F3 Knoxville

CMU Shuffle

F3 Q – 9/14/2020

Asylum AO


[ The Scene ]

70s and dark – groggy but alive and well

[ Welcome/Disclaimer ]

  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith
  • My name is Steam and I’m honored to be in your company and be your Q this morning
  • FNGs?
  • Couple of things before we begin:
    • (1) I am not a professional
    • (2) You’re here on your own volition
    • (3) If you need to modify anything we do this morning – feel free to do so as you need but push yourself and those around you.

[ Warm-o-Rama ]

(1) SSH – 10 x 4 IC

(2) Baby Arm Circles – 10 x 4 each side IC

(3) Imperial Walker – 10 x 4 IC

(4) Merkin – 10 x 4 IC

(5) Windmill – 10 x 4 IC

[ The Thang ]

(1) CMU 4 Corners

—HIM get CMUs—

—Move through corners clockwise—

  • Corner 1: 25 curls (1 count)

(Run up the hill — 10 V-Ups — run back to CMU — carry to next corner)

  • Corner 2: 25 chest presses

(Run up the hill — 10 V-Ups — run back to CMU — carry to next corner)

  • Corner 3: 25X4 Rocky Balboas on CMU 

(Run up the hill — 10 V-Ups — run back to CMU — carry to next corner)

  • Corner 4: 25 CMU swings

(Run up the hill — 10 V-Ups — run back to CMU — carry to next corner)

(10 count)

(2) CMU Lunges/Pull-ups

  • Men circle up with CMUs in the middle of the parking lot
  • 5 lunges with CMU on one shoulder or above head
    • Switch shoulders every 5 lunges
  • Run to Pav — execute 10 pull-ups
  • R & R until you reach the other curb
  • Recover with 25 Big Boy Sit-ups with your CMU when you’re done
  • Men take CMUs back and Charming leads PAX in 30×4 flutter kicks

(3) Nickel/Dime/Quarter x2

  • PAX mosey to playground
  • All PAX find a bench (all my benches)
  • Round 1
    • 5 Dips
      • 10 Box Jumps/Step-Ups
        •  25 1-leg squats on bench
  • Round 2
    • 5 1-leg squats on bench
      • 10 Dips
        • 25 box jumps/step-ups


  • BTTW back to the AO

[ Mary ]

  • Slow 25
    • 5×4 Flutter Kicks
    • 5×4 American Hammers
    • 5×4 LBCs
    • 5×4 Cockroaches
    • 5×4 Little LBCs

PAX stretch down to the ground – raise 1 vertebrae up at a time – execute some shoulder shrugs – done. Boom.

[ COT ]

  • # off – 16 + 4 Ruckers = 20
  • Name o Rama
  • FNGs – none 
  • BOM
  • I wanted to start the week off for us with a slap on the back and vote of confidence.

[ From the QSource  – by DREDD ]

  • Foundation4 (F4) — Leadership Development Process (LDP)

Here’s the chapter – worth the read.

1. Great Leaders Develop New Leaders

While leadership is critical to all groups, leaders are always in short supply in most groups because only a few groups employ a systematic Leadership Development Process (LDP = the process employed by a group to develop new leaders). What separates those few groups from the rest is simple: they are led by great leaders.

Great leaders are intent on leaving a legacy that will resound to their groups’ advantage long after they have gone. Knowing their leadership tenure is limited by human mortality, they get prepared for the expected event of their departure by developing new leaders. Because they cannot predict the precise time of their departure, they stay ready for the unexpected by ensuring that the leaders they develop are ready right now instead of sometime tomorrow. Great Leaders are constantly working themselves out of a job. 

Great Leaders develop new Leaders systematically, through an LDP that is tailored to the needs of the group they lead. They see this as a primary part of their responsibility as a leader, not something they also do if they can find the time.

For great Leaders, developing new leaders is leadership, of the highest caliber. 

2. The LDP has four steps: schooling, apprenticeship, opportunity and failure

Healthy communities, effective organizations, and dynamic teams each employ some form of an LDP that is periodically adjusted to suit their unique need for leaders and the manner by which they develop them. While every LDP reflects the purpose and character of the particular group in which it is housed, every useful process has a form of the same four components:

  • First, there is some kind of Schooling, the didactic instruction that the potential leader receives on the timeless fundamentals of leadership.
  • The second component is Apprenticeship, where the new leader is given the chance to develop the skills he learned from his Schooling  under the watchful eye of a more experienced Leader.
  • Third comes Opportunity, the chance for the growing leader to put what he has learned into practice under conditions where he is directly responsible for the outcome. While Schooling + Apprenticeship creates a Leader with the potential to be effective, Opportunity is the required element for the man’s skill to become kinetic and have actual impact on his group. 
  • The fourth component is Failure. A lizard uses its LDP to intentionally court minor disaster in order to fully develop its Leaders, because it is from Failure that Leaders learn the most. Success teaches far less because it does not isolate what works from what does not the way Failure does.

