F3 Knoxville

It definitely did not rain

AO: shamruck
Q: Mermaid
PAX: Honeydew, Flower Pot, Booster, Mermaid
FNGs: None
A walk in the not rain, and a talk about rules and where they impede process. When rules make it tough to operate, and are outside the mission, it is ok to question the process.

Stairway to Heaven

AO: shamrock
Q: slappy
PAX: Anchorman, Honeydew, Lizzy, Mermaid, slappy, Skidmark, Stitch
FNGs: None
Warm Up
– 10x SSH
– 1 burpee
– 5x failure to launch
– 1 burpee
– 10x Grady corns
– 1 burpee
– AMRAP Twistys
– 1 burpee
– Up dog/calf stretches/down dog/runner stretches
– 1 burpee

Mosey to stadium steps

The Fun
We ran the bleacher stairways starting on the left side and ending on the far right side. At the bottom of each stairway did named exercise. We changed exercise on the way back running this time from right to left and always stopping at the bottom of steps for exercise.
– 10 dips
– 10 flutter 2ct
– 10 derkins
– 10 Freddy’s 2c
– 10 irkins
– 10 shoulder taps
– 10 gas pumpers
– 10 American hammers & 1 burpee

Ran overtime by about 5 min by the time we did name o Rama.

“The power of No”

I’ve recently struggled with integrity issues involving commitments. I find it easy to over commit and under deliver. It’s easy to say yes to everything but not to think about the cost of saying yes. I shared examples of how liberating it was when I recently said no to two “good” things (hanging Christmas lights & Son’s sport team).

“Wielded wisely, no is an instrument of integrity and a shield against exploitation. It often takes courage to say. It is hard to receive. But setting limits sets us free”

Shamrock – Field Trip

AO: shamrock
Q: Anchorman
PAX: Honeydew, Skidmark, slappy, Squatter, Stitch, Anchorman
FNGs: None
Cherry Pickers
Run in place / Butt Kick / High Knees / Over the fence
Quad and Hams stretch

Mosey to grab 3 CMUs
Pass it back and forth with battle buddy
Mosey to columns
30 sec wall sit then 10 merkins x 2 rounds
Walk with CMUs across Cedar Bluff to the school steps
Partner 1 runs the steps while # 2 AMRAPs
– Overhead Press
– Curls
– Tricep Ext / Dips
– Heavy Squats
– Lawn mowers – alternating
– Windshield Wipers
– Almost did 2 full rounds
head back to return CMUs

MARY:3 minutes of dealers choice Mary

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Let’s do lunch soon

Find moments with family to slow down this Christmas season. Shut the lights and TV off and light a candle and read scripture.
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”
‭‭John‬ ‭1‬:‭5‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Rucksgiving ‘24

AO: asylum-daybreak
Q: Steam , Mermaid
PAX: Jumbo(Carter Dickens), Unibráu (Nick Robinson), Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), Lulu (Greg Huddy), Pusher, FixerUpper, Otis, Honeydew, Veggie (Rylen Huddy), The Situation, Spellcheck, Pele (Jon Lindberg), High Heels, F3 Pluto ( Hugh Nystrom), Crawdad (Robbi Dickens), Choir Boy, 1 downrange PAX from GA
FNGs: None
– SSH: 20×4
– Airplane Merkin: 10×4
– Rockette: 10×4
– Baby Arm Circles: 10×4 F
– Baby Arm Circles: 10×4 B
– Willie Mays Hayes: 6

Head to the BP

—BP (Big Pavilion) PT—
– 10×4 stair case incline merkins
– 1/2 — hands down to the lower level
– 3 — incline merkin down position
– 4 — incline merkin up position
– Next rep starts – going up instead
– 20×4 squat bench touches
– 20 step-ups

Head to the base of Cardiac Hill

—Man-Maker Pyramid—
– All together in cadence
– 2 man-makers at the base
– 4 man-makers at the 1st turn
– 6 man-makers at the 2nd turn
– 8 man-makers at the top

Mosey/walk back down to the base of Cardiac + come back up
– 10 merkins and LBCs

Turn it over to Mermaid at 7:30 at the top of Cardiac

Up/downs on Baby Cardiac
– Plank + Bear Crawl American Indian run style
– Al Gore + Lunge

– 100 squats
– 50 merkins
– 25 burpees
– Battle Buddy runs down Baby Cardiac and back

Ruck/Rock Xs in the Big Pavilion
– 12 curls + 1 burpee
– 12 chest presses + burpee
– 12 bent over rows + 1 burpee
– 12 chin-ups + 1 burpee

– Stretching w/Mermaid
– Race up Baby Cardiac
– Down + backs in the parking lot

– Check the announcements channel for the weekly Send Me newsletter and all upcoming events

Give It Away

One of the first things you see on the f3nation.com website right at the very top are the words “GIVE IT AWAY.”
– Clicking or tapping on it takes you to F3 Nation’s 2024 Year End Giving campaign, where you can see the F3 Cardinal video – which is incredibly moving.
– You’ll also see sections underneath it titled “The Why” and “The How”

“The Why”
– 66 million obese men in the USA
– 39,000 male suicides annually
– Infinite Sad Clowns

“The How”
– Numbers and info on current and new investments into F3 around the globe

And then it says this:

“F3 NATION’S MISSION AND IMPACT THROUGH GENEROSITY. WHEN YOU GIVE you are giving it away IN HONOR OF THE BROTHER who gave it to you and IN HONOR OF THE BROTHER who’ll you’ll likely never meet. DO IT FOR YOUR BROTHERS!!”
And that brings me to Rucksgiving
– This GORUCK challenge that, in my mind, incorporates all 3 Fs – Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith.
– We just worked hard – thanks for pushing yourself and the men around you
– We spent time in fellowship together, with people we care about and are part of our sphere of influence
– To whatever level of faith you may or may not have – when you were reading through the Rucksgiving event info I shared, something inside you clicked off and said subconsciously said “it’s not about me.” Faith and belief that you’re not just living for yourself and you felt led and guided to give it away.

Why? That’s what High Impact Men do.

Just like on the F3 Nation website where it says “in honor of the brother who you’ll likely never meet,” — we will likely never meet the children who our generosity is going towards from this event.

But they will feel our generosity and willingness to live out of the “it’s not about me” mindset because we had the courage to act out in faith and believe that a fun and challenging ruck event on a ridiculously cold morning could potentially make a difference in their life.

God is a generous and good God, and any and all outpouring of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control from us is because of the work He is continually doing within us.

“Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God that he has given you.”
‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭16‬:‭17‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Thank you for participating in this year’s Rucksgiving! Because of this, we will get to bless multiple kids on Christmas through Angel Tree this year.

Imposter Indiana

AO: asylum-daybreak
Q: Bookman
PAX: Lilydipper, Choir Boy, Crawdad (Robbi Dickens), Drum Major, lebowski, Pac-man, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Pusher, Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), Waffle House (Brady Greene), Patty Melt (Parker Greene), Kentucky, Matlock (Bill Maddox), Honeydew, Bookman
FNGs: None
SSHs, Tempo Squats, LBACs


100 WW3 sit-ups
150 RDLs
200 Offset Merkins
250 Goblet Squats
300 Curls
350 CMU High Knees

10 second rest, then mosey to view the BSIA, stretch , then Imperial Walkers

Fellowship Mosey then Mosey back to start


Stretching, Tempo Merkins, LBCs

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Praise for Snitch’s New Store!

COT: Why F3 is important and why it’s important to reach out to Kotters and guys in need.