F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: Plenty of gloom. Rain and 30s, temp steadily dropping.

SSH x20 IC
Mountain Parkers x15 IC
Tempo Merkins x10 IC
One-hand 6-count Body Builders (skip the pushup) x5 IC (each arm)
Ice Skaters x20 each leg OYO
Hindurkins x10 IC

Mosey back to my car because I forgot to take my wallet out of my pocket

Mosey to the base of the Matterhorn, circle up for 15x Tempo Squats IC, continue to the Pavalon
Escalator style circuit:
20 Merkins
20 Mountain Climbers
20 Squat Rolls
20 V-ups
20 Travoltas
20 Crabettes

When done, make one lap around the Pavalon doing full step-ups (watch your head!) on the picnic table benches. Left leg on the out, right leg on return.
Repeat circuit, dropping the Crabettes. Another pavalon lap, this time Groucho-walking one leg on the benches.

R&R until done, mosey back to the AO through the big wet flakes of snow.

30x 4-count LBCs (well, Mayberry did half-Imperial Walkers holding an umbrella), enjoy the view of the falling snow!
6 PAX braved the Snowpocageddonlypse to get better this morning. Welcome back Unibrau, and congrats on the new job!
Isn’t it “funny” how God often brings opposites together and makes them spouses? Sometimes those differences are just that – differences that are neither bad nor good, and we learn to live and love despite them. Sometimes those differences are things that God uses to highlight something in your heart that needs to change. I have a tendency to snap judgment about people that I don’t know, with very little compassion. That guy pulling a U-turn around the median? What a moron… He should learn to drive. The guy on the news that hit a telephone pole at 100mph? Deserved it. But once I get to know someone, and they have a face and a name, I tend to give them the benefit of the doubt. My wife, on the other hand, lets me know that my snap judgements are unacceptable behavior. She has that compassion for the nameless, faceless person that I lack. But, in contrast, she has the tendency to fear the worst about the motivations of the behavior of people that she knows and loves. So take a look at yourself… If you’re like either of us, ask God to work on your heart, to give you compassion for those you don’t know, and trust and grace for those you do.
I was definitely hoping for a bit more white and less wet, but any day that starts with HIMs like these is a great one.
Alcoa CSAUP on 2/9! Check GroupMe for more info.

Mist, Rain, Sleet, Snow


Dog Pound: windy, misty, rainy, sleety, snowy, coldy

SSH, rocketts x20

Mosey to the lot for roughly 10 sprints and then mosey back to AO to pickup CMUs I forgot to get.

Mosey to the lot and partner up, DORA: one does exercise, one runs to the end of the lot and back (about 150-175 yds?)

exercises are: CMU curls 150, CMU overhead presses 150, cleans 100, merkins on CMU 100, reverse squat walk dragging CMU down and back.

Mosey to tennis courts.  Suicides at EVERY line on both courts. Then some quick twitch knee ups along the fence, bear crawl suicides that sucked and audibles to squat walks. Finished with one more round of regular suicides

No time for her today

10 total, including visitor from Nolensville “Mic Drop”


How do we learn best?
By reading instructions or by watching how it is done by someone that knows the process?
Are we a study God’s word culture or are we a do God’s word culture? By doing rather that studying, we develop a culture that newcomers and the young feed off of. They learn by watching the faithful not by studying.
Lets go be a “Do God’s word” and not just a “study God’s word”


Welcome Mic Drop from Nolensville TN.  He will be “dropping” by once or twice a month.

We went from mist, to rain, to sleet, to snow today.

Forgot to mention Snacks for WH till tues, WH kids workout

Counting is Hard

THE SCENE: Somewhere between 20 and 30 degrees, cloudy, and still

The Pax performed a burpee drill to get warmed up (all Pax does high knees until someone yells “down!” to perform a burpee. Pax must call out “down!” in order)

10 x Rockettes IC

10x Lunges OYO

10x Merkins OYO

Indian run to marina parking lot

PAX performed two sets of 11s with the following exercises:

Set 1: LBC (4 ct.) & Imperial Squat Walkers

Set 2: Carolina Dry Docks & Tuck Jumps

PAX sprinted two sets of stairs to touch the rock at the top and then moseyed halfway back. Two members of the group were then declared disabled and the remaining PAX had to carry them back. We rotated the disabled PAX halfway through.