3. The LDP depends upon decentralized execution to a central purpose.

F3 is an organization whose purpose is to invigorate male community leadership. Not surprisingly, since our mission is leadership development itself, F3 needs a very deliberate LDP to be effective. However, because the organization is comprised of thousands of small teams that are not in proximity, that deliberate process cannot restrict the individual initiative and genius of its Leaders. We are absolutely dependent upon our great Leaders to be about the business of developing our new Leaders.The execution of the LDP is in their hands because it is their hands that are physically upon the new leaders. 

As  a result, we do not dictate the precise manner in which our Leaders are to execute F3’s LDP but rather encourage and focus them upon our central purpose. They must know the “why” of the LDP before they can perform it’s “what.” Also, they must be affirmed in their efforts to be incentivized to continue them. 

This model, decentralized execution toward central purpose, is not something unique to F3 or a theory that we invented. It is the LDP methodology employed by the great Leaders of healthy communities, effective organizations and dynamic teams and always have been.

4. Takeaways

  • Great Leaders develop new Leaders
  • The LDP has 4 steps: Schooling, Apprenticeship, Opportunity, and Failure
  • The LDP depends upon decentralized execution to central purpose


  • “For great leaders, developing new leaders is leadership, of the highest caliber.”
    • And I see all of you as high caliber, high impact men that have done that for me for the past 4 years or so. You all have a power inside you to do that. Something that drives you to be the high caliber, high impact men you are.


  • I came to F3 as a lost college kid trying to figure it out 4 years ago. When I say F3 has been, and continues to be, a Gamechanger in my life, I mean it. I’ve experienced F3 Knoxville’s LDP in the past 4 years and am a better, more equipped and confident man thanks to YOU MEN – men of the highest caliber and quality – Great Leaders as the QSource chapter talks about. And I just want to say thank you. You all have done more for me and my journey towards being a HIM than most of you will ever know.


  • From a young leader to a Great Leader – thank you.

Fellowship at the asylum

THE SCENE: 70 degrees and moist.

4 cherry pickers

6 count man makers

some of these some of those
mosey over to he playground

  • 21 box jumps
  • 21 BBS
  • Wait of the 6 then mosey to the pavalon
  • 21 table rows
  • 21 squats to sit
  • mosey to AO
  • lung from on parking line to next do 1 merkin
  • lung to next line add one
  • Rinse and repeat until called for time
  • Grabed some coupons
  • mosey to tail of dragon.
  • 1 curl per light and add one as you walk up the tail of the dragon
  • walk down to the AO
  • start on one side of the parking lot lay the coupon on the ground and drag it across the lot while you bear crawl.

stretching out after work is done


Impromptu Q

THE SCENE: Mid 60s, clear skies, beautiful morning to be alive, outside, and sweating with a bunch of dudes at a dark park at 5:30 a.m. (when you write that out, it doesn’t sound quite right)

Ribbed was on Q, but he was sidelined with a fever and headache, so I warmed us up with:

SSH x 20 (4 ct)

Baby arm circles forward x 10 (4 ct)

Baby arm circles backward x 10 (4 ct)

Overhead claps x 10 (4 ct)

Tempo squats x 10

Tempo merkins x 10

Some Michael Phelps

A little of this and a little of that x 2

Handed off to Mouthwash after the warmup, and he took us to the flagpole for a 7 of diamonds – run the loop stopping to do exercises at each of the 4 points of the diamond along the way.

First lap – 7 diamond merkins at each point

Second lap – 14 big boys at each point

Third lap – 21 wide merkins at each point

Fourth lap – 28 squats at each point

Mouthwash handed back to me, and we ran to the Bermuda Triangle in honor of Ribbed.  At the first point, we did 35 v-ups.  Bear crawled to the second point and did 35 Carolina Dry Docks.  Bear crawled to the third point and did flutter kicks x 35 on a 4 ct.  Bear crawled back to the first point.

Handed off to Kentucky who took us to the playground.  Rocky Balboas on the curb on a 4 ct (I think we did either 20 or 25, but I don’t remember for sure – I was trying to keep up with the exercise).  Asymmetrical merkins x 10 each arm (one hand on the ground, the other on the curb and then switch arms after 10).  Mouthwash suggested baby dips on the curb x 25 followed by 10 tempo pull ups (fast up, hold, slow on the way back down).

