F3 Knoxville

In Communicado

THE SCENE: Cold 33 degrees, clear and Godly

SSH, Jim Thorpes, Little this & that, OH Claps–>Seal Claps–> behind the back claps–>(B) Baby arm circles
Run to track (3 rounds)


  • Run 1 lap and head to bleachers
  • 11’s Dips & Monkey Humpers then head to field
  • End Zone- 5 8ct. man makers  (bear crawl to each point for R1)
  • 25 Yd- 25 Mtn. Climbers
  • 50 yd- 50 American Hammers
  • 75 yd.  75 Imp Sqt. walkers
  • 100 yd.  100 Smurf Jacks
  • R2- run lap around track then head to bleachers-  run full set take 2 steps at a time up and 1 down
  • EZ- (5) Burpees  (Bunny Hop to each post)
  • 25- Merkins
  • 50-  Crab Position Hip Thrusters
  • 75- Bonnie Blairs
  • 100- OH Claps
  • R3-  Run lap and do half set of bleachers (2/1- as before)
  • EZ- Suicides (6)
  • 25- Superman’s
  • 50- Bird Dogs
  • 75- Air Press Squats
  • 100- SSH
  • Lunge 100 yards and mosey back to AO

20 Flutter Kicks
Natty, Herbie, Hamm, Colonel and new FNG named Geppetto

Communication-  from my mentor Dr. Michael McIntyre

  1. If someone doesn’t understand you, it’s not their fault — it’s yours.
  2. You can’t explain something you don’t understand, and you don’t understand something you can’t explain.
  3. Use the words your audience uses.
  4. Before you tell someone they’re wrong, tell them they might be right.
  5. The more interested you are, the more interesting you’ll be.
  6. The things you remember saying are different than the things others remember hearing from you.
  7. People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
  8. What you do speaks so loudly, I can’t hear what you’re saying.
  9. The tone is the message.
  10. Knowing when to stop talking is a skill.

Prayers for Herbie and his struggles, and thanks for voicing them…we all have them.  Colonel’s aunt’s new foster kids and all like them need prayers and the struggle for the caregivers that work so hard to provide for them.
No OYO’s this next week…all together work to help mentally grow us all.  I challenge everyone to keep trying to spread the Word of F3 and bring some more FNG’s to the fold.  Our iron has dulled and we need to be sharper


THE SCENE: a cool 33 with a slight north wind and very little clouds.

  • SSH, LBAC, Dirty Dawgs, Nolan Ryans, Marine Corps Pushups, Cherry Pickers, Moroccan Nightclubs, Right over left leg stretch and inverse, One lap around parking lot.


  • Mosey over to a Bermuda Triangle: 1 Burpee and Bear Crawl to 2nd cone, 2 Burpee & Bear Crawl to 3rd cone. 3 Burpee and Bear Crawl Back to original Cone, Rinse and Repeat X 2,
  • Mosey over for a break (aka 2 Minute Wall Sit)
  • Mosey across the street for BLIMPS (5 Burpees, 10 Lunges, 15 Imperial Squat Walkers, 20 Merkins, 25 Plank Jacks, 30 Squats)
  • Mosey over to break area (aka 2 minute wall sit)
  • Mosey over to Q’s POV and retrieve F3 Deck of Cards where each HIM draws one card and the exercises are performed continuously as each HIM calls out exercise which culminated in a 200 Yard Sprint followed by a break (aka 2 minute wall sit)
  • Mosey back to the area for BLIMPS again
  • Followed by a break (aka 2 Minute Wall Sit)

Mosey back to A/O


  • Flutter Kicks
  • Hello Dolly’s
  • LBC’s
  • Captain Thors
  • Boat/Canoes
  • Freddy Mercury’s

We had 9: Hamm (the Q), Colonel, Herbie, Natty, Belding, Biohazard, Simmons, Fob and a FNG (Inverse)
We prayed for problems presented by HIMS
We are in a war. Life is not a playground but a battleground and that battle largely takes place within. We have enough to contend with under the hood. The struggle is to live by the Spirit and not the Flesh (Romans 7)
Nothing Mentioned.