Box Cutters x 30 IC

Flutter kicks x 25 IC

2 rounds of PAX facing legs out of the circle & at 45 degree angle off the ground while one member runs around to push their feet down.

I was recently caught up thinking about my own “problems” when an acquaintance mentioned that he was heading to a doctor’s appointment to find out whether or not his daughter’s cancer was in remission. I was immediately reminded that I have no real problems in my life and should be more diligent about counting my blessings instead of worrying about the little stuff. It was a great reminder to maintain a positive perspective.


Players Choice Deck O Cards

THE SCENE: Crisp cool morning.  No rain so all was good.


  • SSH IC x20
  • Cherry Pickers IC x 10 (low and slow)
  • Baby arm circles IC x10 (forward and backwards)
  • Rockettes IC x20

Mosey to the boats

Deck O Cards

  • Burpees x 5
  • Run two light poles (40 yards)
  • Pick a card from the deck and perform the exercise
  • Run back to start
  • Rinse and Repeat
  • YHC called recover after 5 to 6 rounds

Mosey around boat parking to base of Materhorn

Squat Run

  • 5 squats
  • Run to next light pole
  • 10 squats
  • Run to next light pole
  • Rinse and repeat up to 25 reps and then back down
  • Finished last reps at AO

Mosey to and around Outhouse x 2

Pee Rock Weightlifting

  • Pick two fist size rocks or one large rock
  • Bicep Curls x 10
  • Overhead Press x 10
  • Front Arm Lift x 10
  • Squats x 10

Mosey back to AO


  • LBC IC x20 (4-count)
  • Six Inches
  • Legs up 6 inches, Hello Dolly, keep feet up 6 inches, Flutter Kicks, keep feet up 6 inches, Reverse Crunches

12 PAX
Shared my word for the year.  TIME.  Come to find out La-Z-Boy shared the same thing the day before at RAW.  My word came over the holidays as I read the book One Word.  It currently represents me being intentional with my time.  Being around (and present) with my M, the 2.0’s and others in my life.  Let’s see where God will takes me this year.

Lifted up prayers

2018 misery in review

THE SCENE: Mid 40’s … clear skies

Cherry Picker IC (x10)
SSH IC (x15) but we did 16 because I forgot to stop.
Rockettees IC (x20)
Hand Release Merkins OYO (x15)
Groiner IC (x10)
Burpees OYO (x10) with 5 overhead claps between each.

Mosey to playground… duck walk across bridge on the way (compliments of Bartman)

30 pull-ups & 30 American Hammers any way you get them in.


1. modified 4 corners on half soccer field (compliments of Gibbler)

corner 1: squats 2: BBS 3: lunges 4: CDD. go to each corner through the center where 2 burpees are needed to continue. Repeat twice 1st time with 20 reps second time with 10.

2. Bear Crawl Ring of Fire on the center circle (Compliments of Cosmo)
1. 360 degrees of bear crawl with 10 merkins 2. 180 of boo boo bear crawl with 10 werkins. 3. repeat with other leg. 4. 180 degrees of crawl bear with 10 derkins.

3. quarter pounder – no cheese (compliments of Woodshack)

4. wheel barrow and fireman carry (compliments of Bartman)

battle buddy up – wheel barrow across parking lot for 5 spaces then 5 merkins. switch positions. Continue across lot. Return leg is fireman carry back. switch positions Half way back.

5. 11s on dog poop hill (compliments of Butters)

crawl bear up dog poop hill with easy ups at the top and squat jumps at the bottom (2 overhead hand claps between each rep).


Peter Parkers IC (x10)

I heard a story of a guy recently who was watching his car being stolen on a cold morning when he had left it running outside to warm up. He noticed the car being driven away through a window and out of instinct chased the guy down. The thief, being cold and disoriented, couldn’t put the car in park and eventually stopped the car but didn’t run away. The owner of the car after regaining possession of the vehicle saw the thief and rather than anger had felt pity for him. He was poor, homeless, delirious, cold and unable to think clearly. The story ended with with the car owner driving the thief to a shelter where he could get his needs met.

It took a week of this stewing inside my mind to realize how much this mirrored the Christmas story. God, rather than anger, had mercy, even when we were yet his enemy. Also, I consider the many times I look at people in anger instead of compassion.  Jesus said, “forgive them for they know not what they do.” Do I consider people as those who are suffering and lost?