Kentucky then took us to the splash pad for 15 table rows and 15 box jumps/step ups.

Back to the AO for Mary

Kentucky suggested a bicycle race, so I led us in some plank work while he set up the music for the race, which consisted of Freddie Mercurys during the song “Bicycle Race” by Queen with 1 big boy every time the word “bicycle” or “bike” was mentioned, and they were mentioned – a lot.

6 HIMs

No one else had anything to say, so I took the BOM and talked about Proverbs 17:17 – “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.”  We are forging both friendships and brotherhoods at F3.  While work, family, church, etc. may prevent us from getting together and hanging out like we would in high school or college, the gloom gives us a chance to bond, encourage, support, and mumble-chatter.  And while some us may be closer friends with some than others, we are all brothers and have each other’s backs in times of adversity.

Prayers for Ribbed, Lillydipper’s wife, Jinxy’s wife, Doubtfire, Lulu, the two women with brain tumors mentioned by Baywatch, the kids in school, and everyone working.

Hardship Hill on 10/3.  Still trying to put together an Equalizer team.

The Pav-Maker (Patent Pending) + Some Other Character Building Stuff

[ The Scene ]

    • 70s
    • About as humid and muggy as it can get

[ Welcome/Disclaimer ]

    • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith
    • My name is Steam and I’m honored to be in your company and be your Q this morning
    • FNGs?
    • Couple of things before we begin:
      • (1) Contrary to popular belief I am not a professional
      • (2) You’re here on your own volition
      • (3) If you need to modify anything we do this morning – feel free to do so as you need but push yourself and those around you.
      • No man left behind – no man left the same
      • COVID measures are still in place so as much as you can let’s try and keep 6ft if possible.

[ Warm o Rama ]

    • SSH: 25 x 4 IC
    • Half-Burpee: 20 x 4 IC
    • Rockette: 15 x 4 IC
    • Shoulder-Tap: 10 x 4 IC
    • Cherry-Picker: 5 x 4 IC

[ The Thang ]

(Mosey to Pavilion by Flag)

(1) – 4 Corners Dora

  • Battle-Buddy up
  • Here at the Pav: Pav-Makers(Patent Pending)
    • Incline Merkin + Box Jump + Dip (8 count?)
  • AO Parking Lot:
    • Corner 1 (closest): 25 SSHs (1 count)
    • Corner 2 (top R): 25 squats (1 count)
    • Corner 3 (top L – farthest): 25 American Hammers (1 count)
    • Corner 4 (bottom L): 25 Rocky Balboas on curb (1 count)
    • (Counter-clockwise)
    • Each BB will complete all 4 corners – 1 at a time – recovering the BB doing Pav-Makers down here in between
  • When each you both have complete all 4 corners – regroup here and wall-sit it up
  • 3-8 count Pav-Makers

(10 count)

(Mosey to lightpost path by AO car lot Via through playground)

(2) – 10s

  • Every lightpost up to the top:
    • Alternating merkins and Imperial Walkers
    • All on a 1-count
  • Separate into 2 waves for space
    • Wave 1 – you’re with me going up first — when we reach the top we’re going to knock out 50 SSHs on a 1 count together
    • Wave 2 – (appoint TL) 50 SSHs on a 1 count together on the front end to let us get some ground in
  • Execute.

(10 count)

  • SSH: 100 x 4 (Shoutout to Charmin)

(Mosey to AO for Mary)

[ Mary ]

(1) – 4 COREners (Ha-ha….)

  • C1 — 20 Lower LBCs (1 count)
  • C2 — 20 V-Ups (1 count)
  • C3 — 20 Cockroaches (1 count)
  • C4 — 20 Freddie Mercury’s

(Toe the line on the curb when done)

[ Post-Thang ]

(1) Lateral moves across AO parking lot to loosen up post-thang

    • Karaoke
    • Walking Rockettes
    • Imperial Walkers
    • Top downs

(2) – Cash-Out with ATMs

  • 15 shoulder taps (4 count)
  • 10 slow merkins (4 count)
  • 10 merkins (1 count)

(3) Dynamic Stretching

    • Lower back
    • Neck/shoulders/Triceps
    • Lower Body

[ COT ]

    • # off = 13
    • Name o Rama
    • BOM

For my BOM this morning I just wanted to share a verse from the Bible I was introduced in the past month or so that has stood out and kept entering into my thought patterns.

Setting the stage: In 1 Chronicles 12:23 these groups of men are introduced, who came to King David armed for battle to turn Saul’s kingdom over to him as the Lord had said.

