F3 Knoxville

Columbian neck tie mission complete

THE SCENE: 45, windy and crisp w a slight drizzle

Tempo squats x10

tempo merkins x10

proton Parker’s x10

jog the grinder a few times

imperial squat walkers x 23 ic
Mosey to the base of kiddie slope for Columbian neck tie

  • Run to the first cone run back to base and do 1 neck tie
  • Run to cone 2, run back to base for 2 neck ties
  • Continue until up to 20th cone , run back for 20 neck ties
  • Total of 220 Columbian neck ties and close to 4 miles of distance covered


14 pax
God will give you more than you can handle but he will be there to help you get through it.
At the halfway point during the workout, I  hit a wall, I went dark and thought to myself , this is too hard , I don’t know that I can complete all 20 cones… I knew that we had 20 cones but a few only saw 17-18 cones, which created some mumble chatter once they saw that there was more to do ! Seeing ALL THOSE cones lined up the hill really puts your mind in a place you don’t want to be. Knowing what we went through today , suffering through the workout, we or let’s say I found a way to get through and complete the planned workout. Last time we tried , we fell short of time. We fell short on official F3 time but were so close to completing the mission ! I really appreciate everyone staying a few minutes past so we could complete the workout! Everyone persevered through the workout ! Thank you and rest assure, we won’t need to do it again now that we finished what we started!

Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Time is on our Side

THE SCENE: Fabulous moon lit sky at 62 degrees.

SSH X 10

Arm Circles Front/Back X 10 each

Cherry Pickers X 10

Mosey to Mt. Suckmore and do sevens.  Burpees at the top and BBS at the bottom.  Alternate a run with bear crawl each time we go to the top. Mosey back to the grinder.


At Grinder- The old Kraken sprint around circle after each station is completed.

Station 1 – 20 Merkins

Station 2 – 20 single count Flutter kicks with CMU

Station 3 – 20 – 4 count Mt Climbers

Station 4 – 20 OH Press with CMU

Station 5 – 20 Monkey Humpers

Station 6 – 20 CMU Curls

Station 7 – 20 LBCs

Station 8 – 20 CMU Squats


Box Cutters X 20


Box Cutters X 10

10 HIMs Today
Today’s word was about time.  As we age it seems to accelerate.  Use it wisely and don’t waste a second.

Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. Once you’ve lost it you can never get it back. Harvey Mackay

Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time. Jim Rohn

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Ranger Beatdown

THE SCENE: 59 degrees F with plentiful rain
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER  Hammy did the welcome and disclaimer before turning it over to Spook (Travis Elkins) for the Ranger Beatdown.

10 thoracic spine rotations/side
10 scap pushups
10 pushups
Plank rotations
Inch worms
10 bend and reach
10 Windmills
10 Squats
10 Side lunges
10 Walking knee hug
10 Walking glute stretch
10 Quad stretch with RDL
10 side step overs/leg
10 yards worlds greatest stretch (forward lunge w/side rotation, hamstring stretch, hip flexor stretch)
75 yard jog warmup


3 sets (15 mins)
⁃       1x Leg Blaster = 20x air squats +
20x in-place lunges (10x each leg) +
20x jumping lunges (10x each leg) +
10x squat jumps

⁃       Inchworm alligator clapping push-up x 5
⁃       Single leg RDL 10/leg

3 sets 
⁃       Pull-up ladder 5-1 x 3
⁃       Pike pushup ladder 5-1 x 3

Anaerobic conditioning (10 mins)
⁃       Run 75 meters and walk back

3 sets
⁃       Curls 21s w/block
⁃       Tricep extensions w/block x 20
⁃       Dead Bug leg lifts w/block x 15

3 sets
⁃       Single arm rows w/block x 15/arm
⁃       Glute Marching x 15/leg
⁃       Side star plank leg raise x 10/leg

9 PAX, 1 guest Q (Spook – Travis Elkins), 1 FNG (Doghouse – Kevin Stephens)

1 Timothy 4:7-8Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths.  Rather train yourself for godliness, for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.

It is biblical that we should take care of our physical bodies and well being.  A strong body helps us to develop a strong mind.  F3 supports that aspect in the first F.  In the passage, the Apostle Paul, challenges that training in godliness of far greater value because it prepares us for the life to come, the everlasting life.  We should exercise the third F as it is of value in every way.  Holding ourselves accountable through the second F helps us progress in our third F.

Thanks to Travis Elkins for joining us and for the leadership gift he provided this morning.  Rangers Lead the Way!
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Debut of Mt. JUCOnte

THE SCENE: 50ish and clear

10 x Cherry Pickers, 10 x Windmills, 10 x Tempo Merkins, 20 x LBAC f/b
Mosey across the street and passed Mikata parking lot to some new proving ground. Welcome to Mt. JUCOnte! (reference to Mt. Leconte)

Slow trip up Mt. JUCOnte with a demonstration of five exercises to be performed along the five light poles up the center of the road.

Progressive workout performed as such:

Complete first station then run to second and complete. Run back to start and complete stations 1-3. Run back to start then complete stations 1-4. Run back to start then complete stations 1-5.


  1. 10 x Burpees
  2. 20 x BBS
  3. 3 x Clockwork Merkins (performed on steepest part of hill) (perform one merkin at 12 o’clock, 3 o’clock, 6 o’clock, and 9 o’clock by rotating yourself after each merkin. one rep = one time around the clock)
  4. 40 x Monkey Humpers
  5. 50 x 4-count SSH

Our first trip up Mt. JUCOnte proved to be a tough one, but the PAX pushed through and got work done.

Mosey down to Mikata parking lot for some sprints, merkins, and squats on the way back to the shovel flag.

No time

10 HIMs started the weekend right with some mountain climbing.
Don’t place too much value in the things of this world, you can’t take it with you when you go.
Shoutout to Moses who got left hanging solo on the pre-ruck and still killed it during the Q.
Hardship Hill, sign up


THE SCENE: Low 40s .

We did warm-up things:
Tempo Merkins
Mountain Climbers
Mosey two rounds of stairs and then to Ball Field


  1. Roll 2 Dice and Complete the Exercise

  2. Run to 1st Base and Complete 10 Burpees
  3. Run the Bases to 2nd Base and Complete 20 V-Ups
  4. Run the Bases to 3rd Base and Complete 30 Merkins
  5. Run to Pitchers Mound and Complete 20 Sandbag Tosses
  6. Run to Right Field and Complete 50 Air Squats
  7. Run to Center Field and Complete 40 Big Boy Sit-Ups
  8. Run to Left Field and Complete 50 Ankle Touches (Single Count)
  9. Millennial Run Around Baseball Field
  10. Run Stairs 10 Times
  11. Complete 30 Bleacher Dips
  12. Run All the Bases and Complete 100 Side Straddle Hops at Home Plate. (Single Count)

Imperial Squat Walkers
Big Boy Sit-Ups
Little Baby Crunches

12 PAX!
Read from Jeremiah 29:11-13 “I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. The you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”
God’s promise is clear – He’ll lead us to a place of prosperity and hope.  This promise does not include a blueprint or an answer to every question. It does not include a specific date to expect restoration. He just said “I promise.”

When your future is flooded with uncertainty, rest in God’s promise, knowing He is directing every step you make.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Fun Ruck this weekend from Maryville Target to Alcoa/Meryville Animal Rescue Shelter. 2 miles total and patches available for $20.