F3 Knoxville

What’s in a last name anyways?

AO: shamruck
Q: Eliza
PAX: Mermaid, Hot Pants, Glamper, Honeydew, Eliza, Gulliver
FNGs: None
Nice casual ruck. Had to be there.

COT: do you ever really stop to listen in an argument or are you too focused on your response and trying to win? Sometimes you need to stop and receive what the other person is saying and really listen.


AO: shamrock
Q: slappy
PAX: Base Salary, Commission, Lizzy, Gulliver, Hot Pants, Squatter, Mermaid, Stitch, Crawlspace
FNGs: None
The best day of your lifestarts now

-Moroccan nightclubs
-cherry pickers
-other stretches

1. Shamrock Shuffle – did alternating burpees and stark jacks on each shamrock
2. On the practice field we did the following Dora style
-100 HR merkins
-200 shoulder taps (2ct)
-300 big boy w/ American hammer twist on the up
-partner runs to the other endzone and back


1. !!!ESCAPE FROM HAW RIDGE IS 3-28-25!!!
2. F3 networking is on 2-19
3. Join Roco at the ice bears game
4. Lunch next Wednesday 1130 at horn o plenty

I challenge myself and everyone else in our group to stop taking potential F3 friendships for granted. I’ve known some of you guys for a long time and yet I don’t really know who some of you are. It starts with (me) or yourself to decide if you’re gonna be part of a friend group that meets up to work out in the mornings to face a challenge together and grow. Move out of the shallow and swim to the deep.

“The only way to have a friend is to be one” Ralph Waldo Emerson

First Ruck of the year

AO: shamruck
Q: Mermaid
PAX: Fabio (Joe Hamilton), Honeydew, Hot Pants, Mailbox, Mermaid
FNGs: None
We knocked out about 3.6 miles and were challenged to be a better version of ourselves in 2025

Easter Zombies!

AO: shamrock
Q: KickFlip
PAX: Mermaid, slappy, Crawlspace, Caveman, Gringo, Toretto, KickFlip, Waxjob, Hot Pants, Stitch, Double Scoop, Twitch
FNGs: None
COUNT: 11 + 1
WARMUP: This and that – short mosey to the ichthys

20 second incrementing workout
1. Mountain Climber
2. HR Merkins
3. * Shoulder taps
4. Flutter kicks
5. Box cutters
6. Imperial walkers
7. Lunges
8. Bobby Hurley
9. Iron Mikes
10. * Monkey humpers

The Beast – keep track of your total # of cumulative reps. 15 minutes of work.
– 5 min burpees
– 4 min squats
– 3 min BBS
– 2 min merkins
– 1 min plank jack

No time!

April 5 – Escape from Haw Ridge
April 10 – Launching The Pulpit
April 26-28 – GTE
April 27 – Convergence

Zombies on Easter!
Mathew 27:50 Then Jesus shouted out again, and he released his spirit. 51 At that moment the curtain in the sanctuary of the Temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. The earth shook, rocks split apart, 52 and tombs opened. The bodies of many godly men and women who had died were raised from the dead. 53 They left the cemetery after Jesus’ resurrection, went into the holy city of Jerusalem, and appeared to many people.

Is there a part of your spirit that is dead? Your prayer life? Your ability/desire to forgive? Your compassion for people who are disadvantaged? Your leadership role over your family? Your contentment? If so, what better way to commemorate the original Good Friday than to let Jesus resurrect that part of you and make it come alive again….TODAY!

On a hill You created

AO: shamrock
Q: Anchorman
PAX: Bed Wetter, Skidmark, Stitch, Mermaid, Smokey (Matthew Bonn), Oscar Meyer, Eliza, Curveball, Hot Pants, Anchorman
FNGs: None
Side Straddle hop (IC) 4 CT x 15
Cherry Pickers
Smurf Jacks (IC) 4 CT x 10
Runner’s Stretch
Bobby Hurleys x 10
Cobra / Down Dog

Line up at one end of parking lot.

Round 1: Bear Crawl to the 1st line and do 1 merkin, BC to next line 2 merkins, BC to next line 3 merkins all the way to 10 – for 55 total

Round 2: Crab walk to the 1st line and do 20 American Hammers single count, repeat at each line all the way to line 10

Mosey to the CMU pile:
Grab 2 blocks for farmer carry.
Stop for 4 or 5 breaks to do 3 burpees
To the soccer field.
Murder Bunny to midfield then do 50 CMU Presses
Carry CMU back to the asphalt
50 single count Windshield wipers
Farmer Carry Both CMUs to midfield then do 25 feet & hand CMU merkins
Farmer Carry back to asphalt
50 CMU bench presses
Rifle Carry to candle then do 50 curls
Rifle carry back
Then we recovered and farmer carry all the way back to CMU pile
Mosey back to the AO

Freddie Mercury, scissor kicks, buns of steel, cobra.

COT: Pray for Mermaid’s daughter’s friend who lost her dad. Praise for his daughter that survived the allergic reaction.

Word: So Will I (100 Billion X)
Song by Benjamin William Hastings and Hillsong UNITED

On a hill You created
The Light of the world
Abandoned in darkness to die

On a hill that he created.
On a tree he created.
With iron nails that were mined from the ground he created.
With a whip made of leather from an animal’s skin that he created.
Damning words from the mouths of those he created.
Hands that he created that beat and killed him.

How extreme his perfect humility was to willingly accept all of that complete disrespect from his creation, so that he could save us from our wickedness. It’s just so backwards. It doesn’t make sense.