F3 Knoxville

Veteran’s Day Tribute

THE SCENE: Clear and cool (42f) – Beautiful morning


  • Side straddle hops (I.C.) 25
  • Michael Phelps
  • Arm Bars
  • Baby Arm Circles (forward & back) from TIE fighter position


Props to CODE BROWN for  carrying The Colors for us throughout the Q!!

Mosey from AO to skunk hill – Honoring the U.S. Marines at Iwo Jima:

  • Up skunk hill – 11 Merkins – back down
  • Up skunk hill – 11 Merkins – back down
  • Up skunk hill – 19 Merkins – back down

Mosey from Skunk Hill to river walk – Honoring the U.S. Navy:
• Row Boat (I.C.) 11
• Drydock (I.C.) 11
• Hello Dolly (I.C.) 19

Mosey from boardwalk to chapel – Honoring U.S. Coast Guard:
• Captain Morgan (I.C.) 11 (Each side)
• Flounder Pounder (I.C.) 11
• Doggie Paddle (I.C.) 19

Mosey from chapel to cloud – Honoring U.S. Air Force:

  • Triceps dip (I.C.) 19
  • Dive bomber 11
  • Wind Mill (I.C.) 19

Bernie from cloud to AO / CMU pile – Honoring U.S. Army:
• CMU Curl (I.C.) 11
• CMU Squat (I.C.) 11
• CMU Bench Press (I.C.) 19

*Threw in 19 CMU overhead presses for good measure


  • Box cutters (IC 20)
  • Mtn Climbers (IC 20)
  • Flutter kicks (IC 20)
  • Old Man Stretch

24 HIMS shared in a tribute to our armed forces by working our way around various Asylum landmarks and honoring our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines. Special shout out to the veterans in our group as well.

History lesson – 100th anniversary of Armistice day:
November 11th, 1918 marked the end of WWI – One year later on the 11th day of the 11th month in the year 1919, (11/11/1919) the first National Holiday known then as Armistice Day was celebrated to commemorate the end of the first world war. Armistice Day remained so until 1954 when the name was changed to Veterans Day to be inclusive of all veterans who had come before and after WWI. That makes today, November 11th of 2019 the 100th anniversary of this national day of recognition of the brave men and women who have served in our armed forces. Over the course of that 100 years, millions of soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines have served and sacrificed for our freedom and to ensure the greater safety and wellbeing of the world as a whole. Today is a day to say thank you.

CHALLENGE: At some point today, reach out to a friend, a colleague or even a stranger and simply thank them for their service. To keep it top of mind throughout the day, post an American Flag on the group me once you’ve done it.


THE SCENE: Clear and crisp… Perfect amount of chill to keep comfortable during the workout.

SSH x30 IC
Travoltas x10 IC each side
Tie Fighters x10 IC each way
Cherry Pickers x7 IC
Hindurkins x10 IC
Monkey Humpers x20 IC

Such a lovely pile of CMUs just begging to be used. We’ll use as many as we can! 2 CMUs apiece! Hence the slight modification of today’s spelling…

Farmer carry to the base of baby Everest.
Battle Buddy up for some Dora-style work.
Running partner goes to the top for 2 burpees while the other does reps.
Uphill styles:
-Farmer Carry
-Bernie the Farmer
-Overhead Carry
-Overhead Bernie


  • 50 Popup Merkins (alternate merkins with hands on 2 blocks/hands on the ground
  • 100 Squat Thrust
  • 100 OHP (audible… What was I thinking? Right after squat thrusts?)
  • 150 Lawn Mowers
  • 100 CMU BBS
  • 100 Fwd Raise
  • 200 Curls

There were more, but I think that’s all we got through…

Mosey on back and put the toys away.
Threw down a few flutter kicks while the CMUs were being stowed.

One CMU made it through the workout but didn’t survive restocking.
Broke into 4 pieces x5 burpees per piece makes 20 Burpees OYO!

20 4-ct crunches to cash out

20 CMUs got some love from 10 HIMs this morning… Plus Pfeiffer and Gibbler showed up to put in the miles.
1 Cor. 3:6 – I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.
All good farmers know this one. When you feel that soreness in your shoulders later today, remember that and look for places God may want you to do some planting or watering and let Him make it grow!
Snitch needs to check the GroupMe or the calendar or something before he posts or he’s gonna keep ending up at Waxjob Qs…
2nd Annual Brolympics is less than a month away! And December is the quarterly 3rd F. Location is Lenoir City at 2 Rivers Church.

Let’s Make a (Bad) Deal

THE SCENE: Still way too warm for late September, daggummit!

SSH x26 IC
TN Rocking Chair x15 IC
Asphalt Kissers x10 IC
Imperial Squat Walkers x15 IC
LBAC fwd and back x15 IC
OHC x20 IC

Wouldn’t be CMUesday without CMUs! Head over and grab one.

Each corner of the parking lot has 3 cards. One has a number of reps on each side. One has an exercise on each side. One has a traveling exercise on each side.
Only one side of the card is visible… Content of the other side is unknown.
PAX take turns choosing for each card to take what’s face up, or make a deal and switch to the unknown side…

Station 1:
Tricep Extensions/(Squat Thrust), 30/(45), Crawl Bear/(Inchworm Merkins)
Choices: Kept the Tri’s, Snitch switched the reps to 45 (groans all around), traded Crawl Bear for Inchworm Merkins (pushing CMU ahead)!

Station 2:
CMU Big Boys/(CMU Merkins), 30/(60), Twist Lunge/(CMU-icide)
Choices: Kept the reps and the exercise, but flipped over Twist Lunge to reveal the CMU-icide (suicide with CMU carry)

Station 3:
On the Shelf/(One-hand OHP), 30/(20), Pregnant Crab/(Blockee Broad Jump)
Choices: Kept On the Shelf, missed a reprieve by keeping the 30 reps. Nobody liked the Pregnant Crab idea… Until we found out what was on the other side.

Station 4:
Burpee Hop-Over/(8-Count Blocky Builder), 25/(10), CMU-icide/(Bunny Hop)
This one was the spirit-breaker. After the Blockee Broad Jumps, nobody wanted to touch the Burpees. But we ended up with the 8-Count Blocky Builders instead! 25 showing… Nobody brave enough to make the deal that would have cut the reps to 10. Let’s knock ’em out! Everyone happy to run the CMU-icide, so Bunny Hops remained hidden.

One lap completed! Time for another lap, this time with the excercise/rep combos that were NOT chosen last time:

Station 1:
Squat Thrust revealed. Only 30 since we did 45 last round… Snitch gets apologies from the PAX. Interminable Crawl Bear dragging the CMU.

Station 2:
Merkins on the CMU – 60 of ’em! That’s a lot… If you need a breather, take a mosey down the parking lot and back.

Had to call time halfway through Station 2… Back to the pile with the CMUs

Flutter kicks x30 IC.
Cash out with LBCs OYO until time.
11 strong this morning. Welcome to Frat Boy from F3 Fort Mill!
Isaiah 1:18
“Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord:

though your sins are like scarlet,

they shall be as white as snow;

though they are red like crimson,

they shall become like wool.”

Most of the deals I offered today kinda sucked. Some just worse than others. And you didn’t know what you were going to get. God lays it all out there. Here’s His deal: Trade your sins for His righteousness through Christ!

Pray for Helga’s family as he heads off to “play army” for a month!
Brolympics coming in November!