F3 Knoxville

Welcome to the Jungle, we have Fun and Games!


Welcome and Disclaimer

Warm o Roma-

-Side straddle hop (IC*10)
-Baby arm circle fwd (10)
-Back (10)
-Mtn Climbers (IC*20)
-High knees 20 OYO


-Mosey to Maintenance Building. Grab CMU.
Weighted crunches 30 OYO
Weighted side crunches. 10 OYO each side.

-Mosey to big pond.
Water Relay. Divide PAX into 2 teams. Relay to middle of parking lot and back. (x2)

-Mosey to AO
This is a workout version of dodgeball I came up with. This is just a trial run and only played for a few minutes during the duration of Welcome to the Jungle song. Regular dodgeball rules apply, except You can only Dodge with a squat jump or a burpee. If you get out, pick an exercise to do and rotate as necessary.

After not even a full round, we found the game needed to modified. If you get hit, 2 burpees. If you miss, 1 burpee.

Original version may work if we use more space in the future though.


-Flutter Kicks (IC*15)
-American Hammer (IC*15)

-Roll up/V up (Courtesy of Bartman.


– Beatitudes of Matthew. A ‘guideline’ to the Christian life. PAX challenged to evaluate where they’re at, where they need to be next, and how to get there.


3rd F this Saturday at the Outlook

CSAUP on 8/25

Community Q

THE SCENE: 60 and clear

Each PAX selected their favorite warm-o-rama exercise and led us through it.

We moseyed to the top soccer field where each PAX led their favorite field/movement exercise.  The PAX soon learned that paying attention to what the man before you called was of significant value

We moseyed to the playground and soccer field where we repeated the same process.

We moseyed back to the AO.

A couple of PAX led us through their favorite ab-o-rama exercise.


F3 challenges us to be leaders in our communities, homes, jobs, etc.  But how can we be leaders if we aren’t comfortable calling out stupid exercises with our friends in the dark?  How can we be leaders if we don’t listen and know what has happened in the community, home, job?  We can’t.  We are called to lead and we are called to know what is going around us.  Reaching out of our comfort zone to help others is what we should be doing.

Aug 18. Tank’s kickball tourney

Aug 25 Truckin to the Pound

Nov 3/4 F3 Anniversary weekend

Colonel Forbin Ascends Again…. and will be again later

THE SCENE: 70 or summthin Clear skies
SSH x 15 IC
Little Baby Arm Circles Forward and Back x 10 IC
Tempo Squat x 10 IC
Cherry Pickers x 10 IC
5 Burpees OYO
OYO Stretch
1/2 Ran up Jucomanjaro while the other half did exercises at base camp
Base camp exercises- 30 Merks, 30 squats, 30 4 ct. Flutter kicks
Little swimmin in there with some other ab stuff before we made our way to the AO
Boxcutters IC x 30
Merkins IC x 15
Mosey to nearby lot
BBS and 4 ct. Monkey Humpers
Merkins IC x 15 to finish it off
Mary was there in bits

10 PAX

Frankl writes from Man’s Search for Meaning-
“Let us first ask ourselves what should be understood by “a tragic optimism.” In brief it means that one is, and remains, optimistic in spite of the “tragic triad,” as it is called in logotherapy, a triad which consists of those aspects of human existence which may be circumscribed by: (1) pain; (2) guilt; and (3) death. This chapter, in fact, raises the question, How is it possible to say yes to life in spite of all that? How, to pose the question differently, can life retain its potential meaning in spite of its tragic aspects? After all, “saying yes to life in spite of everything,” to use the phrase in which the title of a German book of mine is couched, presupposes that life is potentially meaningful under any conditions, even those which are most miserable. And this in turn presupposes the human
capacity to creatively turn life’s negative aspects into something positive or constructive. In other words, what matters is to make the best of any given situation. “The best,” however, is that which in Latin is called optimum—hence the reason I speak of a tragic optimism, that is, an optimism in the face of tragedy and in view of the human potential which at its best always allows for: (1) turning
suffering into a human achievement and accomplishment; (2) deriving from guilt the opportunity to change oneself for the better; and (3) deriving from life’s transitoriness an incentive to take responsible action.”
This is why I love F3 and all of you men. It seems that all of this applies to my time with you all.

