F3 Knoxville

IPC week 4: the most bestest

AO: juco
Q: Haggis
PAX: Butterknife, Fetch, Booster, Data, Wanderer, Lt. Dan, Guardrail, Mailbox
FNGs: None

SSH x 20
IW x 15
Merkins x 10
Don Quixote x 10
Moroccan Night Club x 10

Week 4 IPC
Buy in 200 m run
Round 1-8 work 30 reps
200 m run
Remaining time burpees

Each rd is 5 min
Rd 1: Freddy Mercury
2: Pickle Pounder
3: Flutters
4:Plank Jacks
5: Monkey Humpers
6: Squats
8: SSH

Great work by all and awesome encouragement on the run

COT: Last week Lil’ Spice mentioned a Christian artist named Andrew Peterson. I recognized the name, not by music but by his writing. He wrote a 4 book miniseries entitled The Wingfeather Saga that tells the tale of a family of kids who must learn about life in the midst of strife.
In one chapter an idea struck as very poignant. The idea is to be the Moon in the darkness. To be a light for those who are struggling. I talked about how the moon has many phases that shows different brightness. We also reflect that same brightness, sometimes Full, sometimes waxing or waning and sometimes new and just showing a sliver. Sometimes it’s obvious that we are good men, husbands, fathers, leaders and other times when we struggle to see a way for ourselves. So when you’re bright, shine for those who struggle and when you struggle find that bright light and ask for help.
Guardrail also mentioned that the moon doesn’t provide light but gives off the reflection of the sun, so, in this metaphor, be a reflection of the Son.

Prayers for those struggling through what life has going on including cancer, health, storm recovery and so much more



Spicy Dragons and Planting Trees

AO: juco
Q: Lil’ Spice
PAX: Love Shaq, Lt. Dan, Windex, Guardrail, Butterknife, Wanderer, Mailbox, Haggis, Fetch, Commission, Booster, Nutcracker
FNGs: None
Dive Bombers
Cherry Pickers
Baby Arm Circles Forward and Back
Hairy Rockettes

Mosey to the Duck Pond and perform Spicy Dragons up the hill…1 Merkin, 1 Catalina Wine Mixer, 1 Plank Jack, Bear Crawl 4 paces, 2 Merkin, 2 CWM, 2 Plank Jack, Bear Crawl 4 paces…continue up to 10 or until your arms fall off.

Mosey to coupon pile with a couple of Mary stops along the way, Imperial Walkers and Freddy Mercury

Partner for DORA at the coupon pile.
One partner moseys for a lap around the building, other performs AMRAP of the following exercises with coupon:
– Curls
– Squats
– Tricep Extensions
– Rows

Mosey to flag with stop for LBCs along the way.

MARY: No time.


COT: What trees are you planting? Song by Andrew Peterson: https://open.spotify.com/track/39ILtaDgPIoTqk0u195QQA?si=8da3d823c2bd4e41

Second Chances 1 of 3

AO: juco
Q: Commission
PAX: Mailbox, Guardrail, Wanderer
FNGs: None
Side straddle hop x 25 (4 count)
Cherry pickers x 5 (4 count)
Tempo merkins x 10 (4 count)
Tempo squats x 10 (4 count)
Mountain Climbers x 10 (4 count)


Mosie to the Haslam Building.

Run to the cop car and back while your partner does
100 Imperial Walkers (4 count)
100 Swimmers (4 count)
100 Mountain climbers (4 count)
100 Supermans (4 count)

2 Rounds
30 Bobby Hurleys
30 sec Wall sit

Far side of the parking lot
6 lunges
3 burpees
10 twinkle toes
Jog 2 bays forward, bernie one bay back

Mosie to the flag.

Guardrail led us in 20 flutter kicks (4 count)

Second chances
1 Cor 6:9-11 9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals,10 nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.

I got into some serious trouble as a middle schooler and betrayed a close friend by breaking into his house and stealing from his family. I believe that God’s hand played into receiving mercy and avoiding long term consequences for my actions because he had other plans for me in his kingdom. I needed a second chance.

The Latin word for common is vulgar. Aren’t the things the common man thinks and does vulgar? That is why God is sanctifying us. Sanctification is the verb process of making holy or setting apart. God is taking us out of the common and setting us apart for his use. The sins of your past may or may not be mentioned in 1 Cor 6 but they are mentioned elsewhere and your sins are no better than anyone else’s and their sins are no worse than yours. Regardless, let them be your past, not your present or future.

Allow God to continue in his sanctification of you for his purposes and make the most of this second chance.

Iron Pax 1 2024

AO: juco
Q: Wanderer
PAX: Fetch, Tarantino, Lt. Dan, Wheelchair (Jonathan Perelman), Dart Gun, Windex, Guardrail, Mailbox, Butterknife, Love Shaq
FNGs: None

# Iron Pax week 1 2024
## Worlds Toughest 11’s





Rom 8:28
And we know that for those who love God al things work together for good.

– Not everything is good, but all things work together for good.
– This is for those who love God. Consider this your invitation if you don’t know him personally.

Just like this workout was terrible, yet worked to improve condition, so the hardships and trials in life are for our benefit.

20 of this and that

AO: juco
Q: Mailbox
PAX: Lil’ Spice, Wanderer, Mailbox, Butterknife, Windex, Guardrail, Booster, Fetch, Lt. Dan, Tarantino, Love Shaq,
FNGs: None
COUNT: 11 plus 4 OTB runners
WARMUP: The usual stuff

THE THANG: Mosey to big parking lot for ladder work. 20 jump squats, then 20 merkins, then 20 box cutters and 20 SSH, stopping for exercises at each rung. Mosey to coupons for some CMU work with movement like farmer carry, rifle carry, lunges, snowplow in between. Mosey to first lot to repeat first ladder then circle back to return CMUs. Covered 2 miles

MARY: little bit left


COT: be men of action not just thought or intentions