F3 Knoxville

Return of Bubba and the Scooter Q

AO: bigball
Q: FixerUpper , Magic Mic (Jarrett Woodall), Wedding Singer
PAX: Soot, John Deere, Cecil the Scooter
FNGs: 1 Cecil the Scooter
WARMUP: SSH, tempo merkins, tempo squats, hamstring stretch, Michael Phelps

THE THANG: mosey to parking lot on Cumberland Ave near 11th St. where wedding singer, bubba, and Cecil are waiting.

Wedding Singer leads from his scooter
Tabata timer 42 seconds of exercise 8 seconds rest
1 leg merkins
Big boi sit-ups with CMU
Heels to heaven
Leg raises
CMU Overhead press
CMU curls
CMU tricep extension

Progression exercises
One round with CMU
One round with medicine ball
10 blockees
20 thrusters
30 squirrels

Magic Mic leads
11s merkins and big boi sit-ups

FixerUpper leads
Medicine ball bocce
2 teams, do a burpee and toss medicine ball. Closest toss to the cone wins
Losing team has to do an exercise of the winner’s choice

MARY: no
ANNOUNCEMENTS: GTE training 12/2 at asylum
COT: good to see wedding singer (and Bubba) back at F3 post foot surgery.
Word posted in channel already.

Coffee Ruck

AO: thequacken
Q: Z-Pack
PAX: FixerUpper, Postman (Scott Colby), john deere, none
FNGs: 1 none

Park lap
2.5 mile loop to Dunkin, then back through residential streets.
Quacken PM on Monday is changing to AM on November 20th
Start your day with coffee and some exercise 💪

Skatepark Beatdown

AO: thequacken
Q: Z-Pack
PAX: Lizzy, Gmail, FixerUpper, Postman (Scott Colby), Trip, John Deere, Big Sky, Boots
FNGs: 1 Boots
My 2.0 Trip turned 12 last week. We celebrated his birthday, and he helped out with cadence counts and exercise demonstration.

WARMUP: Greeting and Disclaimer, then…
Abe Vigodas
Flamingos- Quad Stretch
Baby Arm Circles, IC
Michael Phelps
Tempo Merkins, IC
Squats, IC
Mosey from AO to Skatepark

AMRAP – 6 exercise stations and a bear crawl.
Station 1 – At low rail do 2 manmakers, jump over rail, do 2 manmakers. Repeat for 12 total manmakers.
Station 2 – at tall sloped wall- climb over wall, at bottom do a merkin, climb back over wall do a merkin. Repeat for 12 total merkins.
Station 3 – there is a low curved wall. Do box jumps down the length of the wall.
Station 4 – Do 24 LBCs
Station 5 – At hand rail with steps to calf raises – 12 reps each leg
Station 6 – 12 Decline Merkins
Mosey back to other side of skatepark, then bear crawl the length of the skatepark.
Mosey back to Station 1 and repeat the circuit.
At 0605 we jogged back to the AO
Hello Dolly IC
Freddie Mercury IC
Bruce Lee IC
Low Plank 1 min.
Flutter Kicks IC
Thor Hammer IC
Trip shared inspiration from his study of George Washington – sacrificial leadership, bravery.

Prayer Time – lifted up requests

IPC Week 4, rise up or coast?

AO: thequacken
Q: FixerUpper
PAX: Wedding Singer, Herbie, Z-Pack, john deere
FNGs: None

WARMUP: lil bit o that
When faced with what should be an easy day, I often “play down to the level of my opponent,” or put it on autopilot. However, if there is a challenge facing me, I know I have to meet it.

The IPC is a great example. I can’t really just phone it in when leading or participating in this workout because I know it will be such a challenge.

I appreciate the men of The Quacken who embraced the challenge the past 5 weeks together and come through it with a little more grit and resilience. Let’s take that from the gloom and share it with others.

IPC Week 2

AO: bigball
Q: Magic Mic (Jarrett Woodall)
PAX: Swanson, Drive-thru (Mikel Towe), Huffy (Ken Hill), Postman (Scott Colby), Passport (Ryan Matthews), vanilla, Graham Cracker, Jenner (Matt Pfeiffer), FixerUpper, Cornhole (Stephen Puplampu), John Deere
FNGs: None
IPC Week 2: BDE Mile

45min AMRAP
400-meter track with 100-meter increments clearly visible

The Thang
The workout begins when the timer starts
400-meter lap
5 BDE burpees
400-meter lap
5 BDE merkins
Repeat until time is called.

Total number of meters rounded down to the closest 100 when time is called.
For example, if time is called and you are running between 4800 and 4900 meters, your score is 4800 meters.

BDE Burpee. Burpee – bonnie blair – squat. That’s 1.
BDE Merkins: Hand release merkin – touch right knee to right elbow – hand release merkin – touch left knee to left elbow – hand release merkin. That’s 1. Question? See the video.