F3 Knoxville

Bitesized Portions

AO: shamrock
Q: Stitch (Brad Ware)
PAX: Betty (Tyler Alexander), Mermaid (Bradley Roberts), Anchorman – Daniel Callis, slappy (Nathan Evers), Steam, Glamper, Oscar Meyer (Brett Harris), Dumpster Dive (Brad Burnette), Base Salary (Nate Wilson), Waxjob (Josh Brady), Free Fall (Justin Whitaker), Curry (Steve Coy), Curveball P (Dave Purcell), Drum Major (Mike Johnston), Pusher, Commission (Adam Wilson), Bed Wetter (Nick Adkins), Eliza (Kevin Parrott), The Situation (Carl Helstrom), Jardet (Tyler Hill), Great White (Grant Goodwin), LeBling (Chris LeClair), Econoline (Joshua Middlebrook), Fabio (Joe Hamilton), Voodoo (Eric A), Tailhook (Max), Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), Brick (Chris Tittle), Doubtfire (Nick Bond), Title IX (Christian Prescott), Band Camp (Jack Renfro)
FNGs: None
• Imperial Walkers x10
• SSH x 10
• Grady Corns x 10
• Tempo Squats x 10
• Tempo Merkins x 10
Buffet STOP #1 – UPPER BODY – Coupon Pile
1. OHP x 25
2. Curls x 25
3. Upright Rows x 25
4. Dips on CMU x 25

1. Freddie Mercury (4 ct) x 25
2. Flutter Kicks (4 ct) x 25
3. Shoulder Taps (2 ct) x 25

STOP #3 – LEGS – Back lot
1. Squats x 25
2. Wall Steps (2 ct) x 25
3. Calf Raises x 25

STOP #4 – CARDIO – Football Field
1. SSH x 25
2. Stair Runs x 1 lap
3. 2 Laps around the Track

Circle up at mid-field
Betty = 10 Burpees
Tailhook = 11 Burpees
Mermaid = Jane Fondas
Lebling = ??
Anchorman = Leg balance?

Mosey back to COT:
Slappy = Monkey humpers
Voodoo = 1 leg pickle pointers
Oscar Meyer = Star gazers

Habits. We all have them. Some good (those involved with family, work, F3). Some not so good.

Oftentimes, we seek to change our bad habits and create new and better ones. We make resolutions. We resolve to get in shape, to eat healthier, to spend more time with our families. But the fact of the matter is that 88% of new year’s resolutions (if you make those) end up failing and we’re left feeling frustrated and powerless to make progress.

We need milk before solid food. Hebrews 5:14 says “… solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.”

So what does it mean to be trained by constant practice?…
A few years ago I picked up this little book called “Small Move, Big Change”. It was an easy read and takes a simple approach to changing behaviors and ultimately our habits. We make our goals too broad or idealistic, and at some point, our autopilot kicks in. Autopilot is that system of unconscious habits and preferences that have become so engrained through repetition.

So what’s the solution to changing? It starts with a bitesize goal. Something that focuses on a specific change in behavior and not a result. Instead of committing to “I’m going to eat better” or “I’m going to be more organized”, a microresolution would break that into something easy and measureable. “I’m going to pass on the cookies at our Wednesday meetings”. “I’m going to make my bed every morning”. Easy. Measureable. Successful.

You can even make these a little more personal. Analyze your habits to determine the single changes that will have the greatest impact. Think about your daily cues. I always snack after a trip to the grocery, usually even before I get everything put away. So, a more personal microresolution for me might be “I will not snack during or after putting away the groceries”. Easy. Measurable. Successful.

So you get the point here. Don’t set too many microresolutions. Make a couple and when those changes in behavior become habits, set new ones. Easy. Measureable. Successful.

Feb/Aug You vs. You Part 2

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Steam
PAX: Guardrail (Brandon Brown), High Heels (Henry Ritchie), CRISPR (David Smelser), Rooney (Carl Whipple), Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), Butterknife, Brick (Chris Tittle), Median (Luke Brown), Honeydew (Jason Childers), Windex, Blindside (Davis Bodie), Glamper, Lilydipper (John Neece), Pusher, Booster (Les Fout), Drum Major (Mike Johnston), Curveball P (Dave Purcell), Trash Panda, Jeevan Kypa, Welch’s, Lizzy, Ghost Flag (F3Knoxville), Switch hitter, Cheetah Boy, 24
FNGs: 1 24
– 15×4 SSH

– Mosey to behind the admin building
– Go over the Feb/Aug You vs. You workout
– 1.5 mile (2,400 meter) run for time
– Max BBS in 1 minute
– Partner up. Partner can hold your feet, if desired. Arms crossed at your chest or hands behind your head. Elbows touch your knees on “up”. Shoulders touch the ground on “down”.
– Max merkins in 1 minute
– Partner up. Partner puts his fist on the ground while other does merkins. Chest must touch his fist to count as a rep.
– Max pull-ups
– Max that can be performed before letting go of the bar. No time limit. Modify as necessary if AO lacks a good bar.
– Max burpees in 5 minutes
– Standard “full” burpee with a merkin and a jump. Clap or don’t clap…your choice.

– Mosey to the bottom of the long curve
– BTTW/jail breaker to the flag

– SWS for the last 3 minutes

– Forg3: 9/22-9/24. Checkout the #forg3 channel for more info – 4 spots left!

