F3 Knoxville

47 More

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Steam
PAX: Pele (Jon Lindberg), Drum Major, CRISPR, Jeevan Kypa (Scrubs), Glamper, High Heels, Brick, OnStar, Lilydipper, Rooney (Carl Whipple), Switchhitter (Tony), Tenderfoot, Pusher, Kung Blue, Abacus, MD Hammer, Crash Dummy, Cheetah Boy, Cleopatra
FNGs: 1 Cleopatra
– Cherry Picker: 5×4
– Rockette: 10×4
– TN Rocking Chair
– Baby Arn Circles (F): 10×4
– Baby Arm Circles (B): 10×4
– Mountain Climber: 10×4
– Merkin: 5×4

(Mosey to the BP)

1 — January PFT (6-10 minutes)
– 2 minutes of squats
– 2 minutes of merkins
– 2 minutes of BBS
(Log your reps + 2miler here for January: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe6g_CIi1YToaVu8_-URG-0TUYgvJoT7J4fOboUuH3Ru5dJHQ/viewform)

(Mosey down to the NP)

2 — Part of Cardinal
– Nickel + Dime
– 2 POC: The Island
   – 2 yellow cards (5 + 10)
– Do the 5-card, run around The Island, and execute the 10-card
– Everything except burpees will be on a 2-count

(Mosey back to the AO lot for Mary)

Cherry Pickers: 5×4

Checkout the weekly newsletter for all of the events coming up – there’s a ton 💪

Don’t Stay Submerged
– Extraction quote: “You drown not by falling into the river, but by staying submerged in it.”
– This reminds me of the ministry of Jesus
   – He loves people better than anyone
   – He would find someone in their current state — love them right where they’re at — but also love them enough to not allow them to stay there. John 5 is a great example of this: www.bible.com/bible/116/JHN.5.NLT
       – He saw this man by this pool and had compassion and understanding for him because he realized he had been there for a long time.
       – Boom – Jesus loved him right there where he found him – but he also loved him enough to not let him stay there
           – I always wondered if that man went back after he was healed. Did he come back to that pool that he was lame at for years and years and share what Jesus did for him with others. Woo……….
What if we did that? With every man in this COT – whether you’ve been here for 1 workout or for 100 workouts. (“Man, I love you and I see you – but I love you enough to not let you stay where you are. Let’s figure this out together. Let’s journey together.”)

– Takeaways –

  – Who can you call on to help pull you back to the surface?

  – Who can you challenge + encourage to not stay submerged?

  – 47 more weeks to go this year
       – Which is exactly 7,896 hours (if Google is correct)

What are you going to do with that time?

As Long As…

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Pele (Jon Lindberg)
PAX: Steam, Lilydipper, Brick, CRISPR, Pusher, Tenderfoot, Rooney (Carl Whipple), Abscess, Dain Bramage (Will Olson), High Heels (Henry Ritchie), Title IX (Christian Prescott), Crash Dummy, Pele (Jon Lindberg), MD Hammer, Switchhitter (Tony)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: -20 SSSH (4-ct IC)
– 10 Cherry Pickers (4-ct IC)
– 10 Steve Earles (4-ct IC)
-10 Bonnie Blairs (4-ct IC)
-10 BAC forward and backward (4-ct IC)

THE THANG: Mosey up Baby Cardiac, AIKEN LEGS: 20 squats, 20 jump squats. 20 Lunges. 20 SSH left foot up, 20 SSH right foot up
Mosey to top of Cardiac. CARDIAC PYRAMID
– Run down to 1st curve, 10 Merkins, 10 BBS, 10 Squats, run back
– Run down to 2nd curve, 20 Merkins, BBS, Squats, run back
– Run to bottom, 30 Merkins, BBS, Squats
– Run up to 2nd curve, 20 Merkins, BBS, Squats, back to bottom
– Run up to 1st curve, 10 Merkins, BBS, Squats, and back.
Mosey to intersection of paths, 15 Imperial Walkers
Mosey to New pavilion.
– 20 Step ups
– 20 incline Merkins
– 20 Bench Pull ups
– 20 Isometric Squats

Mosey to Main Pavilion, Get Rocks! Go to Parking Lot curb.
– PARTNER UP. 1 partner runs up baby Cardiac, does 5 Star Jumps, run back . Partner 2 do 1 exercise while partner running up, other while he’s returning)
Mosey to AO

MARY: American Hammers, Tempo Squats, stretching.
COT:We talked about the trust-based contract between a Q and the PAX and it’s similar between the PAX and F3… the “As long as” phrase. I will continue to follow you “As long as” that trust isn’t breached. F3 has a special formula, a secret sauce, and whatever it is, it works, so my approach is “Don’t try to fix it!” Maintain the strategy of growth, but make sure that the fundamental aspects remain unchanged (This is the Weasel Shaker in me coming out…); free of charge, open to all men, welcoming and encouraging, etc. etc. It has had a huge impact just like it is in my life, and in many others’ lives. Aye!