1 of these groupings specifically stood out for a couple reasons, and not because of the numbers they brought to the table like the other groups (6,800, 7,100, 4, 600, 3,000, 20,800, 18,00 50,000 for example)

1 Chronicles 12:32 —> “from Issachar, men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do – 200 chiefs, with all their relatives under their command”

Another version reads: “from Issachar, men who understood both the times and Israel’s duties — 200 leaders with their families”

And I want to specifically draw attention to a couple things about these men

  • (1) They were faithful – came to David ready for battle – faithful to what the Lord had said
  • (2) They were classified both as men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do and as chiefs — Because they were faithful this was the reputation they were given. They knew who they were and what they were about.
  • (3) They had people that were under their command of leadership and looked to them to lead – specifically all of their relatives and families.

2,000 years or so later — the world still needs men like this. Men like this still exist in the world. What we would call the High Impact Man. 

    • As HIM we should want to both understand the times with wisdom and faithfulness, as well as recognize the people who fall under our command and the sound of our voice.
    • You are the men of Issachar. Call that out in one another. Remember that for yourself as well.

Being Neighborly with a Jelly Legged Welsh Dragon

THE SCENE: It’s August.  In Knoxville.  So, you know, warm.

SSH x 15 (4ct IC); 2 burpees; Imperial Walkers x 15 (4ct IC); 4 burpees; Cherry Pickers x 10ish (IC); 6 burpees; Tie Fighters, forward and back x 12ish; 8 burpees.
Jelly Legs.  Line up on the baseline.

  • Round 1: 10 second squat hold; 10 squats, run to other side for 2 burpees, and then back;
  • Round 2:  20 second squat hold; 20 squats, run, 2 burpees.
  • Round 3, 30 second squat hold; 30 squats, run, 2 burpees (see the pattern?)
  • Rounds 4 and 5

Welsh Dragon

  • Bear crawl x 4; 1 4 ct shoulder tap (tapping each shoulder once); 1 merkin
  • Continue with 4 step bear crawl and add a 4 ct shoulder tap and additional merkin each time up to 10;
  • Turn around and work back to the beginning, going down in reps, starting from 10, back to 1.


  • Mosey from AO up Baby Everest, to Cardiac, down to Cardiac, wagon wheeling for the 6;
  • 10 burpees at the bottom; Bernie to the first turn for 10 burpees; mosey to the next turn for 10 burpees, sprint to the top as hard as you can.
  • 25 dips

Some flutters waiting on the 6.  Mosey back to the AO

High Heels led something (flutters? Hello Dollies?); then 25 tempo LBCs.

Here’s the full post of my friend, which I stole for the BOM:  “In the gospel of Luke, a dude skilled in the day’s cultural/religious law approached Jesus to “test him” asking, basically, ‘What do I need to do to be considered right before God?” And Jesus turns it around and asks, ‘Well, what’s written in the law about this topic?’ Dude repeats the Golden Rule, which says, in part: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

Jesus says, ‘Looks like you got it. Do that and you’re cool’  But dude pushes for clarification: ‘Okay, but who exactly is my neighbor?’  Then, Jesus answers the very precise question by telling a story that most everyone on the planet now knows well – the parable of the Good Samaritan.

Story goes, in a nutshell: “Guy traveling was jumped by robbers who stripped and beat him and left him to die. Two dudes who were socially privileged (a priest and Levite) came along, noticed the guy, but peaced-out.  Then, a Samaritan (not considered to fully belong to the dominant culture), noticed the guy lying there and decided to stop and interrupt what he was doing. The Samaritan then spent his time and his money making sure the guy was going to be alright.”

Then, this is the epiphany moment: Jesus didn’t ask, “Which of these three would you consider to be your neighbor?” Instead, he asked: “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the guy who nearly got waxed?” Dude responds: “The one who showed mercy.” (i.e., the Samaritan).  Jesus: “Go and do likewise.”

In other words, Jesus was saying: “You’re asking the wrong question – ‘who is my neighbor?’ The question itself  isses the point and implies a primary concern with exclusivity and tribalism. – instead, you should be asking, ‘What should I do to be a neighbor?’” So, instead of asking, “Whose life in particular should matter to me?”

Go and observe who is truly in need and show those persons mercy. A human in need.


A human who has been treated unjustly.


In order to be a neighbor, you should concern yourself with *that individual* or *those individuals* regardless of attributes such as color, beliefs, religion, political affiliation, occupation, or social standing.


Indeed, Jesus assigned no other attribute to the person other than that he was in need.


Look for needs and heal them – even and especially if you’re a Samaritan.


Prayers for Doubtfire and his family with his mom’s passing.