Q: Z-Pack
PAX: Herbie, DoorKicker (Jud), Z-Pack
FNGs: None
Squat & Reach
Baby Arm Circles
OH Claps
Michael Phelps
Ring of Fire Merkins
Football field or parking lot with at least 10 evenly spaced lines.
1 CMU each. Q will need a Tabata timer (preferred) or stopwatch.
The Workout:
Line up at 1st line
Start the timer.
All PAX perform each exercise for 1 full minute (no rest interval between sets).
After each 50 reps, move forward one line – but continue doing the exercise until the minute timer rolls over.
Immediately following the 10th set (no rest), perform 5 minutes of CMU Thrusters (keep counting toward your total # of reps).
Total duration: 15 minutes
Exercises are;
1. 1-minute of CMU OHP
2. 1-minute of CMU Goblet Squats
3. 1-minute of CMU Bent Over Rows
4. 1-minute of CMU BBS
5. 1-minute of CMU Biceps curls
6. 1-minute of CMU Lunges
7. 1-minute of Derkins (feet elevated on CMU)
8. 1-minute of CMU LBCs
9. 1-minute of CMU Triceps extension
10. 1-minute of CMU Deadlifts
11. 5-minutes of CMU Thrusters
Record 1st Round # of reps
Rest 3 minutes
Now…REPEAT the full routine – starting over with your rep count
Submit BOTH scores – Round 1 reps and Round 2 reps (scored individually, not cumulatively)
Haw Ridge – March 28. Compete or relax PAX
Faith to Cross The Jordan – Joshua Chapter 3
Israel was crossing into the promised land. God tested Israel’s faith. The Jordan was in flood stage. One could easily drown trying to Cross. God told Israel that he would stop the river so that they could cross on dry ground. There was a test of their faith though. They had to take a step of faith into the flooding waters before God would stop the river. They took those first steps and God was faithful. Where do we need to take a step of faith?