F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

Motivators starting with 7, 10 Mountain Climbers, 7 Windmills, 7 Rockettes, 7 Twistees, 7 Little Baby Arm Circles Forward and Backward, Little of This and That.
Mosey to dirt path south of the Admin Bldg Road and then go to the Cul de Sac at the southeastern corner of the Admin Bldg.  We will do 20 American Hammers.

Mosey to the Coliseum. Then mosey downhill downhill to the main park roadway.  Stop at the top of each of the three hills on the way down to do 4 burpees.

Mosey to the Caribbean Parking Lot.  We will run East on the South side of the parking lot stopping at the 2nd and 4th island to to the first of the listed exercises below.  We will then Bernie back on the West side of the parking lot stopping at the 2nd and 4th island to do the second exercise listed below.  We will repeat the above pattern with the 3rd through 6th listed exercises.  Here are the exercises:

  • Bear Crawl 10 Lengths
  • Backwards Lunge 10 Lengths
  • Standing Broad Jump 5 times
  • 20 Baby Crunches
  • Lunge Forward 10 Lengths
  • Backward Standing Broad Jump 5 times

Mosey back toward the roadway.  Next, we will run the Pickett’s Charge up to the Coliseum.

Mosey to the small parking lot down the stairs and to the south of the Coliseum.  In the parking lot we will do the first of the listed exercises below. We will then run up the parking lot, up toward the cul-de-sac, then toward the stairs that go back to the parking lot.  Those getting to the stairs first will sweep everyone back to the starting point.  We will then do the 2nd exercise but go the opposite direction with the rabbits sweeping us back when they reach the upper part of the parking lot.  We will repeat the above pattern for the 3rd and 4th exercises.  Here are the exercises:

  • 15 Imperial Walkers
  • 15 4 ct. Flutter Kicks
  • 10 Hand Release Merkins
  • 10 Shoulder Taps (both shoulders = 1)

Mosey to the steps of the Admin Bldg.  We will do 20 4 ct Calve Raises.

Mosey to the AO

16 men, no FNGs.


If only you believe like I believe baby in miracles – we’d get by.  – Jefferson Starship.

Surely the lord is in this place and I did not know it.  Jacob speaking in Genesis 28:16

Many of you may have heard of Salmon Rushdie’s book, The Satanic Verses.  It is a famous book because after it was published, in 1989 the country of Iran’s late Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, issued a fatwa against Rushdie, proclaiming that the novel was blasphemous to Islam and calling for his death.  Rushdie has received protection in both Great Britain and the United States since that fatwa.

I have read the book and it really is a great book.  I don’t think Rushdie meant it to be a blasphemy of Islam although he does make some criticisms of Islam writings.

I bring the book up because there is an amazing passage in it where humans fall from a hijacked Jumbo Airliner to the earth below.  By miracle, two of the passengers survive.  One of those is the main character in the novel.  He knows it is a miracle.  After all, how could a person survive such a fall?  Yet, over time, he forgets the miracle.

How often do we do the same in our own lives?  We have a miraculous experience, so thankful at the time for what we have experienced . . . and yet, over the years, we forget about it.

I personally need to hang on to those miracles, pin them to my chest.  I know that miracles have happened in my past that I have simply forgotten.  I do remember some.  One example:  I didn’t think it would be possible for me to get into a doctoral psychology program after I had spent years studying law and floundering in that profession.  It would take too much time and money and it would be crazy to make such a change in careers.  On a day when I was ready to quit the law practice my boss convinced me to take undergrad courses in psychology and, afterwards, apply to doctoral psychology programs.  I did so but didn’t get into the program in Dallas I was hoping for.  Instead, I was accepted by a program in Aggieland – Texas A&M.  Through loans, stipends, and very cheap housing, I was able to get my doctorate.  What I had only dreamed of actually happened.  And, another miracle:  I met this woman from Kentucky who just happened to apply there as well – that woman became my wife.

I never want to forget that miracle.  I still thank God for it.  There are others I remember but some that I unfortunately have forgotten.

What miracles have happened to you in your lives?  Are there places where God is working in your life but, like Jacob, you don’t know it?  Search for the miracles that God has presented to you.  Write them down and remember them.  Finally, wait for more miracles to occur.  They will happen. God remains with you and will continue to perform them for you.

Prayers for On Star regarding his citizenship status.  Prayers for those impacted by the fires and smoke from coming from Canada, including the wildlife impacted.
This Saturday we will gather at 9 am to help work on and beautify the Asylum. On Saturday, June 17 we will have a F3/Fia team for the KARM Dragon Boat Race. Through the following 1 1/2 weeks, F6 and the Tennessee Valley Players will be performing Beauty and the Best at the Auditorium of Catholic High School.  The website for tickets is posted on Slack.  Our own F6 will be in the performance.