Link to the pdf of the book is below. http://www.fablar.in/yahoo_site_admin/assets/docs/Mans_Search_for_Meaning.78114942.pdf
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Kickball tourney ~18th
Anniversary Nov 3rd + 4th will be a picnic
Truckin to the Pound is ~ 8/25

Burpee Baseball – JUCO July 23, 2018

THE SCENE: Juco parking lot,  Wanted to do on actual baseball diamond on campus but torrential rains yesterday made it a swamp.  So cement baseball here we come!  75 degrees – very humid – slight fog


Did two burpees of each of the 20 different made up burpees that are written on the old softballs with sharpies.  Basically it combines the exercises we know and love with a Burpee.  What’s written on the ball is just the name of the exercise to combine with a burpee.  Here are the types:

  1. Iron Mike
  2. Frog   (out and back with legs while in plank)
  3. Big Boy
  4. Squat Jump
  5. Release Merkin
  6. Side Straddle Hop
  7. Double Merkin
  8. Lunge
  9. Imperial Walker
  10. Cross Mountain Climber


  • Teams: Split group into two teams (doesn’t matter how many players each hopefully will be even number of players)
  • Equipment: 22 Balls with burpee type written on it (one or two words).  5 hard balls, 17 softballs.
  • Game Play: All players remain in their teams dug-out while two players come up to the field for a “Play at bat”. One player from the “At bat” team comes up to race against one player from the “outfield” team.  The at bat player throws the ball as hard as he can and tries to get around the bases back to home before the “outfield” player can retrieve the ball and bring it back to home plate.   The player to make it back to home first gets the thrown ball for his team (and thus the points).
  • Object of the game:  The team with the most points wins.  Two points for softballs and five points for hardballs.
  • Burpees: When a player at bat picks a ball he announces it to everyone what type of burpee is written on the ball.  When that player rounds a base he has to do two burpees of that type.   When the outfield player reaches the ball he has to do five burpees of that type before he starts running for home.  While the two players are running and retrieving the ball, their respective teams have to do the same burpees as their player who is running the play.  So the outfield team does five when their player does five and the at bat team does two burpees in sync with their player as he rounds the base.
  • Infield / Outfield Switch:  The at bat team has three throws before switching to being an outfield team.
  • Hardballs:  If the at bat player picks a hardball – then all the reps are doubled.  Therefore, four burpees per base and ten burpees for retrieving (the teams in the dugouts also have to do the rep increase).
  • Game End / Lightning Round: If all 22 balls are thrown before 30 minutes is up, then the lightning round commences.  The balls are totaled (2 points per softball and 5 points per hardball). The team with the most points wins. All balls are put back in the pot. The lightning round is the same as before except the burpee repetitions is one per base and zero for the retriever.


A little 20 rep, Hello Dolly, Box cutters, scissor kicks, courtesy of @Nuetron.  Thanks Bud!


Nuetron, Pink-Eye, Snaggle-tooth, Fast-n-Easy, FNG (Sap),

Struggling with loving abusive family members sucks big !@#$.  Prayers requested for living a lifestyle of forgiveness and not just a “I’ll just forgive you once” mentality.  Jesus calls us and shows us to a higher calling that we can only “achieve” with the help & strength of the Holy Spirit! Praise God for the helper!

Kickball tournament coming up.

Be like a kid, be resilient

THE SCENE: Muggy n humid

yep, did that

Capri lap around the P lot while a couple rolled in late

sshx20 ic

squats x20 ic

merkins x20 ic

iron mikes x10 oyo

froggie squats x 10 ic

manmakers x 10

mr spectacular x 5 oyo
Suicidal 11s

  • 10 cones
  • 1 mr spectacular and suicide the 10 cones spread across the Parking lot
  • 2 mr spectacular and 9 cone suicide
  • Ascending and descending w both totaling 11
  • We got to 4 cones and 7 mr spectacular before time ran out as I wanted 5 mins of Mary

Flutters x 20

lbcx 20

roll over for press ups x 5

roll back over for boxcutters x 10 ic

Cash out w ATM s
20 pax including 1 FNG . We also had an awesome dog that did the suicides w us!
Be like a kid and be Resilient! My family hiked Mt Leconte this weekend . My 3 boys , 7,10,11 did awesome and actually much better than I expected, especially my 7 yr old. Kids !! They are so resilient ! My 7 yr old , Evan , ended up hiking about 15 miles the whole weekend. I thought, for sure, he would be whooped. NOPE! He is so resilient and just bounced back like it was nothing. I will say he struggled a bit but I encouraged him to keep going and we even made up a song about Evan making it the top. He kept going even when it got tough for him. I love you Evan, Joseph and Christian. I especially love my wife Catherine for she might be the most resilient of all of my Fanily! Actually , I know she is.
Basically, kids are resilient and with encouragement, they can do way more than they think. As adults, we are resilient of course but may not be as much as kids. Maybe we know too much! Let’s be resilient and encourage each other to push through the tough

aye !
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.