F3 Knoxville

The Makers of Man aka Man Makers

THE SCENE: The air is THICK, but promising.


  • Welcome to F3: Fitness/Fellowship/Faith
  • My name is Steam and I’m honored to be your Q this morning
  • Couple of things before we begin
    • I’m not a professional
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • I don’t know any injuries you may or may not have, so if you need to modify any of the exercises we do this morning – feel free to do it!
    • But along with that – I’m going to encourage you to push yourselves and push the men around you – you deserve it and so do they.
    • You’re here on purpose this morning. You’re here on purpose.



  • SSH: 10 x 4 IC
  • Rockette: 10 x 4 IC 

  • Imperial Walker: 10 x 4 IC 

  • Windmill: 10 x 4 IC
  • Tempo Squat: 10 x 4 IC



(mosey up to the new walkway)

  • Battle Buddy Up
  1. Dora
    • BB1: Heels to Heaven (4 count ex)
  • BB2: Run to the other parking lot – execute 8 count merkin and run back
  • Each battle buddy will make the run down twice
  • Recover here when you’re done – holding the Al Gore


2. The Gauntlet

    • Run to the other parking lot
    • every table = 10 – 8 count body builders together in cadence

(so…..many……Man-Makers…..SO many man-makers. WHY ARE THERE SO MANY TABLES UP THERE?!)

(mosey around to the left American Indian style)

(mosey to the parking lot outside the playground)

3. Quarter Pounder

    • Tops of the parking lot = 25 SSHs on a 1 count
    • Middle of the sides of the parking lot = 25 merkins on a 1 count (down/up)
  • potential for a double quarter pounder


  • 25 flutter kicks
  • 25 heels to heaven

10 x 4 SSHs

Worked on breathing/light stretching


13 PAX – No FNGs


As I was reading Romans 8:26 I realized how much I constantly and consistently need the Holy Spirit to intercede for me because of groanings too deep for words. My anxiousness for everything going on in the world, my anguish and anger for everything going on in the world. He knows what we need when we don’t have the words.

Then I thought about “running the race.” When you think of running a race, you typically know the end goal or distance. Think about F3 – you know you’re pushing hard until 6:15am or 8am. But when you think of running a spiritual race, THE race – we know how the story ends but not necessarily how long we have to run. We just are told to run – with endurance.

And I thought “What a greater time to run our race as HIM, when we do have a great cloud of witnesses looking to us (Christians, male leadership, etc).

The encouragement is this: Even when we have groanings too deep for words – we’re still called to run the race the most high King has set before us – and to run with endurance. As HIM – you have opportunities to do this everyday in your marriage, relationships, work, spheres of influence.

So give your groanings to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to intercede for you.

And Run. Your. Race.


Romans 8:26 — Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. 

Hebrews 12:1-2 — Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

25s on the 26th

THE SCENE: Just about perfect for running around.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Aye-Corona.  I’m not a medical professional.

Straight into it with the Side Straddle Burpee Block of Fire.  PAX do SSH IC while each HIM goes in turn to grab a CMU from the pile and rejoin the group with a Burpee flourish.  This was worse than Cat-Gut’s birthday.

25s around various spots of the Asylum:
AO: Blocky Balboas (4ct) / Asymetrical Merkin (1 ct)
Corner 1(Top of block paved lot): BBS / Hello Dolly (4ct)
Corner 2 (other end of block paved lot): Plank Jacks (4ct) / Crab Jacks (4ct)
Corner 3 (Top of Circus Maximus) : Upright Humper (Al Gore’s Calf Raise) (4ct) / Iron Mike (2ct)
Corner 4 (Bottom of Circus Maximus): Captain Thor (up to 4 => 20, 3 =>15, etc.) / Reverse Crunch
Pavalon: Dips / Table Rows
Back to the AO and round again.
We did three laps and finished with the last set of Balboas and Merkins.

Time to tidy up with Freddie’s Ring of Big Boy Block Return.  PAX do Bicycle Race (Freddie Mercury’s to said song with a Big Boy on every Bicycle/Bike) while putting the blocks back in turn.  We went through the song twice to get all the blocks away.  It’s a 3:00 song.

Fortunately only 9 HIMs, or we might have needed a third repeat of the song!
I’ve been struggling to adjust to the new normal.  I lost my way mentally in March and April.  Getting back out in the gloom really helped anchor me once more and I’m feeling better about myself.  Thanks to my brothers for that.

Ode to Coolio

THE SCENE: A balmy 70.  At least it wasn’t raining.

SSH x 20 (4 ct IC); 15 Moroccan Nightclubs (4ct IC); Imperial Squat Walkers x 10 (4 ct IC); 5 burpees

  • Mosey up toward the Colosseum, stop at the last Stop Sign for 25s – Merkins and 4ct LBCs
  • Keep moseying to the Colosseum for 25s of Dips and 4 ct Squats
  • Mosey down the other side all the way to the Elysium Fields for a Coolio special- high knees, with some drop and rolls in the wet grass.  Mosey to the other side of the field, then sprint back across
  • Mosey to the little chapel for 25s of Merkins and 4ct American Hammers
  • Mosey to the base of Cardiac and start the first part of 25s of CDDs and BBS
    • Bernie to the first turn, second part of the 25s,
    • Bear Crawl to the next turn, third part of the 25s,
    • Sprint to the top and finish the 25s
  • Just enough time to make it back to the AO for the COT

No time.