Epiphanies of the Everyday

THE SCENE: On the warm side, but low humidity! About 85 degrees, no wind.


-SSH (4-ct, IC)

– 10 Windmills (4-ct, IC)

– 20 Moroccan Night Clubs (4-ct, IC)

– 10 Steve Earls (4-ct, IC)

– 10 Cherry Pickers (4-ct, IC)

– Little of this and that


MOSEY to the mulched path south of the AO, to the corner where it turns to join the main path.

JINXY’S FOUR AND A QUARTER.  Start at turn, run down to main path and do 25 reps of an exercise, return to starting position.  R&R 4 times, totaling 100 of the exercise.

  • Round 1: Carolina Dry Docks
  • Round 2: LBCs (single count)
  • Round 3: Lunges (single count)

MOSEY to Bottom of Everest.

Three points of contact w/ pain stations: 1. BASE, 2. BASE OF SUMMIT, 3. TOP OF SUMMIT

Do 20 reps of three exercises at each location.  Run down to bottom and do 20 LBCs/20 flutter kicks until 6 arrives. Stay at top after Round 3.

Three rounds:

Round 1: Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Grady Corns

Round 2: American Hammers, LBCs, Box Cutters

Round 3: Merkins, Shoulder Taps, Plank Jacks—Ran out of time, so just ran to base of summit did 25x each, and ran back up.


A lil’ bit of stretching.
14 Strong! (Twitch not tagged, 2.0 of Caveman)


I studied a bit of art history when I was in college, and ever since then I’ve had an appreciation for painting, especially from the Renaissance period until the 20th century.  One artist that I’ve always appreciated is Jan Vermeer, who was a Dutch artist active in the 17th century.  He is best known for his paintings of scenes that are quiet and still (i.e., “genre” paintings).  Two of his most famous works are Girl With a Pearl Earring— which shows a woman with her head turned part way towards the viewer, a blue towel on her head and a large pearl earring dangling from her left ear—and The Milkmaid, which depicts a woman, pouring milk into a bowl as light streams through the window.  There were other artists of his time that were more technically proficient, who painted more exciting scenes (Biblical scenes, historical battles, profiles of the rich or powerful!!), who used bolder colors and more elaborate compositions.  But the effect that Vermeer’s paintings have is sublime.  Such quiet and still scenes are rendered into beautiful depictions of everyday life.  In The Milkmaid, for instance, the room the scene takes place in is very plain, as is the woman, the earthenware vessels, and the clothing.  And yet there is such a sense of peace, of airiness, even of loneliness as this woman goes about her chore alone and in silence.  And the objects in the room look so real, you feel like you can almost taste the milk, and feel the dry crust of the bread.  The end result is more than a sum of its parts, and the beauty of the painting when you take a few moments to appreciate it is incredible.  The beauty of the simple.  Vermeer was a master taking these little, mundane moments and turning them into Epiphanies of the Everyday.

I can’t help thinking about the analogy of how God works in our daily lives.  Although I believe miracles can and do happen, the beauty and love of God is often much more subtle.  The kindness of a stranger, the perfect sunset over our AO as we enjoy a Board meeting, the phone call or text from a friend during a time of loneliness or hardship.

We’re often so busy that we’re oblivious to the little moments, the small windows of our Heavenly Father’s beauty and kindness and love that is hiding in plain sight.  Take a moment this week to pause and appreciate an Everyday Epiphany that our Lord and Father provides for us.  Just take a moment, breathe, and be grateful.  And even better, take the opportunity to BE that Epiphany for someone else.  Perform a random act of kindness to a stranger, reach out to a friend, family member, or F3 brother that you haven’t heard from in a while, share your gift of music, humor, or good nature with someone who may not be expecting it.


Sign up for the Volunteer work day at Asylum a week from this Saturday, 9 am – ??.  Send Me shirts still on sale!

Better Versions of Ourselves

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

25 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Mountain Climbers, 7 Twisties, 7 Windmills, 7 Cherry Pickers, 7 Pterodactyls forward and 7 Pterodactyls Backward, Little of This and That.
There will be bricks laid out by the AO.  We will split into teams of two for Doras.  While one partner starts on the exercises listed below the other runs on the road going north and east to the large shaded tree.  Do five merkins at the tree and run back.  Partners change position and the other runs.  This pattern goes on until each team has completed the following exercises:

  • 100 Overhead Presses
  • 100 Triceps
  • 100  Curls
  • Rows
  • 100 Punches (both hands = 1)
  • 100 Wings Up
  • 100 Winds Down
  • 100 Wings Out.

