F3 Knoxville

Keep Your S–t Together

THE SCENE: It was an inferno! Perfect day
The standard SSHs, Rockettes, Cherry Pickers, little baby arm circles front and back
Whoa, man. Like that’s some heavy stuff.

Swing (4 minutes)

40 seconds on, 20 seconds off

Swing the CMU back and forth, focusing on proper form and posture.

Squats (4 minutes)

40 seconds on, 20 seconds off

Squat with the CMU, focusing on proper form and posture.

Lunges (4 minutes)

40 seconds on, 20 seconds off

Lunge forward with the CMU, focusing on proper form and posture.

Merkins (4 minutes)

40 seconds on, 20 seconds off

Place the CMU on the ground and do merkins with your hands on the block, focusing on proper form and posture.

Bicep Curls (4 minutes)

40 seconds on, 20 seconds off

Use the CMU to do bicep curls, focusing on proper form and posture.

Tricep Dips (4 minutes)

40 seconds on, 20 seconds off

Use the CMU to do tricep dips, focusing on proper form and posture.

Plank Hold (4 minutes)

40 seconds on, 20 seconds off

Hold a plank with your hands on the CMU, focusing on proper form and posture.

One round of PAX Choice:  Blockees or Murder Bunnies

Suitcase carry back to Smokehouse

No time for love, Dr. Jones
10 PAX
“Keep your $h!t together” – Hold the middle; Live the Golden Rule
Madoff from the top rope. I’ll prep the music better next time, fellas. It’ll be all thrash.

Inch worms again?!

THE SCENE: around 35, full moon and dry

warm up stuff

I had a stack of about 30 or so cardboard pieces with different exercises and quantities on them. The PAX grabbed an exercise and ran to the next cone, roughly 30 yards away and did the exercise and quantity. Then they ran back to grab another card and brought it up to the cone as well. We continued until all cards were brought to the next cone. We repeated the process along a marked path. Some runs were longer than others, and we also picked up additional cards along the way. Exercise included were as follows: Merkins, squads, toe touch planks, inchworms, Burpees, dry docks, crunches, big boy sit ups, side straddle hops, jump, squats, and maybe a couple more I can’t remember. Quantities varied from five Merkins to 30 dry docks.

Not much in terms of at work today. We just finished the last couple minutes with a round of ring of fire inchworms
13 in attendance
What is a chiral molecule?

A molecule is said to be chiral if the object and its mirror image are non-superimposable, just like our right and left hand. They are essentially the same but completely different. One hand when placed over the other on a table do not line up, but when placed up against them selves they do. In the case of the well-known chiral painkiller, ibuprofen, the (S) or right -enantiomer has the desired pharmacological activity while the (R) left -enantiomer is totally inactive. In the case of Thalidomide, The R-enantiomer is an effective sedative, which has a soothing effect that relieves anxiety and makes the patient drowsy; while, the S-enantiomer is known to cause very serious teratogenic birth defects.
We can see this example with God. God created us in his own image when looking at us, we may look like him, but we are way different than he is. The difference that separates us from him is sin. When we separate ourselves from him we can become ineffective or even toxic and deadly. So how can we change this? Turn away from sin and come closer to God. Read his word, pray to him, follow his commands. When we turn towards him we change.

Inchworms are difficult when you have to do 30 in a row
Hardship Hill obstacle building. CPR training.

Tabata Refresh

I copied this Q and BOM from a previous BB in June of 2021. I fully intend to only recycle Q’s and BOMs this year! Yes, I am going to take other people’s.

THE SCENE: Rainy – Meet at the Pav-A-Lon

I forgot my Weinke in the car so Tweet-E & Ribbed helped out. Then finished with some Tempo Merkins & of course – Cherry Pickers.
Welcome to TabaTa! Tabata = 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. Each Tabata is 4 minutes or 8 total rounds. We did two exercises per Tabata. Each Tabata had a 1 minute Interlude in between.