Love is hard:  From 1 Corinthians 4-8: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.”  Those are tough words to live up to, but as HIM, that is what we are called to do, and not just for those closest to us, for our family and friends, but for all.  We will fall short.  Keep striving.
Great to see Pac-Man back in action today.  I enjoyed the company guys.
We don’t have to split up if we have 12 now.

Training for the Beach

THE SCENE: Cool with a nice break in the rain (i.e. perfect)
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER (no snot rockets, don’t get close enough to hold hands and swap spit)

SSH x 15, IC;  CP x 5, IC; Tie Fighters, front and back x 15 each way, IC
This is a 4 corners workout.  To maintain social distancing protocol, no more than 5 in a corner at a time.  This is a workout scientifically designed to get a HIM ready for the beach.  First order of business is to, one at a time, grab a coupon from the CMU pile.  This is yours for the entire workout.  Because HIMs are the ones to carry all the heavy stuff across the sand to the beach, everybody carries a CMU everywhere they go.  Beach themed music provided.

  • First Corner – 3 exercises:  Curls (for the girls) x 25; Flutter Presses x 25 (2 ct); Goblet Squats x 25
  • Second Corner – 3 exercises:  Superman Swims x 25; CMU rows x 25; Lunges x 25;
  • Third Corner – 3 exercises:  Derkins x 25; American Hammers (with CMU option) x 25 (2ct); More Curls x 25;
  • Forth Corner – 1 exercise.  25 Blockees (it helped to think of the CMU as a cooler full of beer)
  • If you hear Queen’s “Bicycle Race,” stop what you’re doing and hit your six for Freddy Mercury’s the duration of the song (3:01).
  • Complete at least 2 circuits
  • Q calls an audible after 2 circuits to go run a little bit.  Groups split up to run up Baby Everest and down the Dragon or vice versa, stopping at one point to knock out 5 burpees.  Race ensues. Bunny may or may not have taken a short cut to beat Gibbler.  All wagon wheel and finish together at the AO.

Just enough time to get to 5/20 on Capt. Thors

A reflection on a couple of quotes.  From Henry Ford: “He who says he can and he who says he can’t are both usually right.” And from Hallerin Hilton Hill: “Attitude determines altitude.”  Stay positive men!

Prayers for Mrs. Lillydipper and family, Pinto and family, and for a good, safe summer for everybody but special request for Dung Beetle as he guides the kids of Emerald Youth this summer.

Playlist from the morning:  School’s Out, Alice Cooper; Summertime, DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince; Good Vibrations, The Beach Boys; Beautiful Girls, Van Halen; Heat Wave, Martha and the Vandellas; Bicycle Race, Queen; Hot Fun in the Summer Sun, Sly and the Family Stone; Cruel Summer, Bananarama; Rockaway Beach, Ramones; Wipe Out, The Surfaries; The Boys of Summer, Don Henley.
Regular time for Monday.  Pluto will Q and have something special.

Alphabet Workout

Cooler, dry.  Faint smell of a freshly surfaced parking lot.

F3- Fitness Fellowship Faith.  S3 – Safe, Socially Distant, Serious!
We got straight at it.
Go through the PAX’s F3 names performing the indicated exercise.  Take a little mosey after each name.  All exercises are 4 count, unless marked.

A Big Boys x 10 (1 count)
B Baby Arm Circles For & Back x 10
C Squats x 10
D 2 minute Mosey
E Bear Crawl to said point
F Burpee x 5
G Plank Jacks x 10
H Monkey Humpers x 10
I Iron Mike x 10
J Pickle Pounders x 10
K Windmill x 10
L Lunges x 10 (each leg)
M American Hammer x 10
N Merkins x 10
O Bernie Sanders to said point
P Carioca (L) to said point and back (R)
Q Crab Crawl to said point
R Freddie Mercury x 10
S Cherry Pickers x 7
T Rocky Balboas x 10
U Diamond Merkins x 10 (Tempo)
V High Knees to said point
W Side Stradle Hop x 10
X Inchworm x 10
Y Flutter Kicks x 10
Z Hand Release Merkin x 10 (1 count)

We did Kentucky, Rainbow, Hands, Hot Tub, Gibbler, Bunny, Cosmo (2) & Rooney

Charmin led us in the letters M-A-R-Y

9 Strong today, plus two Ruckers joined us for the BOM

I think about Kipling’s If from time to time.  It seems apt right now with all that is going on in the world.

If you can keep your head when all about you   
    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, 
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
    And treat those two impostors just the same;
Don’t beat yourself up too much right now – as Baz Luhrman said
Sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind
  The race is long and in the end, it’s only with yourself
Bunny – there will be rucking at 5:00 on Monday