We will mosey with the bricks to my car in the parking lot and place the bricks behind the back of my car.  Next we will run to the steps of the Admin Bldg.  There will be a list of exercises that we will do while running around the loop.  The steps of the Admin Bldg will be 12 o’clock.  We will do the first exercise at 12 o’clock and then will run around the loop stopping to do the first exercise at 3 o’clock, 6 o’clock and 9 o’clock.  The first man to finish the exercise at 9 o’clock will sweep men back to 12 o’clock.  Each time we reach 12 o’clock we will run up and down the stairs one time.  Then we will start the loop again but with the next set of exercises.  Here are the exercises:

  • 5 Burpees
  • 10  Merkins
  • 10 Big Boy Sit-ups
  • 10 Plank Jacks
  • 10 Carolina Dry Docks
  • 10 Box Cutters

Mosey Back to AO.

Eleven men, no FNGs.
I recently attending a video seminar that discussed people with disabilities and discrimination that can occur, even from the health professions, towards those with disabilities.  Some of the best moments of the seminar were when two men with disabilities were interviewed.  One of them, a man in his forties named Matt, was born with a very rare disease that caused his bones to be deformed.  His shoulders were awkwardly small, his hands deformed and turned inward, his legs small and crooked, and other bones deformed as well.  Fortunately, the disease had not impacted his brain and he was quite an intelligent person.  Because of his deformities, he had gone through periods of depression in his lifetime but was now a man comfortable in his own skin.  He has a career in film production.

Matt had many important things to say at the seminar but one that stuck out for me and which I want to share with you regarded his physical conditioning.  He was asked what it was like growing up and not being able to do things other kids did like play kickball, run around on the playground and climb the jumble gym. He did say it was difficult and that the inability to do the things others were doing impacted his self-esteem and mood. He commented that as a younger man he was overweight.  After all, he could not do the types of things that we do in F3.  After some time, he decided to work on his conditioning.  He said he began to realize that we cannot expect, through physical conditioning, to look like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson but we can certainly become a better version of ourselves.  So Matt began to work on his diet, eating healthier foods.  He also began to work out doing simple exercises that he could perform, like leg lifts and raising books above his head.  He could do things to raise his heartbeat and work up a sweat without jumping or running.  For a guy with the disabilities he had, Matt looked to be in very good condition.  He had some muscle tone despite the slumped shoulders and curvature in his body.  He felt good about himself and, like I said, was comfortable in his own skin.

Gents, we do not have to look like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, but we can become, like Matt said, “better versions of ourselves.”  We may not have the speed of Swimmies or the all-around ability of someone like Woodshack but we can strive to increase our physical, mental and spiritual prowess.  That’s important to know for an old geezer like me who cannot keep up with you younguns.

Colossians 3:23-24

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.

Prayers for employees at Crispr’s workplace where some things have been happening and an employee will be fired; prayer for safe travel for Drum Major and his daughter and for Dawg Paddle; prayers for Pusher’s son as he decides on graduate school; prayers for Abacus’ daughter as she prepares for graduation; prayer for all students at the end of this school year.
We will meet again to work on our Obstacles at Hardship Hill on Saturday, May 20.

Pickett’s Charges

THE SCENE: Beautiful day at the Asylum, temps in the mid-60s and sunny

15 Side Straddle Hops

5 Cherry Pickers

10 windmills

10 baby arm circles each way

Little bit of this and that


Mosey down towards west of park, turn on mulch path and go down to culdasack.

10 Rocky Balboas in cadence

15 curb dips own

Mosey to Dora landing.

On own do 10 star jumps, 10 plank jacks and then do wall sit until everyone completes and Q releases you.

Mosey down path set that winds over to the base of Pickett’s Charge.

1st go through do following at each tier, starting at the bottom

1 burpie

2 merkins

3 squats

4 LBCs

Then run full loop back to bottom of Pickett’s and repeat, except that the exercise amounts now double each time…so:

2, 4, 8,16, 32…. Burpies



8,16,32,64,128… LBCs

Some stretching after the hard work
12 men

My son has recently had 2 friends his age pass away. One due to a car wreck, one due to cancer. It just doesn’t seem fair, but at the same time it reiterates the point that we are all lucky to still be here and we are not promised one more breath in this life. We are all lucky to be able to stand here, beat ourselves up for 45 minutes and hang out afterwards.

This summer take advantage of what little time you may have left. Try something you have wanted to try. See something you have wanted to see, Go somewhere you have wanted to go. Just take advantage.

I have long regretted not traveling more when I was younger. I figure why not take advantage now. Next week I will set forth across the country and back for more than 3 weeks. It is exciting, yet I am anxious now as I prepare to leave. It will be great though, I will see things I have longed to see for a long time and will be giving my daughter something she can carry with her the rest of her life. Think what you may want to accomplish before it is too late and I encourage you to take advantage.