  • Tabata 1
    • Imperial Walkers & Shoulder Taps
  • Tabata 2
    • Single Leg Burpee (no merkin) & Dips
  • Tabata 3
    • Pull-ups (assisted or hangs) & HRR Merkins
  • Tabata 4
    • Squat Hops & Crabbettes (I want to call it the Crab & Grab)
  • Tabata 5
    • Plank Reach Throughs & Side Raises (surprisingly difficult)
  • Tabata 6
    • American Hammers & Mountain Climbers
  • I’m out of Tabatas so let’s run up to the gate and back. Also gives us street cred for working out in the rain.
  • Tabata 7 (from the hip)
    • DOMO Squats & BBS
  • Tabata 8 (from the hip this time, not last)
    • Hangs and Merkins

Broga – Stretch those hips & glutes out (we’ve not made any improvement on this)
Four Horsemen – Lucky 11 today
From As a Man Thinketh – “A change of Diet will not help a person who will not change his thoughts. When a person makes his thoughts pure, he no longer desires impure food.” – James Allen

Stress eating, grazing, overeating, overindulging – call it what you will. This is something that I have struggled with for my entire life. Judge’s comments in the weekly newsletter motivated me to talk about it in the COT. A devotional or article that I came across in the last couple of months told me that when we surrender to Christ that we are FREE from all SIN in our life. Whatever we are holding onto is something that we haven’t yet surrendered. This is my stress eating habit. I was praying into it and felt like I was given permission to eat “all that is Holy”. What is all that is Holy? I ask God in a jokingly manner – “everything you pray over” is what came to mind next.

Man, what a realization!!?! I never pray over the handfuls of candy, or scoop(s) of peanut butter that I find myself eating. I never pray over my 3rd or 4th cup of coffee and never I have asked God to bless a 2nd helping of Ice Cream.

What if instead of just impulsively eating whatever carbohydrate or sugar laced item I can find… I said a prayer and asked God to bless it? Can it really be this simple? I tell you, like most rewarding things in my life. It is that simple, at least it seems to be, but it’s not easy. I wish I could tell you that I have absolutely mastered it and have given this sin away to be free once & for all from it’s grasps. Instead I tell you, that I’m in the middle of the fight. I’m in the battle. I’m still getting beat up. But… I’m glad to be in the fight!

According to James Allen, it starts with making my thoughts pure.

Tabata is great way to push yourself. It’s only 20 seconds of work… how hard could that be? Apparently there are some good Tabata Timers out there and I don’t have to use the prerecorded, covers that these dudes were jazzed about.
Wesley House workday coming up, Off the Chain – keep your brothers in your Prayers! <- This is not relevant lol

Heavy at the Equalizer

THE SCENE: Just north of shorts weather.

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Done and Done semi-ok!


Typical Blindside Warmup-y things: 

SSH IC x15 | LBAC IC x10 each way | Cherry Pickers IC x5 | Little bit of this, a little bit of that


Equalizer’s First Heavy Workout:

Mosey to Smokehouse for CMUs, take to Pickleball Courts. PAX each choose a cardboard piece. Do AMRAP of the exercise while the PAX with the “Blockees” piece does 20. Once done, rotate clockwise to the next exercise. 

  1. Blockees
  2. Goblet Squats
  3. OH Press
  4. Bench Press
  5. Curls
  6. BBS with CMU Press
  7. Lunges with CMU Twist 
  8. Rows 
  9. Jump Rope
  10. Calf Raises
  11. CMU Merkins
  12. Squat Thrusters with CMU

Return CMUs to Smokehouse, return to AO


Flutter Kicks IC x20 | Box Cutters IC x15 


13 HIMs; 0 FNGs; 4 PreRuckers  


Quote from St. Augustine: 

Now, may our God be our hope. He Who made all things is better than all things. He Who made all beautiful things is more beautiful than all of them. He Who made all mighty things is more mighty than all of them. He Who made all great things is greater than all of them. Learn to love the Creator in His creature, and the maker in what He has made.


The Equalizer will start doing “Heavy” workouts on Wednesdays. While today was obviously Monday, this will start to be the norm on Wednesdays moving forward with the official start on April 5th. Get some diversity in our workouts and promise some of those guys who want to have a little less running in their lives an opportunity to get some work in.

Oh, the Places We Will Go

THE SCENE: Beautiful 27 degree darkness


Abe Vagoda


This and That

7s – merkins and pull-ups

11s – big boys and SSHs (4 count)

21s, 20 overhead press, 20 rows

EMOM – 10 box jumps, 10 ground dips, 10 crunches

EMOM – 10 squats, 10 CDDs, 10 freddie mercs

No time for Mary
11 HIMs
Proverbs 1:8-19