F3 Knoxville

A JUCO Gift Exchange

AO: juco
Q: Windex
PAX: Butterknife, Haggis, Love Shaq, Windex
FNGs: None
SSH, Tempo Squats, Tennessee Rocking Chair, Cherry Pickers

Mosey to a parking lot.
Gift 1: See The Lights
1st Light Pole – 5 Merkins
2nd Light Pole – 10 Merkins
3rd Light Pole – 15 Merkins
4th Light Pole – 20 Merkins
5th Light Pole – 25 Merkins
6th Light Pole – 30 Merkins

Mosey to CMU Pile.
Gift 2:
20 Curls, 20 O.H. Press, 20 Heavy Squats. Mosey up the stairs and touch the building. Repeat 1x

Mosey to the duck lot.
Gift 3:
100 Collective Burpees

Mosey to the Science walls.
Gift 4:
1 Runs to the end of the lot and back. Others do box jumps. Switch runner. Do toe taps.
Repeat until everyone runs 2x

Mosey to the big lot.
Gift 5: Suicidal Bears
Run 1 line, Bear Crawl back 1 line
Run 2 lines, Bear Crawl back 1 line
Run 3 lines, Bear Crawl back 1 line
Run 4 lines, Bear Crawl back 1 line
Run 5 lines, Bear Crawl to curb.

Mosey back to the flag.

Flutter Kicks, Scissors, and Freddy Mercury

The workout is over :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:

As some know, my foot has been a real problem for the last 5 months. The majority of the time, the pain was at an 8 or 9. This unintentional thing with my foot, forced me to literally transform the way I live. I walked with a limp, putting a shoe on was torture, I could not walk barefoot, and the day to day of going about my life was exhausting to say the least. I did go to the foot doctor about 6 weeks ago and got something for it. About two weeks ago it started to slowly feel better; and a couple of days ago, the pain completely went away.

Back up a couple of months – I was driving and thinking, “God, what am I supposed get from this unintentional thing that has completely transformed how I go about my life?” (At this point I was about ready to cut my foot off)

All I heard, or thought, or felt was this – or something similar.

“Be intentional in knowing me, and I will transform your life.”

My takeaway is this: something unintentional forced me to change; and God wants me to be intentional (in knowing Him), and He will do the changing.

James 4:7-8
7 So give yourselves completely to God. Stand against the devil, and the devil will run from you.
8 Come near to God, and God will come near to you. You sinners, clean sin out of your lives. You who are trying to follow God and the world at the same time, make your thinking pure.

Snaggle’s Q

AO: shamrock
Q: Snaggletooth (Elijah Tafao)
PAX: Crawlspace, Stitch, Snaggletooth (Elijah Tafao), Oscar Meyer, Baby Boomer, Haggis, slappy, Anchorman, Dumpster Dive, Skidmark, Squatter, Bedwetter
FNGs: None
COUNT: 12 disciples
SSH x15, imperial squawker x10, tempo merk x10, projectivator x10, 5 burpees OYO, stretch OYO, cherry pickers x5

1. Mosey to bars: Pull-ups x7/other pax squats
2. Mosey to CMU: 2 equal lines for Relay: Pax curl, thruster, OHP or Tri Ext, squat, rows, BBS, flutter, blockees, etc, while relay murder bunny to ramp/rifle carry back – switch out for next pax
3. Mosey to big lot: mucho chesto
4. Mosey to football field: Battle buddy up for Fireman carry (or piggyback) to 25 then switch to 50, then switch to wheel barrow to 25, then switch to FG.
5. Freeze tag in end zone 5 minutes

MOSEY back to START for Mary ring of fire (plank while 1 merkin around the circle-2 if time-3if time)

1. Rucksgiving
2. ROCO Convergence

“Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers. The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that the wind drives away. Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous; for the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬-‭6‬ ‭ESV‬‬

52 Pick Up

AO: the-project
Q: Flying Dutchman
PAX: Bolt, Chicken Bone, Flying Dutchman, Haggis, Mathlete, Ocho, Patch Adams, Tom Tom, None
FNGs: 1 None
Neck rolls, arm circles, Grady Corns, Wind mills, Willie Mays Hayes, Hillbilly walkers.
Mosey to bell. Play 52 pickup. 52 playing cards with different excercises and reps on each. Each person grabs a card, sprint 50 meters deposit the card (cast a vote) and do the excercise. Sprint back until all cards are done.
Exercises include:
Merkins x 25, wide arm merkins x25, diamond merkins x25, SSH x25, Karate Jacks x25, burpees x10, bear crawl, squats x25, lunges x25, Freddy’s x25, flutter kicks x25, box cutters x 25.
After that did Captain Therkins, 25 LBC’s, 25 flutters, 25 Freddy’s, 25 dips, 20 inverted rows and a sprint to the end.

Read Daniel 2:21 and discussed how God removes Kings and sets them up and how we do not need to be anxious, especially around this election. It does not mean God will do your will, but his will and God will see us through.

A Cardio Tour of the Project

AO: the-project
Q: OBrother
PAX: Haggis, Flying Dutchman, Biohack
FNGs: None

Tempo Squats x 10
Tempo Merkins x 10
Projectivators from 11
Cherry Pickers x 5


String of Pearls workout. Run between stations and do each exercise. On the way to each station someone calls jail break to sprint to the end and do burgers equal to the number of people who arrived after you.

Station 1 – Bell
3 sets
Box Rockets x 10
LBC x 20

Station 2 – K-25 Hill
11s with Merkins and Freddie Mercuries

Station 3 – Hill of 12 Pains
Lunge 2 Parking spaces, then do 10x Bigboys. Repeat 5 times

Station 4 – Amphitheater
3 sets
10x Catalina Wine mixers
10x Basilisks

Station 5 – Playground
10 Pullups

20x Russian Twists
20x Flutter Kicks


There is a lot going on in the world between politics, natural disasters, and world events. I have seen a lot of conversations try and devolve into arguments recently. Just remember that every person on the other side of a conversation or discussion, no matter how heated, is just that, a person. Treat them that way instead of an enemy, an idiot, or an obstacle.

Spicy Dragons and Planting Trees

AO: juco
Q: Lil’ Spice
PAX: Love Shaq, Lt. Dan, Windex, Guardrail, Butterknife, Wanderer, Mailbox, Haggis, Fetch, Commission, Booster, Nutcracker
FNGs: None
Dive Bombers
Cherry Pickers
Baby Arm Circles Forward and Back
Hairy Rockettes

Mosey to the Duck Pond and perform Spicy Dragons up the hill…1 Merkin, 1 Catalina Wine Mixer, 1 Plank Jack, Bear Crawl 4 paces, 2 Merkin, 2 CWM, 2 Plank Jack, Bear Crawl 4 paces…continue up to 10 or until your arms fall off.

Mosey to coupon pile with a couple of Mary stops along the way, Imperial Walkers and Freddy Mercury

Partner for DORA at the coupon pile.
One partner moseys for a lap around the building, other performs AMRAP of the following exercises with coupon:
– Curls
– Squats
– Tricep Extensions
– Rows

Mosey to flag with stop for LBCs along the way.

MARY: No time.


COT: What trees are you planting? Song by Andrew Peterson: https://open.spotify.com/track/39ILtaDgPIoTqk0u195QQA?si=8da3d823c2bd4e41