F3 Knoxville

Saying No

AO: juco
Q: Guardrail (Brandon Brown)
PAX: Fetch (Joel Moran), elf, Wanderer (Dave Staab), (Tooth Fairy) Dana Rust, Butterknife, MC Fraud (Chris Trice), Lil’ Spice (Chad Crawford), Shrubbery, Data (Joey Tipton), 5K (Derren Burrell), Nadia (Aaron Jacques), Wagon Wheel (John-Mark Chesney), Cosmo, Erector (Jason Champion)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Windmills, Tempo Squats, Ti Chi Warrior, Cherry Pickers, SSH, Tempo Merkins
THE THANG: “Catch me if you can” run to the cmu pile with 1 partner bernie the other 3 burpees then catch the bernie guy and switch. 11’s with Thrusters and Pullups, Crab Bear soccer, fun with planks and the ball on the hill, Ring of fire
MARY: Dealers Choice
COT: The rod and reproof give wisdom,
but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother.
Proverbs 29:13
There is power in saying ‘No’, from experience I can tell you kids need to be told no.
But here is the thing. We need to be told no too.
The way Jesus speaks of this is to fast – he said his disciples will fast when he is gone.
We can increase our patience and our ability to wait well when we tell our stomachs no. Then other desires are not in control of us either.
So consider that Proverb again, realizing we are the child and we need correction.
Where are you getting correction from and are you willing to receive it?

Dora to the Max

AO: juco
Q: 5K (Derren Burrell)
PAX: Guardrail (Brandon Brown), Butterknife, Archie (Andy Nack), Jonathan Woodall (GUMP), Booster (Les Fout), Lil’ Spice (Chad Crawford), Data (Joey Tipton), Windex, Wanderer (Dave Staab), MC Fraud (Chris Trice), Fetch (Joel Moran), MessyHobbs, Scott/Pickle Pounder
FNGs: 1 Scott/Pickle Pounder
Tempo Squats
Tempo Merkins
Morrocan Night Club
Pagoda Windmill
Toe Merkins

THE THANG: Mosey to new building
Dora up
150 Dips, 250 LBCs, 300 Squats
Partner does a lap around the building
Mosey to the Courtyard
Dora up
100 Carolina Dry Docks, 200 2-count Flutter Kicks, 300 Lunges

MARY: Freddy Mecuries on the way back

COT: Eccl 4: 9-10
9 Two are better than one,
    because they have a good return for their labor:
10 If either of them falls down,
    one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls
    and has no one to help them up.
Acts 4:32-33
32 All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. 33 With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all
I personallly had an experience this past Friday whereby I needed help — my daughter had slid off the side of the road in her car, and I was looking on who to call for help. I didn’t check work, I didn’t check other circles, I immediately thought of my F3 brethren. Partly location, but partly because I knew Dartgun and Mailbox for several years, and know them, I’ve sweated with them out in the gloom…and I knew they would help. That’s the church, isn’t it? This is the body…let’s live it out

Same as Before Only Backwards and Worse

AO: juco
Q: Mailbox (Chip Keim)
PAX: Mailbox (Chip Keim), Po-Boy (Travis Dupre), Windex, Lil’ Spice (Chad Crawford), 5K (Derren Burrell), Fetch (Joel Moran), Wanderer (Dave Staab), Dart Gun (Todd Mulder), (Tooth Fairy) Dana Rust, Hall Pass, Whiz Kid (Downrange from IL), Noodles
FNGs: 1 Noodles
SSH, Mountain Climbers, Tempo Merkins, Shoulder Taps, Tempo Squats and despite 5k’s request less then 100 Grady Corns
The same as Wednesday only backwards and with a hill and with a sand bag too. So miserable I was called @trolley
MARY: Box Cutters and Pickle Pounders
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Great to have Whiz Kid back at JUCO from Downrange in Wharton, IL. Also glad to have FNG – Noodles
COT:. Leading with Gratitude. Simple concept but have to be intentional to practice routinely. Shared 10 coin trick to hold self accountable for keeping frequency. Start with 10 coins in left pocket and move one to right pocket each time you show gratitude to someone throughout the day. Practice in all circle of influence! Don’t forget your family too!