F3 Knoxville

Shamrock – Clock_Merk

THE SCENE: 65 cool temps, but lots of sweat inducing humidity

Side Straddle Hops 20-4 count

5 Merkins

Cherry Pickers: 5 (on #5 Mermaid released an impressive amount of stomach tension)

10 Merkins

Tie Fighters

15 Merkins

High knees – about 30 seconds while we awkwardly smiled at each other 

20 Merkins


Mosey to pull up bars

1 rule: If you are not doing pull ups….you are doing smurf jacks or mountain climbers. Go for about 10 minutes. 

Mosey to the school stairs. 

Run up and down, then do clock merkins. (20 total merkins each round)

Repeat the cycle 5 times for 100 merkins total. 

Run to CMU pile. 

25 Curls (for the girls)

50 Block press

50 windshield wipers (Curveball realized he was set to “Intermittent speed” 

Hold CMU above head and do mini bounce squats ( some called it twerking ) 

We did this cycle twice. 

Mosey back to AO flag

Flutter kicks 20×4 and 30 seconds of calf raises
Osteen, Cheatsheet, Mermaid, Curveball, Waxjob, Jitters, Dumpster Dive, Paper or Plastic, Betty, Anchorman

Proverbs 3:5-6 5

     5 Trust in the Lorde with all your heart

and lean not on your own understanding;

6 in all your ways submit to him,

and he will make your pathsf straight.


A big reminder that we need everyday. We need to stop trying so hard to figure things out on our own. Stop trying to fix everything. Submit to Him and He will make it work.


Prayer requests; teachers, sick and shut-in, Mermaid’s uncle who is likely dying without family being able to visit and other family members with medical issues.


The Scene

Started off cool then got increasingly more humid as we went

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone


10 Hillbilly Squats

10 Windmills

5 Froggers

10 Lateral lunges (L+R=2)

10 tempo merkins


Knuckle Draggers




Alternating leg wall sits

100 yard mosey 10 squats Mosey back

Wall mountain climbers

100 yard mosey 5 burpees Mosey back

Pulsing split squats

100 yard mosey 10 squats Mosey back

Blast off wall merkin (Wide and closed grip)

100 yard mosey 5 burpees Mosey back

Rotating long jumps


Mosey to the construction zone and do wooden pallet carries around a parking lot island. Groups of 2 or 3. Cheatsheet went solo. 


Mosey to CMU pile

1 round

10 CMU Curl, Press, Tri-extension

15 CMU Pull Through Push Ups

30 CMU Reverse lunges (15 each leg)

20 CMU Rows (10 es)


6 inch LBC’s for a 10 count to get us to the 45 minute time camp


11 HIM


“You must own everything in your world. There is no one else to blame.” -Jocko Willink



Shamrock 40th Birthday Bash


Side Straddle Hops – 25-4-count 

Tie Fighters

Cherry pickers

Mountain climbers



Stop at tall curb

Rocky Balboas 50 single

Tricep Dips – 25


Mosey to CMU

Grab a block and head to starting line. 

5 Burpees – Crab walk to the chalk line about 25′ – run a lap

10 Merkins – 5 Burpees – Crab walk to the line – run a lap

15 Overhead Press – 10 Merkins – 5 Burpees – Crab then run

20 Big Boy Situps – 15 Overhead Press – 10 Merkins – 5 Burpees – Crab then run

25 Calf raises – 20 Big Boy Situps – 15 Overhead Press – 10 Merkins – 5 Burpees – Crab then run

30 Freddie Mercury Single ct – 25 Calf raises – 20 Big Boy Situps – 15 Overhead Press – 10 Merkins – 5 Burpees – Crab then run

35 Curls…..

40 American Hammer – single…..

45 LBC…..

50 Shoulder taps – single…..

Mosey back to AO flag

Flutter kick, Snow angels, merkins
COUNT-OFF & NAME-O-RAMA – 20 including 1 FNG Paper or Plastic
Dos Años, Slappy, Chicken Wing, Flower Pot, Cheatsheet, Honeydew, Mermaid, Baby Boomer, Hoopty, Booster, Sparkles, Finger Food, Music City, Brick, Mr. March, Dumpster Dive, Paper or Plastic, Anchorman, Jitters, Betty


Keeping it short and sweet so we can spend some time at Dunkin. 

It goes without saying that F3 and specifically this group at Shamrock has been a big part of my life for the past few years. I truly look forward to these terrible workouts because I get to do it with you. Yes I want to be in shape, but more importantly I want to continue building friendships with you guys. Thank you for showing up and please continue to reach out to friends and strangers to invite them here. 


Four Rails

  • Welcome
    • Summer is awesome in the rain.
  • Warmup
    • Low wide slow squats
    • Tempo Merkins
    • Long Lunge (in Plank) stretch
  • Workout
    • Mosey to Cedar bluff
    • In a line facing the brick wall (The Burpee Rail)
      • Do a side Lunge (towards downhill)
      • Do a burpee
      • Hop over the wall
      • repeat until end of wall.
    • In a line facing the next wall (The Irken-Dip Rail)
      • Do an slow Irken (Incline Merkin)
      • Roll over and do a dip
      • Roll over (in same direction) do an Irken
      • repeat until end of the wall.
    • In a line facing the next wall (after mosey there)
      • Do a wide low lunge (to the left)
      • Do a long stretching step up.
      • Do a wide low lunge on the wall edge.
      • Do a long stretching step down.
      • repeat until end of wall.
    • At final wall (mosey a few yards to get there)
      • Kick up to a handstand support your feet on the wall.
      • Side step while in handstand as far as you can then kick down.
      • Repeat until at the wall end.
  • Warm Down
    • In circle on six facing out. Do leg lift as one person goes around to throw down your legs.
    • 30 Flutter Kicks
    • 30 Mountain Climbers
    • 30 Freddy Mercuries
  • Wrap Up
    • Marriage is tough.  Huge prayer for all those involved with it.  Nuff said.  Basically I’m not at liberty to put in writting what was shared in person.

11 doing ELEVENS


Partly Cloudy Temperature Humidity Feels like Wind Speed Wind Direction
71 ℉ 95% 73 ℉ 6.2 mi/h SW

I am not a professional.  Flat out stolen from F3 Naperville. Thanks Sir Mix-A-Lot.


Happy Jacks (5)
Do 5 side straddle hops in cadence then after the 5th one everyone does two jump squats. Like this… Side Straddle Hops IC: One, two, three, ONE! One, two, three, TWO! One, two, three, THREE! One, two, three, FOUR! One, two, three, FIVE! Quickly followed by two jump squats. Repeat 4x or until no one can breathe
High Knees (15)
Abe Vigodas (10)
Arm Circles (10 forward, 10 back)

Mosey to CMUs. Get one. Mosey to parking lot.  On way, Burpeevators to 8.  (Start regular Burpee, 2nd is Burpee with 2 Merkins. 3rd, Burpee with 3 Merkins up to 8th and Burpee with 8 Merkins.)  I made this up.

Six rounds of ELEVENS. Modifications were done for those on vacation without a coupon or access to something heavy. Once completed, do lunges till the 6 is in.
Round 1: Squats & Merkins
Round 2: Curls & Burpees
Round 3: Chest Press & Big Boys
Time To Put up CMUs – But more options if you’ve got time.
Round 4: Swings & Mountain Climbers
Round 5: Overhead Press & Bobby Hurleys
Round 6: Rows & SSHs

• Flutter Kicks – 20 IC
• Star Gazers – 30 seconds

11 men.

Run/Train to Win!!!!
1 Corinthians 9:24-27
Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win! All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing. I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified.