THE SCENE: 68 Degrees and oddly pleasant
- Little o’ this
- Little o’ that
- Little o’ Michael Phelps (exc. Ratchet who hates that stretch)
- Cherry Picker x 10 IC
- Imperial Squat Walker x 10 IC
I had the PAX count off into three equal groups; one lucky group got to run over and pick up CMUs from the pile.
Group 1 stood shoulder-to-shoulder at Cone A and Group 3 stood should-to-shoulder at Cone B. Groups 1 and 3 began an exercise while Group 2 traveled between them as instructed. When Group 2 reached Group 3, the PAX rotated and ran back to Group 1, where the rotation continued. Exercises are below:
Set 1: World’s Greatest Merkin/CMU Run/Freddie Mercury
Set 2: Squats/Sprints/CMU Curls
Set 3: Burpees/Bernie Sanders/CMU Press
Each set lasted approximately 10 minutes with minimal rest between sets.
- Plank Jacks x 25 IC (4 ct.)
- LBCs x 25 IC (4 ct.)
- Mountain Climbers x 25 IC (4 ct.)
- Oblique crunches x 15 IC (single ct., each side)
- Flutter Kicks x 25 IC
22 PAX including 1 FNG – strong showing!
Gerald Swindle is a professional bass angler that has been on the circuit for quite a while. He competes at the highest level in a stressful sport and yet he almost always seems collected, deliberate, and positive. I shared with PAX a quote that Swindle wrote regarding his personal slogan of “Positive Mental Attitude”:
“That’s the way my personal slogan of PMA (positive mental attitude) works in life. One of the PMA principles is that today’s bad news leads to tomorrow’s good news. You have to believe that today’s bad unexpected will lead you to tomorrow’s good unexpected.”
I really like what he’s getting at here. We will constantly have entropy in our lives, and we have to be intentional about embracing that and moving forward as HIMs.
Felt good to be back with the PAX after several tumultuous weeks off-kilter schedules!
Don’t forget about kickball, Truckin’ to the Pound, and several F3 events coming up in October & November!