F3 Knoxville

NOT a Murph

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Steam
PAX: Abacus, Lizzy, Tenderfoot, Glamper, Lilydipper, Crash Dummy, Drum Major, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Chad Harvey(Pink Panther), Brick, Showgun, Dr. Phil, 0
FNGs: 1 0
1. Baby Arm Circle (F) – 10×4
2. Baby Arm Circle (B) – 10×4
3. Rockette: 10×4
4. Grady Corn: 30×4
5. Hillbilly: 10×4

[ Cash In ]
1. 100 SSH (1-count)
2. 75 LBCs (1-count)
3. 50 Mountain Climbers (2-count)
4. 25 Frog Jumps

(Mosey down around to the right to the rock pile below the BSIA Overlook)

– 200 merkins
– 200 squats
– 200 bent over rows
– = simulating the 600 total reps in a real Murph
– Form is crucial – crucial
– Instead of running 1 mile on the front and back end of the reps, we’ll run a specific route after each round of reps
– Run an L route around the Pickett’s Charge field
– Rounds of reps
– All 3 Xs
– 25 reps each
– Total of 8 rounds = 600 reps
– Put rocks back
– 25 chest presses + 25 curls
– Mosey back to the flag for Mary

[ Cash Out ]
1. 100 SSH (1-count)
2. 75 LBCs (1-count)
3. 50 Mountain Climbers (2-count)
4. 25 Frog Jumps

– Join Lilydipper’s team of champions for Hardship Hill on Monday!
– Drum Major has put together a killer 2nd F event for us this Friday — check out his Slack post above.
– I will be Q’ing a Memorial Weekend Murph at asylum-daybreak on Saturday — join us!
– F3 in the Nude — Swimmies (Nathan Chesney)

I sat there and felt sorry for myself for one minute, then I had to keep going.
-Marcus Luttrell
– I find myself in this position more times than I’d like to admit – feeling sorry for yourself

Events from Operation Red Wing, June 28, 2005
Read the highlighted sections on pages 266-267 in Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell

Draw A Line In The Sand
“I rolled over, and I was paralyzed from the waist down. I started crawling, pulling, using my elbow to start pulling myself through the dirt and out of this ravine. Well I got up and the sun was going down, and I started to crawl. I was in bad shape. I didn’t know what to do. And I was laying in this tree, looking at the moon, and I was feeling sorry for myself. And I must have laid there….my brother was a Navy SEAL too, I got a twin brother, he’s a Navy SEAL. And I was thinking about him a lot and my teammates, and all the training I had been through. I laid there and I was like, c’mon, get up. Let’s go. That’s exactly what I said. What was I gonna do, lay down there and die? I wasn’t gonna do that, I definitely wasn’t gonna feel sorry for myself. And I kept thinking like, I’m still alive man, I mean, I’m alive. They fought and died by I’m still alive. The mission’s still on, let’s go. So, I reached out and I grabbed a rock and I reached out as far as I could and drew a line in the dirt in front of me. I’m gonna crawl to that until my feet hit it and if I’m still alive I’m gonna do it again. That’s what I did. I’d draw a line, until my feet hit it, I’d fall down a hill and draw another line. And I did that for 7 miles.”
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGxOYWRAjXQ

– This is a great practice to adopt and utilize in life – drawing a line in front of you and working your way past it
– “The lines” we draw through life are sometimes physical, but far more often are they mental, emotional, relational, and spiritual.
– KMF = Keep Moving Forward

The Grinder (with an “E”!)

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Pele (Jon Lindberg)
PAX: Toretto, F3 Pluto ( Hugh Nystrom), Mr Jinxy, Lilydipper, Pusher, Steam, Glamper, Drum Major, CRISPR, Tenderfoot, Lizzy, Pele (Jon Lindberg)
FNGs: None





Labored Running

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Swimmies (Nathan Chesney)
PAX: Steam, OnStar, Glamper, Guppy, Brick, High Heels, Crash Dummy, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Drum Major, Tenderfoot, Mr Jinxy, Swimmies (Nathan Chesney)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, Tempo Merks, Grady Corns, tempo squats, little this and that

CMU Deadlifts
Air Squats
CMU Squats
CMU presses
CMU squat thrusters
Run after each set

MARY: no time


Your never to far from grace

The Heaviest Ruck of All Time

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Brick
PAX: Glamper, Tenderfoot, Jeevan Kypa (Scrubs), Drum Major, Brick, Sparkler, Pusher, High Heels (Henry Ritchie), Pele (Jon Lindberg), Abacus, Steam, Assfault, Switchhitter (Tony), Crash Dummy
FNGs: None
Warm up
33 SSH
14 Hand release merkins
3 Manmakers
2 360 merkins
Wide plank jacks
Cherry pickers
Michael Phelps

-80lbs sandbag is going everywhere with us!
-rabbits always circle back and pick it up
-Every man must carry it once
-Next man on deck beside him for encouragement


•Picketts sling shot
Battle buddy
-1 “sprint” up the first section and do the exercise and run back, partner is doing xyz
-2 second battle buddy “sprint” up to first section and do the exercise and run back, partner is doing xyz
-3 “run” up first section together and do the exercise
-Repeat for second section and so on until we get to the top

1 – 5 manmakers/ SSH
2 – 2 360 merkins/ Butterfly sit-ups
3 – 10 hand release merkins/ SSH
4 – 10 wide plank jacks/ butterfly sit-ups

Mosey to base of Everest

Bear crawl 360 together x 2
Run up incline to dead end together

Run to base of summit
5 Inchworm merkins
Bernie summit
5 Inchworm merkins

Run to flag


Plank until 6 is up

LilyDipper’s surgery went well! Praying for Recovery!

