F3 Knoxville

Can you HEAR the music?

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Pele (Jon Lindberg)
PAX: Pusher, Brick, CRISPR, Switchhitter (Tony), High Heels (Henry Ritchie), Drum Major, Mailbox, MD Hammer, Tenderfoot, Z-Bone, Crash Dummy, Glamper, Title IX (Christian Prescott), Kung Blue, Sparkler, Doubtfire (Nick Bond), Pele (Jon Lindberg), La-Z-Boy (Zac Smith), Lizzy
FNGs: None
WARMUP: -20 SSH (4-ct IC)
– 10 Windmills (4-ct IC)
-10 Grady Corns (4-ct IC)
– 10 Mountain Climbers (4-ct IC)
– calf stretches
MOSEY up Baby Cardiac and to the open area next to the road.
JINXY’S FOUR AND A QUARTER. Start at bottom of hill, run to top of slope and do 25 reps of an exercise, return to starting position. R&R 4 times, totaling 100 of the exercise (all single count).

Round 1: Bottle openers

– Round 2: Squat Jumps

MOSEY to Colosseum
Run around OUTSIDE circle, doing exercises at the Four “corners”

15 Big Boys (or 30 LBCs), 15 American Hammers (2-ct)

Blue cones on Corners, Orange Cones on sides (one side has blue cone in middle). Sheets will tell you what to do and how to get to next Blue Cone. Rinse and Repeat. First one done yell RECOVER.
1: Do 20 Iron Mikes (10 each leg). Suicide using orange cones to next
blue cone.
Corner 2: Do 20 Plank Jacks, Bear Crawl to next Blue Cone
Corner 3: Do 20 Big Boy Situps, Bernie to Blue Cone ½ way down.
½ Way Cone: Do 10 PRISONER GET UPS, Bernie to next Blue cone
Corner 4: 20 Shoulder taps , EL CAPITAN to next Blue Cone
Mosey to rock pile, AMRAP with curls, presses, rows, and triceps.
MARY: Flutter kicks, E2Ks, Homer/Marge
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Camping this week-end, various Ruck events, Hiking workout in early March, tune in to Slack.
COT: Quote from the movie Oppenheimer: “Algebra is like sheet music. The important thing isn’t can you read the music, it’s can you HEAR it” . Faith is similar. You can check all the boxes of the rituals of your faith, but the goal is to hear the music of your Sky Q’s love in your heart and soul. It may take a while for that to happen, and it’s not necessarily connected to how may boxes you check, but it’s an incredible feeling hearing that song in you once you attune to your God. “During the quiet moments, when I still my mind and my body, I can hear the song of His love in my heart and in my soul.”

Heart Healthy Start to Valentines Week

AO: asylum-am
Q: Sawdust
PAX: Cat Gut (Mike Davis), Pac-man, Love’s, Cinco (Scott McGuire), P3, Rainbow, High Heels (Henry Ritchie), Wham-o (Charlie Greene)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, Tempo Merkins, Cherry Pickers (to watch @Pac-man), Windmills, Rockettes (@bunny Style – IYKYK), Bobby Hurley Suicide Sprints, Peter Parker Pickle Pounders at the base of Baby Everest, Bernie halfway up, a Man-Maker at the summit, Mosey to the Large Pine and 5 Burpees to end the warm-a-rama (because a Burpee is not a warmup)

THE THANG: Ran a 4 Station Ladder Circuit with Pictionary –

Station 1:
1. Bobby Hurleys
2. Pickle Pounders
3. Freddie Mercurys

Station 2:
1. Sumo Squats
2. V-Ups
3. Iron Mikes

Station 3:
1. Mountain Climbers
2. Junk Science
3. X-Factors

Station 4:
1. TN Rockin’ Chairs
2. Lt. Dans
3. LBCs

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence at #Big_Ball on Saturday 17-Feb-24 at 0700 Hours

COT: Read Hebrews 12:12-17. Do not let a bitter root take purchase. Seek His path for us and do not squander the grace he has given.

As Long As…

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Pele (Jon Lindberg)
PAX: Steam, Lilydipper, Brick, CRISPR, Pusher, Tenderfoot, Rooney (Carl Whipple), Abscess, Dain Bramage (Will Olson), High Heels (Henry Ritchie), Title IX (Christian Prescott), Crash Dummy, Pele (Jon Lindberg), MD Hammer, Switchhitter (Tony)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: -20 SSSH (4-ct IC)
– 10 Cherry Pickers (4-ct IC)
– 10 Steve Earles (4-ct IC)
-10 Bonnie Blairs (4-ct IC)
-10 BAC forward and backward (4-ct IC)

THE THANG: Mosey up Baby Cardiac, AIKEN LEGS: 20 squats, 20 jump squats. 20 Lunges. 20 SSH left foot up, 20 SSH right foot up
Mosey to top of Cardiac. CARDIAC PYRAMID
– Run down to 1st curve, 10 Merkins, 10 BBS, 10 Squats, run back
– Run down to 2nd curve, 20 Merkins, BBS, Squats, run back
– Run to bottom, 30 Merkins, BBS, Squats
– Run up to 2nd curve, 20 Merkins, BBS, Squats, back to bottom
– Run up to 1st curve, 10 Merkins, BBS, Squats, and back.
Mosey to intersection of paths, 15 Imperial Walkers
Mosey to New pavilion.
– 20 Step ups
– 20 incline Merkins
– 20 Bench Pull ups
– 20 Isometric Squats

