tempo Squats, Tempo Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Cherry Pickers
Divide up into 4 teams, one team at each corner of the main parking lot.  At each corner is a cone with 5 exercises and reps written in chalk.  Round 1: Perform all exercises and reps at each corner of the parking lot, recovery mosey in between each corner.  Round 2: Perform just the bottom 4 exercises and reps at each corner, recovery mosey in between each corner. Round 3: the bottom 3.  Round 4: the bottom 2. Round 5: just the last exercise and reps.  Exercises were as follows:

Corner 1: 10 Merkins, 9 Jump Squats, 8 Burpees, 7 Mountain Climbers, 6 Monkey Humpers

Corner 2: 10 SSH (4ct), 9 Windmills (4ct), 8 Body Builders (8ct), 7 Seal Claps, 6 Plank Jacks

Corner 3: 10 Squats, 9 BBS, 8 Diamond Merkins, 7 Werkins, 6 Calve Raises

Corner 4: 10 Flutters (4ct), 9 Hello Dolly (4ct), 8 Box Cutters, 7 Heals to Heaven, 6 4x4s

Mosey to Concrete Stadium Bleachers for EMOM.  We did about 10 rounds of x10 Box Jumps/ x10 Squats and another 5 rounds of x15 Dips/ x15 Calve Raises.

Long Recovery Mosey back to Flag

No time but had planned something with a frozen ham that Tail Pipe had brought for Cosmo.  Too bad, so sad.
11 Strong

Luke 12:16-20

16 And he told them this parable: “The ground of a certain rich man yielded an abundant harvest. 17 He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’

18 “Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store my surplus grain. 19 And I’ll say to myself, “You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.”’

20 “But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’

I had the honor of attending Sgt. Chris Jenkins’ funeral this week.  He was tragically killed on the highway while trying to remove a ladder from the roadway.  The funeral was extremely sad and unfortunately I’ve been to one too many law enforcement funerals.  Not only was his life taken too soon but his son (also an officer), gave a heart-felt eulogy that I will never forget.

Funerals can give one alot of wisdom.  They make you contemplate your own funeral.  I wanted the men at truck stop to pause today and think about their own funeral – who would be there? what would be said about them? would they have any regrets?

After thinking that through, I encouraged them to contemplate their own funeral today and whatever you would regret – whether that’s where your treasure is (like the rich fool in Jesus’ parable), or someone you need to forgive, or telling your children you love them more often, or telling your wife how appreciative you are of her friendship and love – DO IT TODAY.  Life can be taken from us at any moment.

Mayberry was a few minutes late rescuing and cuddling with his new cat.
CSAUP – February 26. REGISTER NOW.

Suiting Up @ Truck Stop – 2/5/22

THE SCENE: Cold and clear.  ~24 degrees with a slight breeze and ice on the mosey trail

Feet together – touch toes 20-count; feet apart – right, middle, left 20-count each; Grady Corns IC x 5; LBAC IC x 5 (each way); Cuckoo Clock (forward neck extension) x 10; Neck Rolls x 5 (each way); Tempo Merkin IC x 5; Down Dog 20-count; Tempo Squat IC x 5

Warm-Up Tabata – (20 seconds work / 10 seconds rest) x 3 sets for each exercise; 20 seconds rest between exercises

(1) Side Saddle Hop (2) High Knees in place (3) Front Jacks (4) Jump Squat


EV1 – Toughness Tour: move from one parking lot to the next, completing the prescribed exercises and movements at each.  50 yard sprint before each exercise; 50 yard Bernie after each exercise.

Parking Lot order – Lower Watt –> Harrison –> Upper Watt

Exercises –

(1) Bobby Hurley x 10

(2) Merkins x 20

(3) Leg Levers x 20

(4) High Plank Alt Leg Raises x 30

EV2 – Bath House burpees and inverted rows – 20 of each OYO

EV3 – Bleacher Circuit – Complete all exercises without rest, then move over for the next group.  All PAX performed 5+ circuits

(1) Box Jump to top of bleachers

(2) Alt Reverse Step Down to bottom

(3) Straight-legged Dips x 6

(4) Iron Mikes x 6 (single count)

EV4 – Mosey to Upper Field for burpee 5’s, moving from one sideline to the other between sets

ex – 1 burpee here –> 4 there; 2 here –> 3 there; 3 here –> 2 there; 4 here –> 1 there

Fellowship Mosey then breaking into a Slowsey back to the AO to arrive on time
19, including FN2.0 (Nitro).

Submarine, Tailpipe, Gibbler, Van Wilder, Doubtfire, Brick, Gridiron, Dewey, Frosty, Earmuffs, Waxjob, Cosmo, Biscuits, Butters, Mayberry, Ratchet, Trunk

Not tagged in this post – Van Wilder, Dewey (2.0); Master Builder (2.0)
A prayer to make the passage about the armor of God applicable in our lives:

Lord, I put on the belt of truth.  I choose a lifestyle of honesty and integrity.  Show me the truths I so desperately need today.  Expose the lies I’m not even aware that I’m believing.  And yes, Lord, I wear your righteousness today against all condemnation and corruption.  Fit me with your holiness and purity – defend me from all assaults against my heart.  I do choose to live for the gospel at an moment.  Show me where the larger story is unfolding and keep me from being so lax that I think the most important thing today is the soap operas of this world.  Jesus, I lift against every lie and every assault the confidence that you are good, and that you have good in store for me.  Nothing is coming today that can overcome me because you are with me.  Thank you, Lord, for my salvation.  I receive it in a new and fresh way from you and I declare that nothing can separate me now from the love of Christ and the place I shall ever have in your kingdom.  Holy Spirit, show me specifically today the truths of the Word of God that I will need to counter the assaults and snares of the enemy.  Bring them to mind throughout the day.  Finally, Holy Spirit, I agree to walk in step with you in everything – in all prayer as my spirit communes with you throughout the day.
Ephesians 6: 13-18
CSAUP coming up at Asylum on 2/26, 6:30a – 8:30a with food to follow.  Several service opportunities posted on Slack.  Check the service channel.