F3 Knoxville

Make Every Effort to Fight Again

THE SCENE: 48 and heavy rain that tapered off as we began.

SSH x 20.

Cherry pickers x 6.

Windmills x 10.
This is the exact same workout from the first time I came to F3 at the Bombshelter two years ago, and Fins was on Q. There are six stations on cones. Bear crawl and drag your CMU between the cones ( which was the length of the Grinder), and after the 6th station, we ran the hill. It was glorious. The stations and reps are below.

  • Station 1 – Blockees x 5.
  • Station 2 – Thrusters x 10.
  • Station 3 – BBS with an American Hammer x 15.
  • Station 4 – Tricep extensions x 20.
  • Station 5 – Goblet squats x 25.
  • Station 6 – Curls x 30.

Tempo CMU Big Boys and a little overhead claps for time.
5 HIMs put in work.
2nd Peter 1:5-8 – “For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith iwith virtue,5 and virtue jwith knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control kwith steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, and godliness lwith brotherly affection, and brotherly affection mwith love. For if these qualities6 are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or nunfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The phrase that I focused on here is “make every effort.” It is an imperative or command in Greek, and I have meditated on it for a while. It doesn’t matter if it is your physical fitness with F3, your mental health, your marriage, or your parenting, men are called to “make every effort.” There is a strain that all men should be under because anything worth doing in this life requires work and sacrifice. Yes brothers, there will be days where you feel ineffective in all of those areas, where you look at your efforts and see no perceivable progress…but that doesn’t matter. We know not to trust our feelings. Feelings come and go. What makes the difference in the long haul is that day in and day out, when life is good and when its bad, we make the effort because we are committed to what matters. I am probably the guy that is in the worst shape at our AO, and sometimes that is discouraging, but the truth is I have to push that aside. What matters is that we get out of the fartsack, get in the gloom, and put in the work. So, let this be a final encouragement to you, whatever it is in your life that is difficult, commit to endure the suffering, commit to put in the work, and make every effort. Our God is worth the struggle. Our families are worth the struggle. Our communities need that effort men, and so for all the times you have shown up when you didn’t want to, when the easier choice was to just stay home, thank you. God bless you.
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The Wheel of Suffering

THE SCENE: mid 50’s, clear, and downright perfect F3 weather

Windmills x 10

Cherry pickers x 10

Tempo Squats x 10.
The Pax picked up their CMUs and moseyed to the fountain, aka the wheel of suffering. After partnering up, one partner remained at the fountain doing 2-step blockees in a clockwise motion around the fountain until relived by their partner. The other pax moseyed to the bottom of Mt. Crumpet and begin the listed exercises. They stopped at 20 reps to relieve those on the wheel. Exercises are listed below.

  • 100 CMU Big Boys.
  • 120 CMU Overhead Press.
  • 140 Goblet squats
  • 160 Grave diggers.
  • To get back to the fountain, there was a small coned sectioned of the path for bearcrawling while dragging the block or lunging.

No Time.
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xHumble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, ycasting all your anxieties on him, because zhe cares for you.” ~ I Peter 5:5-6; “rdo not be anxious about anything, sbut in everything by prayer and supplication twith thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And uthe peace of God, vwhich surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:6-7
Men, most of us struggle or know someone who struggles with worry, doubts, or anxiety. Yet the Scripture often tells us to take those anxieties to God, and He can comfort with an otherworldly peace that surpasses human understanding. Just like those of us who were on the wheel of suffering in the work out were looking for our partners to come release us from difficulty, we need to remember to look to God in the midst of difficult circumstances. I know that surrendering things to God is hard. Laying down idols is difficult. However, we are called to seek God’s face and trust in Him. Yes, we have to put in some effort in seeking the Lord, but He is the only one that can give us the satisfaction of our souls.
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