Mosey to Main Pavilion, Get Rocks! Go to Parking Lot curb.
– PARTNER UP. 1 partner runs up baby Cardiac, does 5 Star Jumps, run back . Partner 2 do 1 exercise while partner running up, other while he’s returning)
Mosey to AO

MARY: American Hammers, Tempo Squats, stretching.
COT:We talked about the trust-based contract between a Q and the PAX and it’s similar between the PAX and F3… the “As long as” phrase. I will continue to follow you “As long as” that trust isn’t breached. F3 has a special formula, a secret sauce, and whatever it is, it works, so my approach is “Don’t try to fix it!” Maintain the strategy of growth, but make sure that the fundamental aspects remain unchanged (This is the Weasel Shaker in me coming out…); free of charge, open to all men, welcoming and encouraging, etc. etc. It has had a huge impact just like it is in my life, and in many others’ lives. Aye!

Cardinal 1 Year Anniversary

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Drum Major
PAX: High Heels (Henry Ritchie), Switchhitter (Tony), Lizzy, Pusher, Lilydipper, MD Hammer, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Pac-man, Tenderfoot, Rooney (Carl Whipple), Rooney(Carl Whipple), Abacus, Dain Bramage (Will Olson)
FNGs: None


• 15 Side Straddle Hops

• 10 Tempo Merkins

• 10 Flutter Kicks 

• 10 Little Baby Arm Circles Forward

• 10 Little Baby Arm Circles Backward

• 10 Hallelujahs

• 10 Knoxville Cherry Pickers

• 20  Sec. Samson Hold

• 10 Willie Mayes Hayes – sideways lunge

The Thang:
Choose two points about 100 yards from each other – these will be Point A and Point B. Starting at “Point A” perform Set 1 exercises, then run to “Point B” and repeat those same exercises. Run back to “Point A”.
Repeat this sequence for exercise Sets 2, 3, and 4.  

Set 1
5 Burpees
5 Big Boys
5 Heels to Heaven

Set 2
10 Burpees                                                 
10 Little Baby Crunches
10 Mt. Climbers Double Count

Set 3
15 Burpees                                                 
15 Air Squats
15 Freddy Mercury’s

Set 4
20 Burpees

Hallelujahs = a shoulder burn exercise. Hands up at ear level. Raise up to full extension I cadence. 1 up, 2 down, 3 up, 4 down.
Samson Hold = Arms extended straight out like your pushing against two pillars.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence at Big Ball on 1/20. And Ababus winner of 1st annual Asylum PM Fantasy Football League. Congrats Abacus!

I did not know Cardinal, but have heard he was kind, generous with what he had and a loving individual. Why he was chosen to leave us in such a way is beyond the understanding of everyone standing here tonight. All I know is he was not granted the opportunity to tell his own story after that sad day nearly a year ago.

DO NOT take one second in this life for granted. We are not guaranteed one more split second on this earth. Nobody is promising us one last laugh with friends, nor one more hug from a loved one. Appreciate the gift all of us have that Cardinal was not given. Go enjoy that gift. Be kind, be generous (whether it is with time or money), show love over hate, be a light in others lives and not darkness. Choose to live a life of enjoyment over disappointment and sadness. There is so much good in this world. Seek it out and shun the bad. It IS a choice we all make every conscious minute we are blessed to experience. High Heels the other day said this is the best AO he has experienced in all his travels and said it may be due to the 2nd F efforts, and while I thoroughly enjoy our 2nd F excursions, I think there may be a bit more to it. Do you think it also may have something to do with the positive and kind influencers we have surrounding us every time we step into this circle? I don’t just think that….I know it. We are a special group, and I couldn’t be more proud to share with others I am a part of it.

Weighted Christmas

AO: asylum-daybreak
Q: Cart Girl (John Sadler) (Chatt, TN)
PAX: Matlock (Bill Maddox), Choir Boy, High Heels (Henry Ritchie), Brick, CRISPR, Steam, Qbert, Tropicana, Pac-man, Scully
FNGs: 1 Scully
WARMUP: Side Straddle Hop, Imperial Walkers, Static Squat
THE THANG: Partner workout. Everyone carried a weight- ruck, coupon, or CMU. While one partner shuffled from the playground to the pavilion (doing 5 incline merkins in the pavilion), the other partner did AMRAP exercises listed on the whiteboard. Each exercise on the whiteboard correlated to a song on the Christmas playlist. Once the song changed, we moved on to the next exercise.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dec. 25 OTB 0530 workout. Jan. 1 polar plunge. Jan. 20 convergence.
COT: 1) Invite ALL types of men to F3. 2) Let your speech inside F3 be encouraging and up-building to others. Speak in ways that strengthen others’ desire to be here. Aye.