F3 Knoxville

Birthday Girl

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Toretto
PAX: Title IX (Christian Prescott), Mr Jinxy, Drum Major, Dr Phil, Pusher, Lilydipper, Switchhitter (Tony), Pele (Jon Lindberg), Curveball, Lizzy, Brick, Dain Bramage (Will Olson), Glamper, High Heels
FNGs: None
SSH, mountain climbers, Circle run, butt kicks, high knees, stretch as needed

Station 1;
Partners alternate between 50 yard run and AMRAP SSH, no cheat merkins and big boys

Station 2;
Partners alternate between hill runs and AMRAP derkins, dips and lunges

Station 3;
Burpee/ imperial Walker 7’s

Circle Mary

bluegrass-pm-otb officially launched at Bluegrass Elementary
westhills-ruck-otb officially launched at West Hills Park

Moment of silence for those who fell on D-Day

[bluegrass-pm-otb] The first Bluegrass Killer hot workout!

AO: bluegrass-pm-otb
Q: Pusher
PAX: Brick, The Situation, High Heels, Steam, Flashback, OnStar, Down Under, Lightweight, Glamper, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Fingerlicking
FNGs: 1 Fingerlicking
COUNT: 12.
WARMUP:The motivator x 5 , arm blasters x 10, slow tempo squat x 10, Merkins, Trunk twist

THE THANG: Run through the track with 4 stops (5 reps)
1st set: Merkins, Diamond Merkins, Wide Merkins
2nd set: Flutter Kicks, hello dollys, bigboy
3rd set: Jump Squats, squats, Apollo oh no speed skates

Mosey to rd
10 reps 2 stations up and down the rd. 10 merkins, dry docks, shoulder tap 3 laps

Mosey to benches and 7s of step up and Dips

Walk to the playground hang tight stretching shoulders.

Mosey to the front of the School (tables) Sevens incline Merkins, Squats, Then anothnset of Dips and squats.

Go to the corner of the school and feet against the wall or back against the wall and hold for 20 secs, squats x 10 , Rocky Balboa.
And Final push mosey to the Flag. :punch: :punch: :punch:

ANNOUNCEMENTS: launching of Bluegrass AO

COT: Be the leader and helping others for their weakness.

NOT a Murph

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Steam
PAX: Abacus, Lizzy, Tenderfoot, Glamper, Lilydipper, Crash Dummy, Drum Major, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Chad Harvey(Pink Panther), Brick, Showgun, Dr. Phil, 0
FNGs: 1 0
1. Baby Arm Circle (F) – 10×4
2. Baby Arm Circle (B) – 10×4
3. Rockette: 10×4
4. Grady Corn: 30×4
5. Hillbilly: 10×4

[ Cash In ]
1. 100 SSH (1-count)
2. 75 LBCs (1-count)
3. 50 Mountain Climbers (2-count)
4. 25 Frog Jumps

(Mosey down around to the right to the rock pile below the BSIA Overlook)

– 200 merkins
– 200 squats
– 200 bent over rows
– = simulating the 600 total reps in a real Murph
– Form is crucial – crucial
– Instead of running 1 mile on the front and back end of the reps, we’ll run a specific route after each round of reps
– Run an L route around the Pickett’s Charge field
– Rounds of reps
– All 3 Xs
– 25 reps each
– Total of 8 rounds = 600 reps
– Put rocks back
– 25 chest presses + 25 curls
– Mosey back to the flag for Mary

[ Cash Out ]
1. 100 SSH (1-count)
2. 75 LBCs (1-count)
3. 50 Mountain Climbers (2-count)
4. 25 Frog Jumps

– Join Lilydipper’s team of champions for Hardship Hill on Monday!
– Drum Major has put together a killer 2nd F event for us this Friday — check out his Slack post above.
– I will be Q’ing a Memorial Weekend Murph at asylum-daybreak on Saturday — join us!
– F3 in the Nude — Swimmies (Nathan Chesney)

I sat there and felt sorry for myself for one minute, then I had to keep going.
-Marcus Luttrell
– I find myself in this position more times than I’d like to admit – feeling sorry for yourself

Events from Operation Red Wing, June 28, 2005
Read the highlighted sections on pages 266-267 in Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell

Draw A Line In The Sand
“I rolled over, and I was paralyzed from the waist down. I started crawling, pulling, using my elbow to start pulling myself through the dirt and out of this ravine. Well I got up and the sun was going down, and I started to crawl. I was in bad shape. I didn’t know what to do. And I was laying in this tree, looking at the moon, and I was feeling sorry for myself. And I must have laid there….my brother was a Navy SEAL too, I got a twin brother, he’s a Navy SEAL. And I was thinking about him a lot and my teammates, and all the training I had been through. I laid there and I was like, c’mon, get up. Let’s go. That’s exactly what I said. What was I gonna do, lay down there and die? I wasn’t gonna do that, I definitely wasn’t gonna feel sorry for myself. And I kept thinking like, I’m still alive man, I mean, I’m alive. They fought and died by I’m still alive. The mission’s still on, let’s go. So, I reached out and I grabbed a rock and I reached out as far as I could and drew a line in the dirt in front of me. I’m gonna crawl to that until my feet hit it and if I’m still alive I’m gonna do it again. That’s what I did. I’d draw a line, until my feet hit it, I’d fall down a hill and draw another line. And I did that for 7 miles.”
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGxOYWRAjXQ

– This is a great practice to adopt and utilize in life – drawing a line in front of you and working your way past it
– “The lines” we draw through life are sometimes physical, but far more often are they mental, emotional, relational, and spiritual.
– KMF = Keep Moving Forward

The Grinder (with an “E”!)

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Pele (Jon Lindberg)
PAX: Toretto, F3 Pluto ( Hugh Nystrom), Mr Jinxy, Lilydipper, Pusher, Steam, Glamper, Drum Major, CRISPR, Tenderfoot, Lizzy, Pele (Jon Lindberg)
FNGs: None





Labored Running

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Swimmies (Nathan Chesney)
PAX: Steam, OnStar, Glamper, Guppy, Brick, High Heels, Crash Dummy, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Drum Major, Tenderfoot, Mr Jinxy, Swimmies (Nathan Chesney)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, Tempo Merks, Grady Corns, tempo squats, little this and that

CMU Deadlifts
Air Squats
CMU Squats
CMU presses
CMU squat thrusters
Run after each set

MARY: no time


Your never to far from grace