F3 Knoxville

Ruckin Around

AO: shamruck
Q: Betty (Tyler Alexander)
PAX: Mermaid (Bradley Roberts), Curry (Steve Coy), Eliza (Kevin Parrott), Mailbox (Chip Keim), Glamper, Ribbed (Joshua Sagraves), Toretto (Larry Seufert), Betty (Tyler Alexander)
FNGs: None
We set off on a 3.3 mile ruck with the intention of keeping the pace between 15:30 and 16:30. Goal accomplished. 💪🏻
1 minute weighted ruck, 20 weighted flutters, 1 minute short Bethesda hold, 20 standing side crunches each side, 45 second weighted plank.
“The body should be treated more rigorously, that it may not be disobedient to the mind.” -Seneca

Keep Climbing

AO: juco
Q: Butterknife
PAX: Butterknife, Windex, Ghost Flag (F3Knoxville), Po-Boy (Travis Dupre), Glamper, Incoming (Rodney Pointer), Booster (Les Fout), Dart Gun (Todd Mulder), Doubtfire (Nick Bond), Parkour, Fetch (Joel Moran), Brick
FNGs: None
Side straddle hop in cadence 20
Cherry Pickers
5 Burpees on your own
Arm rotations thumbs up in cadence
Reverse thumbs down in cadence
Motivators 8x

Grab a CMU
Mosey to JUCOmanjaro
Partner up
Sprint to first stripe while partner farmer carries do 5 Burpees
Bear crawl next stripe while partner farmer carries do 10 Burpees
Sprint to Next stripe while partner farmer carries do 15 Burpees
Repeat with Squats, Derkins

“You are the sum of the 5 people you spend time with.

Show me your circle and I’ll show you your ceiling.

And if you’re the smartest and most successful person in the room….

It’s time to find a new room.

What an absolute honor to be in this room!!!

I’m a 🧽 “

Three things will last forever—Faith, hope, and love—the greatest of these is love.
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭13:13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Copycat Workout

Tempo Squats x 10
Tempo Merkins x 10
Cherry Pickers x 3
Two decks of cards.  Find a battle buddy, draw a card and multiply the card value by 10, and split the exercises with you battle buddy, each doing half of the total.  Once you complete the exercises, take a lap, draw a card and repeat.
The suit of the card determined the exercises.
Spades: Big Boys & Hello Dollies
Hearts: Merkins & Dips
Diamonds: Squats & Lunges
Clubs: Bench Press & Curls
Joker: 25 Thrusters eachCollect as many cards as you can and build your best poker hand.  Caveman and Twitch managed a royal flush with one wild card, which was the winner and it wasn’t close.
We went arounf the group calling an ab exercise, and followed each with 10 merkins until time ran out.
F3 in the Nude 7/29/2023
The importance of using a back blast.  With Pax miner rolling out next week, we discussed the highlights and reasons for back blasts.  I was able to share information from my first workout 4 years ago and recognized the members in attendance and even could even recall the message from that workout.Prayer Requests
Dumpster Dive’s attorney friend struggling with a forced retirement due to kidney failure.
Anchorman’s daughter who is recovering from a successful tonsillectomy.

Copy Cat of Blindside’s 7/19/23 Workout

AO: shamrock
Q: Mermaid (Bradley Roberts)
PAX: Mermaid (Bradley Roberts), 8 seconds (Paul Richardson), Base Salary, Nadia (Aaron Jacques), Voodoo (Eric A), Caveman, Stitch (Brad Ware), KickFlip (David Greer), Eliza (Kevin Parrott), Honeydew (Jason Childers), Daniel Callis – Anchorman, Skidmark (Brad Coulter), Dumpster Dive (Brad Burnette), Glamper, Brick (Chris Tittle), Fabio (Joe Hamilton), Twitch
FNGs: None
Tempo Squats x 10
Tempo Merkins x 10
Cherry Pickers x 3
Two decks of cards. Find a battle buddy, draw a card and multiply the card value by 10, and split the exercises with you battle buddy, each doing half of the total. Once you complete the exercises, take a lap, draw a card and repeat.
The suit of the card determined the exercises.
Spades: Big Boys & Hello Dollies
Hearts: Merkins & Dips
Diamonds: Squats & Lunges
Clubs: Bench Press & Curls
Joker: 25 Thrusters each

Collect as many cards as you can and build your best poker hand. Caveman and Twitch managed a royal flush with one wild card, which was the winner and it wasn’t close.
We went arounf the group calling an ab exercise, and followed each with 10 merkins until time ran out.
F3 in the Nude 7/29/2023
The importance of using a back blast. With Pax miner rolling out next week, we discussed the highlights and reasons for back blasts. I was able to share information from my first workout 4 years ago and recognized the members in attendance and even could even recall the message from that workout.

Prayer Requests
Dumpster Dive’s attorney friend struggling with a forced retirement due to kidney failure.
Anchorman’s daughter who is recovering from a successful tonsillectomy.

What an interesting life, to be a Leader

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Pele (Jon Lindberg)
PAX: Abacus (Erik Ella), Steam, Lilydipper (John Neece), Pusher, Ghost Flag (F3Knoxville), Drum Major (Mike Johnston), Brick (Chris Tittle), Doubtfire (Nick Bond), Rooney (Carl Whipple), Tenderfoot, MD Hammer (Jan Michael Carrillo), Glamper, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Lizzy, Gridiron
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, BACs forward/backward, Grady Corns, Hamstring stretches on benches, Cherry Pickers, Plank Jacks

Due to the rain, we met under the PAV-A-LON and did most of the workout there. Tabata style, mixture of arms, legs, and Abs, a bit Spirit-led. When the rain let up for a bit, we moseyed to the parking lot for some more spirit-led activities at the four corners, making sure to get our fronts and backs wet (hand release merkins and LBCs). Back to the PAV-A-LON to finish out the Tabata workout.
MARY: Wall sits until time.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Backblast Ap, F3 in the Nude a week from Saturday, 2nd F at Abacus’s that same day, FORGE coming up late September. Prayers for the Macon PAX and the family of our brother that fell there this week.
COT: Showed a Coach K video from the show The Bear that talks about leadership. Unfortunately , the video was too soft to hear, but the takeaways were as follows: 1. Success requires you to CHANGE YOUR LIMITS. NOT EASY!!
 Expect there to be bumps in the road. Failure.
 Don’t accept that Failure as your final destination. Change and adapt and get back at it.
 There’s definitely a fear factor here.

2. TEAMWORK. You can’t do it by yourself. Surround yourself with people that will help you succeed, not drag you back.
 Don’t confuse criticism (designed to help you improve) with negativity (holding you back)

3. LISTEN. Don’t just talk. CONVERSE
 Collaborate to find solutions. Not only will you be able to draw on others for ideas, but when you ask for and incorporate their advice, they become more invested too.

4. What an interesting life to be a leader. EMBRACE IT.