F3 Knoxville

The Long Route to Unity

THE SCENE: Sticky. Clear. Wonderful.



  • Grady Corns IC | SSH IC
  • Mosey to playground.
  • 10 Pull-ups, 20 Merkins, 30 Squats


Do a lap.

Bermuda Triangle for legs. – Squats. Pickle Pointers. Monkey Humpers. 20 each plus 20 SSH at each corner. Lunge between stations. When finished, lunge in opposite direction to wait for six.

Run around stonehenge to dock.

Mucho chesto. Regular, wide, diamond, stagger left, stagger right—10 each. Rinse & repeat.

Triangle for legs. Half the reps.

Around stonehenge to loading zone for welsh dragon until PAX seriously discussed mutiny.

MARY: Tabata. 40on 15off

  • Low Plank | V-Ups | BBS | Box Cutters
  • Flutter Kicks | American Hammers | LBCs
  • Hello Dolly


CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM: Paul wraps up his letter to the Romans encouraging unity. Rome was a melting pot—plenty of opportunities for discord, not unlike our context. Where can we bring unity?

Friday Morning @ The Equalizer 8/6/21 – Earn The Weekend

THE SCENE: Magnificent

Twisters, Side Straddle Hops, Touch your Toes (20 count), Baby Arm Circles front/back, Rockettes, Mosey to the Pavilon where a surprise awaited
Tomato Tabata – 40 work, 20 rest, 1:30 travel and recover

  • Complete 2 rounds of “A” and then 2 rounds of “B”
  • 1:30 travel and recovery – after each round travel to Stonehenge to complete 1 Body-Builder before returning to your CMU
  • A
    • Goblet Squats
    • Rocky Balboas
    • Blockees
    • Rows
    • Over the Top Merkins
    • Starfish Plank
  • B
    • Iron Mikes
    • Curls (21s)
    • Chest Press
    • Lateral Hops (over CMU)
    • Big Baby Crunches (LBC’s with CMU raised over chest)
    • Starfish Plank

– Jogging tour of the Southwest side of the park

– 5 burpees at the Flagpole

– Indian run back to the AO
You don’t have to travel or gain to earn rest in God

1 Timothy 1:15-16: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners – of whom I [Paul] am the worst.  But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life.
Paul was a really bad dude.  He hated Christians and and enjoyed killing them / watching them be killed for sport.  In the very midst of that, on a trip to Damascus to participate in more persecution, God met him.  God doesn’t need for us to achieve a certain status or clean up our act before he’ll meet us.  He seeks after us constantly and desires to meet us exactly where we are so that his grace and mercy can be put on display, and so our faith in him can grow more abundant.  You can’t earn it, so don’t allow your ego let you think that you need to put forth more effort before you call on him.
Congrats to Sprinkles on the announcement of his wife’s pregnancy!

Big shout out to the servant leaders among this group for their support of Blindside and his teachers at Kelly Academy

Last day to sign up and secure your customized swag for CSAUP

Last day to sign up for Dad Camp

Wax Job has another 2nd F opportunity August 13-15.  Message him for details’

Be on the lookout for forthcoming info about this year’s Hardship Hill being held on October 2

Monday AM @ The Equalizer – 8/2/21

THE SCENE: pleasantly a few degrees cooler than normal with a clear sky

Brother Ribbed has authorized the use of mouth to mouth resuscitation in response to any and all emergencies

Twisters; Cherry Pickers (hold the last one and walk hands from center, to right, and then to left before raising back up); baby arm circles front and back; Michael Phelps / This & That; Rockettes; Motivators; Mosey to the Playground


EV1 – PAX broken up into 2 groups.  The first group repeated a combination of shoulder taps and alternating single leg lifts while the second group ran to the Flagpole to complete 10 body builders.  Each group completed 2 sets of each exercise and then moved to the Bathhouse for EV2.

EV2 – One group completed AMRAP on “Hanging Imperials” (hang from pullup bar while alternating front knee raises) while the other group ran to the Pavilon picnic tables for 10 Derkins.  Each group completed 3 sets of each exercise and then moved to the Picnic for EV3

EV3 – One group held an elbow plank while the other group ran around Stonehenge and back.  PAX were reminded to push the running pace to relieve those who were holding planks, and in turn to hold the planks out of respect for those who were pushing the pace for them.  Each group completed 4 sets of each exercise and moved to the Rock Pile for EV4

EV4 – Rock PT – PAX were encouraged to select a heavy rock, and complete 2 sets of each of the following: bicep 21’s (7 low to mid, 7 mid to high, 7 full), triceps extensions, and lying chest press.  Moved back to AO once complete.

Held squat for 45 seconds
8 men
Ephesians 2:19-22 – Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God’s people and members of God’s household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.  In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord.  And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his spirit.

God is constantly pursuing us in an effort to draw nearer, and for the purpose of building us into the version of ourselves that is most useful to his kingdom.  Recognize that you are where you are, and with who you are with for a reason.  Take time to pray, read, and listen so that God can guide you to where he wants you to be and know that where God guides God provides.
Ephesians 2:19-22
Dad Camp, CSAUP, Hardship Hill all coming up

Need to see some new faces and reach out to connect with some older ones who haven’t been around

Show Mercy When Others Would Not Expect You To

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

Nice July mug


25 ssh

5 cherry pickers

10 windmills

10 rockettes


Battle buddy suicides – one buddy works on the exercise on the sideline while the other completes a suicide on the tennis court

50 burpees

100 squats

150 merkins

200 big boys


11s – pull ups, dry docks on the playground


Super set – 25 of each – Curls, rows, triceps – at the rock pile

Various abdominal exercises – choose your own adventure


2 Samuel 9:6-10 – David shows mercy to Saul’s descendants

Wash those feet

THE SCENE: humid

SSH x20; Tempo Squats x10; Rockettes x10; Tempo merkins x10; Cobra Kai x5; Cherry pickers x5

Mosey to watershed for some 7’s

  • Pull-ups at the watershed
  • Big Bois at the bottom of Bermuda Triangle
  • Bear Crawl up ramp to get back (modified to lunges halfway thru)

Mosey to various locations around the park as we worked our way thru a Deck of Cards. I think we got a thorough tour of Equalizer.

  • Hearts = HR merkins
  • Clubs = V-ups
  • Diamonds = Air taps
  • Spades = Lunges
  • Joker = 10 Burpees

no time



I was effected by this quote I was reading yesterday about Jesus washing the feet of His disciples. First of all, he is heading towards his death and yet stops to serve them. Then, “Jesus served despite the unworthiness of the disciples. Notice John’s reminder that Jesus knew the betrayer was present. Jesus saw them all — one betrayer, one denier, all forsakers! When he needed them most, they would leave him. One of those sets of feet was dirty and sore from an errand that arranged for his torture and death. What did Jesus do? He washed those feet.”