Cardinal 1 Year Anniversary

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Drum Major
PAX: High Heels (Henry Ritchie), Switchhitter (Tony), Lizzy, Pusher, Lilydipper, MD Hammer, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Pac-man, Tenderfoot, Rooney (Carl Whipple), Rooney(Carl Whipple), Abacus, Dain Bramage (Will Olson)
FNGs: None


• 15 Side Straddle Hops

• 10 Tempo Merkins

• 10 Flutter Kicks 

• 10 Little Baby Arm Circles Forward

• 10 Little Baby Arm Circles Backward

• 10 Hallelujahs

• 10 Knoxville Cherry Pickers

• 20  Sec. Samson Hold

• 10 Willie Mayes Hayes – sideways lunge

The Thang:
Choose two points about 100 yards from each other – these will be Point A and Point B. Starting at “Point A” perform Set 1 exercises, then run to “Point B” and repeat those same exercises. Run back to “Point A”.
Repeat this sequence for exercise Sets 2, 3, and 4.  

Set 1
5 Burpees
5 Big Boys
5 Heels to Heaven

Set 2
10 Burpees                                                 
10 Little Baby Crunches
10 Mt. Climbers Double Count

Set 3
15 Burpees                                                 
15 Air Squats
15 Freddy Mercury’s

Set 4
20 Burpees

Hallelujahs = a shoulder burn exercise. Hands up at ear level. Raise up to full extension I cadence. 1 up, 2 down, 3 up, 4 down.
Samson Hold = Arms extended straight out like your pushing against two pillars.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence at Big Ball on 1/20. And Ababus winner of 1st annual Asylum PM Fantasy Football League. Congrats Abacus!

I did not know Cardinal, but have heard he was kind, generous with what he had and a loving individual. Why he was chosen to leave us in such a way is beyond the understanding of everyone standing here tonight. All I know is he was not granted the opportunity to tell his own story after that sad day nearly a year ago.

DO NOT take one second in this life for granted. We are not guaranteed one more split second on this earth. Nobody is promising us one last laugh with friends, nor one more hug from a loved one. Appreciate the gift all of us have that Cardinal was not given. Go enjoy that gift. Be kind, be generous (whether it is with time or money), show love over hate, be a light in others lives and not darkness. Choose to live a life of enjoyment over disappointment and sadness. There is so much good in this world. Seek it out and shun the bad. It IS a choice we all make every conscious minute we are blessed to experience. High Heels the other day said this is the best AO he has experienced in all his travels and said it may be due to the 2nd F efforts, and while I thoroughly enjoy our 2nd F excursions, I think there may be a bit more to it. Do you think it also may have something to do with the positive and kind influencers we have surrounding us every time we step into this circle? I don’t just think that….I know it. We are a special group, and I couldn’t be more proud to share with others I am a part of it.

The Empty Stocking

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Pele (Jon Lindberg)
PAX: Lilydipper, Brick, Pusher, MD Hammer, Drum Major, Kung Blue, Tenderfoot, Switchhitter (Tony), Crash Dummy, Ghost Flag (F3Knoxville), Pele (Jon Lindberg), Birdie
FNGs: None
WARMUP: – 17 Grady Corns (4-ct, IC)
– Motivators (5 count, decreasing)
– Bolt 45s
– 10 LBCs forward/backward , (4-ct, IC)
– 10 Cherry Pickers (4-ct), in cadence

THE THANG: • Mosey to First hill on Pickett’s Charge
o 25s on the hill: STAR JUMPS and IRON MIKES (2-ct)

• Mosey to Serpentine Sidewalk.
o Run down sidewalk, suicide style, stopping to do the following exercises:
 2 lights: 5 Merkins/ 4 lights: 10 merkins/ 6 lights 15 merkins/ 8 lights 20 merkins.
 Rinse and repeat for only SIX LIGHTS with FROGGY JUMPS
 Rinse and repeat for only SIX LIGHTS with SHOULDER TAPS (2-ct)

• Mosey to Playground:
o 30 Seconds AMRAP:
 BENCH DIPS on wall
o Rinse and repeat

• Mosey to Flag Pole by Pavillion. SEVENS from Flag Pole to Parking Lot: LOWER ½ BURPEES (flag pole) UPPER ½ BURPEES (Parking Lot)