GTE volunteers needed


It took excruciating pain leading to death to cleanse us from our sin. Without His death and resurrection the Bible is just a story that sounds good. Jesus was born to die and to do hard things and endure pain, loneliness, isolation, and rejection along the way.

It’s incomprehensible to think of how heavy the weight of sin felt upon his body.

Just like we took terms today, caring that heavy sandbag, there is one other man that really caught my eye in the midst of some of Jesus‘s hardest moments of the cross.
Jesus fell to the ground under the burden of the cross. After their efforts to get Him to continue on His way, the Roman soldiers are in trouble, looking for a solution to the situation. According to Roman law, they could force a traveler to help carry the burden for a mile. They found Simon of Cyrene, seized him, and put the cross on his back to take it after Jesus.
Simon of Cyrene was a Jew who had come to Jerusalem for the Passover Feast. To hasten Jesus’ execution by crucifixion the soldiers forced Simon to carry the cross, which weighed approximately 88 pounds, a distance of three quarters of a mile from the fortress of Antonia to Calvary.
Simon is mentioned in three of the Gospel accounts: Matthew (27:32), Mark (15:21), and Luke (23:26). Each of these scriptural reports tell us something different about the man, Simon of Cyrene, and in turn, tell us something important about our life with Jesus.
First, it is not to be overlooked that Simon carried Jesus’ cross. Matthew and Mark clearly state the object Simon carried: “His [Jesus’] cross.” This might sound obvious, but it is insightful that this man, Jesus, who all the gospel writers clearly understand to be God incarnate, needs assistance at his moment of suffering. Simon carrying Jesus’ cross is our reminder of the humility of God.
God is always purposeful, and He may have directed the soldiers to choose Simon of Cyrene to carry the Lord’s cross for a portion of the way to Calvary. We must not lose sight of the fact that Immanuel (God with us), the Creator, the One who carries our burdens accepted help from a man. What a lesson in humility. And we know that part of the execution process involved shameful, public humiliation. Simon did not merely spectate; he also partook in the Lord’s advance toward crucifixion.

Simon of Cyrene, following behind Jesus with the cross, is the picture of discipleship. Christ has gone first. He has gone and is going to where we cannot. Still, we follow in his steps, bearing the cross behind him. This is why Christians today join their hearts together in song singing, “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus” written by a Christian martyr named Sadu Sundar Singh.
“I have decided to follow Jesus; The world behind me, the cross before me; Though none go with me, still I will follow; My cross I’ll carry, till I see Jesus; No turning back, no turning back.”

Leave you with one question.
What weight are you carrying for others right now?

And let’s rejoice that one man chose to not just carry the weight, but to die so that we may know Him and tell others of this love. And Sunday is coming very soon that changes the hope for all of mankind.

THE Quarter Pounder

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Steam
PAX: Pele (Jon Lindberg), Drum Major, Pusher, Lilydipper, Rooney (Carl Whipple), Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), Glamper, High Heels, Abacus, Lizzy
FNGs: None
– 10 (slow) Baby Arm Circles F
– 10 (slow) Baby Arm Circles B
– 10×4 Cherry pickers
– 10×4 Rockettes
– 10×4 Windmill
– 10×4 SSH

1 — 30 Rep Buy-In OYO
– 15 merkins
– 15 squats

2 — Rock Quarter Pounder
– Get a rock
– 25 curls
– Bear hug rock to the wall
– 10 rock squats
– Rifle carry back
– 25 overhead presses
– Bear hug rock to the wall
– 10 rock squats
– Rifle carry back
– 25 rock BBS
– Bear hug rock to the wall
– 10 rock squats
– Rifle carry back
– 25 rock tricep curls
– Bear hug rock to the wall
– 10 rock squats
– Rifle carry back

3 — Rock Quarter Pounder Part 1
– Same thing as Rock Quarter Pounder #1, but all 4 Xs are at 100 reps total, and you must make a rock rifle carry route 4x

(Mosey to the Overlook)

4 — Core 4 (Continuous)
– 50 flutter kicks
– 50 LBCs
– 50 Reach For The Stars
– 50 Gas Pedals

120 seconds to get back to the start point

5 — 30 Rep Cash Out OYO
– 15 merkins
– 15 squats

– EFHR coming up in two Fridays
– GTE April 26-28 — knoxville-gte-2024
– EVEN IF you’re not doing the ruck/whole thing, I HIGHLY encourage you to show up for the King Builder (Saturday workout) convergence at the Asylum + Grow School afterward at Bearden High School. World-class leadership training.

Word: A Lot Can Happen In 7 Days
Domino (F3 Smokies) shared this pic on Facebook and I thought it was really cool. Check out the pic in this message thread. I encourage you to read through each of these Scripture passages and realize just how much can happen in 7 days. From joy, to “how did we get here?!” to betrayal and death, to the ultimate example of love and sacrifice, to victory and the resurrection, truly, a lot can happen in 7 days.

– Joy
– Celebration
– Hosanna

– Pain
– Mocked
– Berated

– Betrayed
– Handed over to be crucified
– Sacrifice

– Death to life
– Victory
– “Why are you looking for the living among the dead?” -Jesus

Prayer Requests
– Pray for Ruby (Lilydipper’s mother-in-law) as she just went into hospice. An incredible woman who is closer to being on her way home.