F3 Knoxville

Team Hoyt Mentality

THE SCENE: 45*, clear, and perfect

Squat and reach
4-count merkins
8-count bodybuilders
Quick mosey over to the long, straight sidewalk adjacent to the convention center. Six cones are set up down the length of the sidewalk, spaced 15-20 yards apart.  Each cone has an exercise and rep count, simply run between cones knocking out the exercises.  After completing the last exercise, lunge walk to first cone (fifth from start) and sprint the remainder.  First man back instructed to pick an exercise and knock it out until everyone returns.

  • Cone 1 – 10 burpees
  • Cone 2 – 15 tuck jumps
  • Cone 3 – 20 CDD
  • Cone 4 – 25 merkins
  • Cone 5 – 30 squats
  • Cone 6 – 35 leg lifts

Rinse and repeat, only this time grab a battle buddy.  You both still do all the reps, but you’re not alone.  Quick 10 count and mosey over to the base of the Big Ball stairs. Routine as follows:

  • 10 sit up ups at the bottom
  • Crawl bear up the stairs to the first big landing
  • 10 supermans
  • Wall sit until everyone completes

Assemble in front of the Big Ball, grab a different battle buddy from before.  One man knocks out pull ups on the Big Ball while their buddy does 25 squats.  Flapjack until both have done one round of each exercise.  Reassemble in front on the stairs, repeating the previous routine with another battle buddy.  Again, both doing all the reps, just not alone:

  • 10 sit up ups at the bottom
  • Crawl bear up the stairs to the first big landing
  • 10 supermans
  • Wall sit until everyone completes

Back to the Big Ball, doing pull ups until your partner relieves you.  Squats were substituted for Army quality 4-count merkins before relieving your partner.

Quick ring of fire with merkins, going around doing 1 rep, then 2, etc up to 5 reps.  Recover and mosey back to SP

45* situps on each side
Freddy Mercury
12 Strong: Butterfly, G6, Hoops (FNG), Half Caff, Postman, 8 Seconds, Dovetail, Steam, Jenner, Backdraft, Swanson, Abort (QiC)
Use the Hoyt mentality.  Rick Hoyt was born with cerebral palsy, and despite doctors telling his parents he would be nothing but a vegetable his whole life, his family didn’t give up on him.  They continued working with him with a computer he gained the ability to communicate and eventually went on to graduate college.  Team Hoyt began in 1977 when Rick Hoyt asked his father if they could run in a race together to benefit a lacrosse player at his school who had become paralyzed.  He wanted to prove that life went on no matter your disability.  Dick Hoyt was 36 years old and not a runner.  After their first race, Rick said, “Dad when I’m running, it feels like I’m not handicapped.” This team has completed 257 triathlons, 6 of which are Ironman, 7 Half Ironman, and 72 marathons with over 30 being the Boston marathon.

We were in multiple two man teams this morning, and in that case you are either the fast man or the slow man.  Dick Hoyt would have never began his journey without his slow man.  They have went on to inspire countless people (YHC included) because the push from the slow man.  NEVER DOUBT YOUR IMPACT regardless of how you perceive your abilities.  Also, if you happen to be the fast man, you better be sure you’re bringing someone along.  Dick Hoyt carried his son between events, towed him while swimming, pushed him on the bike and in the wheelchair.  Without his son, he was just another competitor.  With him, a legend.