• Mosey to AO

MARY: SSHs until time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hot Toddy 3x Bday Q Jan 6, 2x BDay Q the following week, Big Ball Convergence Jan 20
COT: We talked about the 3rd week of Advent and how to bring Joy to yourself, others, and your Sky Q. The last one is particularly challenging. How do we give Joy to God? Probably the most obvious way is to follow the Greatest Commandment, as written in the Scriptures: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind”. OK… But that can seem a bit abstract. How does one really express their love for the Lord in a meaningful way?
I was struggling with this question last night. So I put down my Q that I was planning and watched The Bishop’s Wife, an old move from the 1940s starring Cary Grant as an angel who comes to Earth to give guidance to a Bishop who is trying to raise funds for a cathedral. He accomplishes his goal, and in the end, the Bishop reads a Christmas sermon that the angel actually wrote (but the Bishop doesn’t know this), and he says in that sermon, “During the Christmas season, we give gifts to each other. You give me a book, I give you a scarf. You give her a necklace, she gives you a tie. And on and on. But one stocking hangs empty. The stocking of the little boy who’s birthday we’re celebrating. We always forget to fill that empty stocking for the Child. But what would the Child want? What can we give Him? If we all—ALL of us– pour into that stocking some Loving Kindness, Warm Hearts, and the Stretched Out Hand of Tolerance, there would be Peace on Earth.” So… If you’re looking for that last minute gift that gives Joy to your Sky Q… well, I think that’s an awfully good way to start. Loving Kindness, Warm Hearts, and the Stretched Out Hand of Tolerance. May there be Peace on Earth and Good Will to all Women and Men this holiday season.
Merry Christmas everyone.

Leaning Into the Ache of Advent

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Lilydipper
PAX: MD Hammer, Switchhitter (Tony), Lizzy, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Steam, Drum Major, Duggar, Crash Dummy, Glamper, Abacus, Doubtfire (Nick Bond), Brick, Pusher, Lilydipper, Gridiron, Birdie (Clyteroll Cabual)
FNGs: 1 Birdie (Clyteroll Cabual)
WARMUP: Stretches to left toe and stretches to right toe, 20 High Knees, 20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Twistees, 10 Cherry Pickers, 7 Pterodactyls Forward and 7 Pterodactyls Backward
THE THANG: Mosey to the Caribbean Parking Lot. We will do Candy Canes, starting at the first island and running counterclockwise around the parking lot until we reach the last cone at the end of the candy cane. There will be a cone on every other island. At each cone we will do the exercises listed below. When we reach the end of the candy cane the first person to finish the exercise sweeps everyone back to the starting island. We then do another candy cane with the next exercise. Here are the exercises:
• 10 Shoulder Taps
• 15 Squats
• 20 Merkins
• 10 Lunges
Mosey to the start of the Serpentine Sidewalk where it touches the road. We will do 14’s on the Serpentine Sidewalk until it merges with the Perimeter Trail. We will bear crawl ahead for one light, then run for four lights, then bear crawl for one light and run for four etc. until we reach the perimeter trail.
Next we will get on our sixes and do 20 American Hammers and 10 Gas Pumps.
Mosey to the start of Cardiac. We will run up Cardiac, stopping at each curve in the sidewalk and finally stopping at the benches. Here are the exercise we will do on the way up:
• Curve 1: 20 Carolina Dry Docks
• Curve 2: 20 Hello Dollies
• Curve 3: 20 Decline Merkins
• Benches: 20 Bench Dips
Mosey to baseball field entryway parking lot.
We will go to the center of the parking lot where Doubtfire parked his truck and trailer. Each man will get a CMU out of the trailer. We will do the following exercise in cadence.
• 20 Overhead Presses
• 20 Curls
• 20 Rows
Place the CMUs back in the trailer.
Mosey to the AO.

MARY: 30 Seconds of High Knees
ANNOUNCEMENTS: RoCo Starfish Convergence at Rampart at 7 am this Saturday. Hot Toddy Triple Birthday Q at Asylum Daybreak on Saturday, January 6 at 7 am. F3 Knoxville Winter Convergence at Big Ball, 7 am on Saturday, January 20.
COT: Our brothers Ocho and Kick Flip have been talking about Advent on Slack, urging us to discuss it with our families. What is Advent? For Christians it is the four weeks before Christmas and it represents the waiting for the coming of Christ. But it is more complex and significant than that. It isn’t all about Christmas lights and getting gifts for others while we wait, although those are certainly nice things. Advent represents a yearning for change in the recognition that all is not right with the world. The American Writer and Anglican Priest, Tish Warren, states we need to lean into the ache of Advent, recognizing that the world, racked with conflict, violence, suffering and darkness, needs change. We need a savior. And Christmas represents the coming of that Savior.