This was tough, the jump to the 32 burpie level may be too much, may try doing it pyramid style if done again and start counting back down after the 8 burpie go ’round.
Asylum Volunteer workday will be June 10th, more info coming soon. Hardship Hill May 29, Asylum PM obstacle work on Wed, May 10. Forg3 F3 Retreat coming up this fall.

Accepted As We Are

THE SCENE: Sunny, temperature about 80 degrees.

20 Plank Jacks, 10 Burpees, 10 Twisties, 7 Cherry Pickers, 7 Windmills, 6 Pterodactyls forward, 6 Pterodactyls backward, Michael Phelps.
Mosey to Stop Sign at Northeastern Corner of the Admin Bldg.  We will stop to do 20 Rocky Balboas.

Mosey on perimeter trail toward the entrance gate at Lyons Bend then on the trail heading east.  There will be a cone out in the field nearby. We will split into teams of two for Doras.  While one partner runs up to the tree stump at the top of the hill and back, the other partner does exercises.  Then partners switch off. Here is the exercises that each team of two partners will do:

  • 100 Squat Jumps
  • 100 Carolina Dry Docks
  • 100 Hello Dollies
  • 100 Iron Mikes (both legs = 1)
  • 100 Diamond Merkins
  • 200 Baby Crunches

Mosey back up the hill and past the stump to the roadway. Then mosey to the Stop Sign at the Northeastern Corner of the Admin Bldg.  We will run on the shaded trail to sidewalk that loops in front of the Admin Bldg.  Then head east to the parking lot area.  Then run on roadway back to the Stop Sign at the Northeastern Corner of the Admin Bldg.  There will be five cones set up along the way.  Each time we run the route we will do different exercises at the cones:

  • First run:  10 squats at each cone.
  • Second Run: 10 Flutter kicks (4 ct) at each cone.
  • Third run:  10 Lunges, 5 each leg, at each cone.
  • Fourth run:  10 Bobby Hurleys at each cone.

From the Stop Sign at the Northeastern Corner of the Admin Bldg. will will race back to AO.

10 Men, no FNGs.

I hope that F3 will always be an organization where brothers feel welcomed by all brothers . . . where a man is not judged by the job he has, by the car he drives, by how fast he runs, or how fancy the shoes on his feet look.  I think the message of F3 should be, “my man, we accept you as you are.  That doesn’t mean that we won’t mold you into a better man . . . but it means that you can be you.”

One of my F3 brothers was recently talking about coworkers at his job. These guys make good money.  But the narcissistic, self-centered attitude of some of these coworkers, the selfish boasting, and the failure to help one’s fellow man sometimes make my friend feel sick.  My friend strives on at his job but he certainly doesn’t appreciate the attitude of some of his coworkers.

I formerly worked as a jury and trial consultant for a consulting firm that was hired by law firms on pretty major cases.  I highly respected many of the attorneys I worked for.  But, there were some attorneys I definitely did not respect.  I remember a mock trial that my consulting firm conducted in Jackson, Mississippi.  Some of the attorneys on the case and I arrived at the same time at the airport in Jackson and hailed a taxi together to ride to the hotel we were staying at.  I recall the smirks, comments and laughter about the taxi driver after we were dropped off.  The attorneys made fun of his accent and his seemingly backward ways while they also made negative inferences regarding the common state of the city.  I remember thinking during that stay in Jackson that I would be much more likely to enjoy eating dinner with that taxi driver than with those conceited attorneys.  I wondered what dreams that taxi driver had, what friendships, what his family was like, how hard he might be working to make sure dinner was on the table.  He certainly seemed friendlier than the attorneys and was probably much more real.  My bet was that his “seemingly backward ways” had much more depth and poignancy than the shallow sightedness of the out-of-town observers.

God, let me be surrounded by people who can be real with one another, who will appreciate one another for who they are and bring out the best in their fellow humans.  God, help F3 Knoxville to continue to be that type of band of men.

Prayers for daughter of Glamper as she is currently ill.  Prayers for Abacus’ son who is struggling with some issues and for his daughter as she prepares to graduate from high school.  Prayer for the wonderful way our F3 brothers pull together to help each other across the finish line.
On Tuesday of next week, Justice Knox has their annual Nehemiah Action event at the Civic Auditorium.  A coalition of faith communities will meet and work to make Knoxville a better place to live for everyone.  All are invited.  We will be preparing the Asylum PM made obstacles for Hardship Hill on May 20. This will be the weekend before Hardship Hill.  Sparkler will be in charge and we can use everyone’s help.