F3 Knoxville

Have you seen my new Driveway?

THE SCENE: Crisp. Very bracing.

SSH IC x20, Merkins IC x10, Peter Parkers IC x10, MTN Climbers IC x10, jog to Drifter’s Driveway
Dora with Bricks (never put them down). Run down the hill and back with the bricks.

  • 200 Brickees
  • 150 Squat Extensions (tricep extensions at the top of a squat)

Run to the butterfly trail to follow the leader. Crab walk, army crawl, bear crawl.

Back to the grinder for final grind.

  • 10 hand release Merkins, 10 chest to bars
  • Then 9 each, 8 each, 7… until 5 min left for Mary

Box Cutters IC x20, Dr.Ws IC x10, Scissor Kicks IC x10, side crunch x25 each side, hold superman for about 45sec.
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Not sure if you noticed, but there is a lot of mess at my house. My encouragement for you is to not wait until you get all the mess cleaned up to start inviting people into your life. The super clean houses on tv and insta are not real life. Let’s live real life together and be okay with people seeing our mess. That what Jesus did, and if we can let Him in, we can let others in too.
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Light poles and lazy Dora


SSH x 20 IC

Plank, then merkins x10 ic , plank, peter parkers x10


super 11s

  • Start and said #1 light pole, do one rep of each, Merkins, Big Boys, and Squats
  • Run 2 light poles, then run back one, do 2 of each above said exercise
  • Keep advancing 2 light poles and running back one until you complete 11 reps of the said exercises
  • once complete, start at 10 reps of each exercise and go back down to one, still advancing 2 light poles and running back on
  • Back at the AO, LAZY Doras, 100 merkins, 200 LBC, 300 Overhead CMU pressess(we got to 200) before time was up)
  • After the 100 merkins and before going onto the LBC, We sprinted or attempted to sprint around a short section of the park before Moses could finish 30 reps of 3 different exercises. (merkins, rows, and big boys)
  • After the LBC, we sprinted down the grinder and back before Moses could complete 20 reps of curls
  • Moses has a bum knee right now, hence the reason he was doing stationary exercises but gave us a reason to run hard for some cardio

Flutters x 10

dollys x10

scissors x10
14 pax
Stress. I just talked about Stress and the role it plays in our lives. yes, there are many things around us that give us stress but ultimately, we bring stress on ourselves. Stress is based on how we deal with things. For me recently, we just brought home 2 puppies! I have 3 young boys, a work schedule that could keep me working 60 hours a week, kids sports, spending time with the M,etc….LOTS of stuff going on right?! Well, I make my bed and I lay in it! Therefore, I could easily be stressed out but I know everything will work itself out so I try not to stress over it. PRAYER HELPS!! 🙂
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THE SCENE: Dark, wet, cold
. Imperial Walkers, Tempo Merkins, Kahzak Squats, Mtn Climbers, High Knees, Skips

  • THA-THANG: 5 stations, 3 min. at each station, 3 cone suicide between each, short Mosey after completing all stations, then do it again
  • Station 1.
  • 20 BBS
  • 20 Peter Parker (2ct)
  • 20 Bridge Marching (2ct)
  • 20 J-Lo (plank, hip dip, 2ct)
  • 30 LBC
  • 20 Superman
  • Station 2.
  • 5-8 pull ups
  • 10 knee tucks
  • 10 assisted piston squat (5 per leg)
  • 5 slow-release hangs
  • 25 Merkins
  • Station 3
  • 20 CMU Goblet Squats
  • 10 Water pumps per leg
  • 10 Step ups with CMU (per leg)
  • 10/leg shoulders-high hip thrusters
  • Station 4
  • Crazy 8 Curls
  • 20 Upright Rows
  • 15 Dips, CMU on legs
  • 15 lawnmower per arms
  • 20 incline merkins (bench or CMU)
  • Station 5
  • 15/leg Single Leg Dead Lift
  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 lunge twist with CMU (10 per leg)
  • 30 Calf Raises (10 each: toes out, toes neutral, toes in

    Two great Proverbs about using our words are found just a couple of verses apart in Proverbs 12.

  • 12:16  Fools show their annoyance at once, but the prudent overlook an insult.      Sometime we don’t need to say anything at all, just ignore the slights and insults that are passed our way.
  • 12:18 The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.      When we do choose to speak, let’s speak words that bring healing to the hearers, not wounds and pain.