Need Gloves

THE SCENE:  37’ and Noice!

SSH, 1 hand release Burpee

Tempo Squats 2 Hand Release Burpee

Tempo Merkin 3 HRB

shoulder burners 4 HRB

Mosey to the planters

11s inclines/derkins

mosey to the field

1 merkin every 5 yards to the end, but you have to bear crawl between

1 Burpee every 5 yards to the end, but mix,

0-25 – run

25-50 Low Crawl

50-25 duck walk

25-0 bear crawl

suicides 0-20

Stand up every 10 yards to the end, bear crawl between

bear to the 50, 5 Burpees, bear to the end

Suicides 0-20

mosey back to the front, bearway-to heaven

1 set, 100 flutter, 75 box cutter, 50 hello dolly, 25 Bruce Lee
6 HIMs
Insert the WORD here.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Rain Q

THE SCENE: Rain, sleet, snow 35 degrees

SSH x 20

2 Burpees

MARs x 15 ED (Manly Arm Rotations)

4 Burpee

Imperial Squat Walker x 20

6 Burpee

OHC x 20

8 Burpee
Escalator: 10 Burpee, 20 Squat Jump, 30 Merkin, 40 Squats

10 Burpee then run 50 yds/length of bleachers

10 Burpee, 20 Squat Jump then run

10 Burpee, 20 Squat Jump, 30 merkin then run

10 Burpee, 20 Squat Jump, 30 merkin, 40 squat.

Go back down escalator 40, 30, 20, 10; 30, 20, 10; 20, 10; 10.

5 Set: 10 lunge (each leg), 10 Burp (no pushup), 10 merkin. Run length of bleachers/50 yds between sets.

Planters: Box Jumps 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1



What devotional are you using? What are you reading? Send a link to the Slack so we can all be encouraged to read the Bible again!


Breathing Exercises

THE SCENE: Clear, 27°F, Feels like 27°F, Humidity 82%, Wind 1mph from NE

  • 30x SSH IC
  • 15x Tempo Squats IC
  • 15x LBAC IC


  • Start at the top of the drive next to the flag pole. Bear crawl to each concrete post. At each post do a scurg (merkin, left knee touch, merkin, right knee touch is 1) incrementing reps at each post until 8 reps.
  • Mosey to planters.
  • Modified MARSOC Shortcard
    1. 30 Merkins
    2. 30 Squats
    3. 30 Crunches
    4. 10 Burpees
    5. 30 Jump squats
    6. 30 Merkins
    7. 30 Mountain Climbers 4ct
    8. 30 Flutter Kicks 4ct
    9. 10 Burpees
    10. 30 Dips
    11. 30 Merkin Thrusters
    12. 30 SSH 4ct
    13. 30 Flutter Kicks 4ct
    14. 10 8-Count Body Builders
    15. 30 BBS
    16. 30 Merkin Thrusters
    17. 30 Lunges 2ct
    18. 30 Hello Dollies
    19. 10 8-Count Body Builders
    20. 30 Hammers 4ct
    21. 3 Max Sets
      1. Incline Merkins
      2. Merkins
      3. Decline Merkins

Boat/Canoe till time.


How approachable are you to your children or your M, co-workers, friends, etc? I had a situation with my 2.2 this past week where she got in trouble at school and did not tell me or the M about it. We found out when we were signing off on her behavior report. When asked about why she would not tell us, her response was that she was afraid. She was afraid of the consequences and of my response. I know that I struggle with my temper and can react without thinking through things. My 2.2 recognizes this and was afraid to tell me. This is not the response I want to instill in my 2.0s and thus the breathing exercises. I’m working on actively taking breaths when told something that I normally would respond instantly to. So my question to you is: Are you approachable with bad news?

Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger;
James 1:19 ESV