“3 Strikes And You’re Not Out. There is always one more thing you can do.” – Col. Hal Moore
– From his book On Leadership, and the movie We Were Soldiers
– A lot of times, it can feel very much like “3 strikes and your out.” Maybe it’s “that mistake” or thing that keeps happening, or shortcomings or missed expectations. So what are we to do when we feel like we’ve struck out 3x?
– Take a look at what Jesus says in 2 Corinthians 12:9 — ““But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”
– Maybe the “there’s always one more thing you can do” when you feel like you’ve struck out is turn to Christ – who knows and sees you and your weaknesses – and chooses to love you still. The beauty of this is that it’s not on you to do one more thing, it’s about the love Christ has for you and how much he wants you to come to Him when you feel like you’ve stuck out. Walk in His grace, truth, mercy, and love brothers!

The Birthday Q Burner

AO: asylum-pm
Q: OnStar (Arthur Dias)
PAX: Steam, Pusher, Glamper, Brick (Chris Tittle), Lilydipper (John Neece), Pele (Jon Lindberg), Curveball P (Dave Purcell), Toretto (Larry Seufert), Squirtle (Jason Trammell), Drum Major (Mike Johnston), Abacus (Erik Ella), MD Hammer (Jan Michael Carrillo), Tenderfoot, Ghost Flag (F3Knoxville), Bunker,Scrubs,SwitchHitter
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Motivator, 12 squats, Rockettes, baby arm circles, 12 merkins, imperial walkers, 12 BBS
THE THANG: Mosey to the rock. Do 18 merkins and 18 squats while enjoying the view and the 93F weather. Mosey on to the bottom of Pickett’s Charge and battle buddy up. Buddies alternate running the 3 hills (first 1, then 2, then all 3) of Pickett’s doing nickel, dime, quarter squats, while the other alternates between Merkins and Squats until failure
Mosey up to the Coliseum and do 9s at top and bottom, alternating between dips and American Hammers on a 4-count. Mosey back to the AO for 1-minute of LBCs.
COT: It’s never too late to change in life. Your current situation is not set in stone, and you don’t know what God’s plans are for you.

But for change to happen, you need to accept life has different seasons. You need to let go of what holds you back and step into the new. Trust in God and let him guide you forward.


AO: asylum-pm
Q: CRISPR (David Smelser)
PAX: CRISPR (David Smelser), Ghost Flag (F3Knoxville), Steam, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Pusher, Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), Doubtfire (Nick Bond), Brick (Chris Tittle), Lilydipper (John Neece), Curveball P (Dave Purcell), Dung Beetle (Scott Kimsey), Guppy (Ben Myhre), Sparkler (Brian Pitstick), Drum Major (Mike Johnston), Glamper, Squirtle (Jason Trammell), Title IX (Christian Prescott), Tri-Delt
FNGs: 1 Tri-Delt
Staying in the shade, sort of. Some battle buddy AMRAP rows, press, tricep extensions, squats, curls with alternating runs. Then some merkin, dips, calf raise mix. Finally some core work.

Be careful about quantification. Boiling anything down to a simple number can remove some much of the nuances of life. If you’re going to use metrics and data, know when you’re doing it, and always be mindful that it’s never as simple of a single number. And also, research has shown the more you measure by metrics alone the more likely people conduct unethical behavior.

Ghost Flag Ruck

AO: thequacken
Q: FixerUpper (Patrick Core)
PAX: Lizzy, Gmail, fast-n-easy (Nate Votta), Z-Pack (Brian Brockman), Geppetto (Christopher Bennett), Drive-thru (Mikel Towe), Appleseed (Jon Smith), Glamper, Doubtfire (Nick Bond), Spellcheck, Swanson (Eli Cockrum), Brick (Chris Tittle), Postman (Scott Colby), FixerUpper (Patrick Core), Crash from Louisville
FNGs: None

WARMUP: some stretching, some mumblechatter about which PAX goes with which AO

ruck to Central HS, option to do ruck PT or continue on track. Ruck back. 3 sandies came along.
Ruck PT – 15 min AMRAP
10 burpees (slick, ruck, or sandbag option)
20 HR Merkins
30 Thrusters
40 Ruck swings
50 Squats
1 trip up and back the bleachers

YHC caught some grief since the stadium lights were not turned on, a gate was locked, and the track did not have stripes. Even though these difficulties were overcome, any further complaints should be directed in writing to Knox Co Schools.

A team sand bag toss for distance competition between Big Ball and Asylum PM was the Ghost Flag tiebreaker.

MARY: no time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Welcome Crash DR from Louisville.
Ruck from Asylum to Big Ball tomorrow AM. Check #ruck channel for details.
Ghost Flag returns to Asylum PM.
Ruck from The Quacken to Big Ball next Saturday 8/26

Proverbs 16:1-3 are my theme verses for The Quacken this year.

The LORD knows my motivation and how I can either be on the campaign trail to get guys to come to the Quacken and not really care about them and be more concerned with my own agenda OR I can be discouraged and think this is not worth doing, too hard, etc.

Scripture is a way to correct both of these harmful ways of thinking. It says to me “Continue to work hard! Remember that it is not all about you!”

Prov 16:3 Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established.