Operation CMU Extraction

THE SCENE: It was a drizzly day in the South American jungle that day. Which is to say it was pouring. Hard.

We didn’t have much time to prepare. The situation was too dire. Word had reached us that things had grown beyond what we had feared in the CMU concentration camp. So we did the only thing we could, saddled up for a black ops extraction (i.e. 10 SSH). The mission would be high in the mountains (10 mtn climbers 4ct) so we loaded up the choppers and they waved us out (10 overhead claps).
They must have known we were coming. They shot down two of our choppers and only my team was left to get those CMUs out of that hell hole. There were five of us. Moses, our squad lead, took some shrapnel in his arm and leg, so it was up to me to get things underway. We made an emergency landing in the Swamp. It was tricky getting out of there but we managed.

1. Leaving the swamp (softball field):

  • 10 iron squats
  • 10 sprint line touches (20 yards)
  • 10 right side lunge
  • 10 left side lunge
  • Ascend to the camp

The security in the camp was much tighter than we thought as well. We could only get one CMU to the extraction point at a time. We code-named the camp, The Summit. Once there; Fins, our gunner; Hammy, our medic; Butterfingers, our explosives expert; and I took up support positions while Moses moved in for the first extraction.

Support positions held any of the following while extraction was underway:

  • Hold onto pullup bar
  • Knees above parallel bars
  • Squat on balance board
  • Low dip on bench
  • Low plank

Extraction Person:

  • 10 upright rows
  • 10 squat thrusts
  • 10 curls
  • Move CMU to extraction point
  • Repeat for as long as support team can hold position

I’m not sure who broke position. But after that, it was sheer chaos. We hightailed it out of there until we were able to regroup on the far side of the camp. From their we tried another ascent. We recalled Ma’am’s training and got back to the camp. Butterfingers affectionately named that little mudhole “Ma’am’s Bottom”

2. Ascent from Ma’am’s bottom:

  • 10 BBS
  • Sprint (I’m up, they see me, I’m down)
  • 10 WW2 sit ups
  • Sprint (I’m up, they see me, I’m down)
  • Repeat 3 times then continue to camp

We attempted another rescue attempt, but it wasn’t long before we had to make another retreat. We found ourselves in a strange place. An old bridge that no one seemed dumb enough to cross but us. Getting back across was another story…

Paying the troll toll:

  • 10 body builders
  • 10 SSH 4ct
  • 10 meekins
  • 10 mtn climbers
  • Ascend to camp

This process continued for about an hour. Retreat to the swamp, extract a CMU, retreat to Ma’am’s bottom, extract a CMU, retreat to troll bridge, extract a CMU, and back to the swamp.

Unfortunately, they caught on to our reuse and we had to leave…. I wish we could have got them all, but it was just too much without the other two teams…

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Though it can seem like we are doing things just to get them out of the way to be happy later, we really need to enjoy what God has put right in front of us. Like Daniel, God has us where he wants us, and asks us to be faithful to him. So like Daniel both sought the good of Babylon while still remaining faithful to God (in not eating pig for example), he trusted God to take care of punishing Babylon. So too we need to be faithful to God’s commands to love and be patient with those around us, and trust Him to give us Joy and Purpose for the things we set out hands to. He has you where you are right now for a reason.

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THE SCENE:  40 degrees F, 69% humidity, dark with clear skies.

SSH, Inch worms

30 second planks: High, low, John Trivolta’s left and right, rear

Glute Marches

  • With two CMUs, one held high and the other low, perform reverse lunge to step up (5/leg).  After that perform single leg Romanian Dead Lifts (8/leg).  Do three total rounds and plank until all HIMs are complete.
  • Push – Pull Ladder:  8 to 1 pull ups or inverted pull ups, 16 to 2 merkins.
  • Four Rounds: 5x CMU Curtsy Squats, 4x Burpee broad jumps, 3x grinder laps.

20x Flutter kicks, 20x box cutters, 50x LBCs
11 HIMs including Spooks (Travis Elkins) from Fredericksburg, VA.
Jude 24-25:  Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever.  Amen.

This should be our reason for assurance and hope.  Live it.

Prayers for Fins mom (health) and for Espy’s family (death of his dad).
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