F3 Knoxville

Showing Love to the Duck Pond

THE SCENE: Chilly 40 degrees, but no rain…


Failure to Launch
Diamond Merkins
Mt Climbers
TN Rocking Chair


Mosey to the new math building–4 corner warm up
10 Dips IC
20 Flutter Kicks (IC)
20 Diamond Merkins
30 Squats
Mosey to the Pond
Run around the pond twice – stopping at each “corner” and doing the following
10 Burpees
20 Freddy Mercuries (2-count)
20 Diamond Merkins
30 Squats
Mosey to the courtyard
20 Step Ups
3 corners – 20 2-count flutter kicks, 22 Diamond Merkins, 30ish Squats
Mosey to 05 Parking Lot
Run across the lot stopping at light posts and doing 10 Iron Mikes
Monkey Humpers at the end

Hello Dolly


Heb 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
Friday Erector talked about Fellowship, so I thought I’d continue the discussion on the 3rd F.  This passage could easily be taken out of context, but let’s look closer.  We have two areas of action (AFTER coming to him) – believing in God and earnestly seeking him.  What does that look like?  Earnest is more than a flippant prayer before a meal or dragging yourself out of bed to attend church in a robotic manner.  There is a fulfilling life to one who EARNESTLY seeks God, spending time with him, learning how to please Him through diligently studying and committing His Word to your heart.  Don’t just believe he exists (even demons do that), but resolve today to EARNESTLY seek him.

Fellowship Together

THE SCENE: JUCO in the 30’s and clear

15 SSH, 15 Mountain climbers, 10 tempo merkins, 10 tempo squats, 15 Moroccan night club, 10 windmills
Mosey to the Sophomore for a four corners workout:

  • 25 squats at the bottom, Bernie Sanders to the top
  • 25 merkins, run to the next corner
  • 25, 2-ct flutter kicks, run to the next corner
  • 10 burpees, back to start
  • Repeat once

Mosey to the coupon pile and grab your favorite. 2 rounds of the following.

  • 25 OHP
  • 26 lunges
  • Run to the top of the stairs
  • 25 merkins
  • 5 pull-ups

Mosey down to the parking lot just north of the middle of campus for a burpee suicide. Do 2 at the first line and run back to start, run out to the second line and do 5 burpees, go back to start, run out to the third line and do 8 burpees. Then, scale back down the ladder.

Flutter kicks


7 at JUCO today 

“So then, those who had received his word were baptized; and that day there were added about three thousand souls. They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone kept feeling a sense of awe; and many wonders and signs were taking place through the apostles. And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common; and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need. Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.”
Acts 2:41‭-‬47 NASB1995
The 1st century Church was really good at fellowship. They shared everything, they knew when there was a need and provided for it, and the spent time together sharing meals. How much time do we spend sharing together? This could be a meal, spending time together having fun, or studying God’s word. This could also be time spent building each other up when we are down. Or encouraging someone who needs to get refocused on what life is all about.

Fellowship is what holds this group of men together. It should also be a core of value in our life as a whole. So, reach out to someone who needs some fellowship. They are probably pretty easy to spot in a crowd.
It was nice to see Messy Hobbs out with us for his second F3 workout. Welcome to F3! It was great to once again lead a workout. It has been too long!
Convergence is tomorrow!