F3 Knoxville

Tour de Brickyard

THE SCENE: comfortable with mod humidity

5 Burpees, 5 Good morning Abbey’s, Plank Jacks x 20, SSH x 25, Tempo SQTS x 10, Moroccan Night Clubs x 20

Mosey to Rock Pile

Pick a rock and then do 5 Burpees, 10 Mkns, 15 Front Press with a twist with rock (B) x 15, 25 OH Press with rock

  • Mosey to Massage Parlor and do 10 Squats (basically to get the pokeys caught up)
  • Mosey to the Banks and do 15 Carolina Dry Docks
  • Mosey to Life house lot and do 25 Triceps ext oH, 25 Upright Rows, 25 OH press all with coupon thenleave coupon under sign
  • Mosey to back lot–do 5 Burpees
  • Mosey to Track and perform 25 calk raises on the stairs
  • Run 2 laps around the track
  • at finish perform 20 OH claps
  • Mosey back to lifehouse to p/u coupon
  • Bernie to next stop (where we park)
  • 25 Lunges w/ coupon–>25 BBS w/ coupon–> 25 curls w/ coupon
  • mosey to rock pile to return it and do 5 8CT Manmakers
  • return to AO (Simmons & Oscar sprinted)

Supermans x 10 IC, 10 Press Ups, 20 Gas Pumps IC, 15 Hello Dollies IC, 20 Flutters IC, 10 Grasshoppers IC, 20 Freddy Mercury IC, 1 Boat Canoe
7 awesome Dudes:  Simmons, Herbie, Oscar, Fast n Easy, Hamm, Tractor, Natty
Be somebody who makes everybody feel like somebody!
Prayers for Fast n Easy (currently Slow n Steady) to mend from Rona, TRactor having to let someone go- give him courage & compassion, and the Powell Church congregation in the loss of GW, their former pastor
Please join to help Tuba’s wife on Saturday as she moves without Tuba, while on one of his 7 jobs.

Rain Plans

THE SCENE: Lower 70’s, started with a drizzle ended with a downpour

SSH, Arm Circles, Shoulder Taps, Tempo Squats, Rockettes
Went to the coupon pile by L&N and got ourselves a brick. Moseyed with our bricks over to the 11th street garage. Here we had 4 cones spaced out on the opposite end of the garage. We did suicides, running to the 1st cone and back, then to the 2nd cone and 1st cone and back, and so on til we hit all 4. Each cone had an exercise assigned to it.

  • Round 1 (with our rocks): Cone 1= 15 curls, 2= 15 tricep extensions, 3= 15 shoulder presses, 4= 15 goblet squats
  • Round 2 (without our rocks): Cone 1= 15 LBCs, 2= 15 Merkins, 3= 15 American Hammers (4ct.), 4= 15 Hand Release Merkins
  • Intermission: Took a break from suicides with 1 minute wall sits, 5 reps of slow merkins, then another minute of wall sits and 5 more reps of slow merkins
  • Rinse and Repeat: We did all the above one more time through

Ran back to under the bridge, did some flutterkicks and grasshoppers, ended with the word there and then took our rocks back

Mr. Wedgie talked about being a bit of an overplanner at the Quacken yesterday. I had been reading Proverbs earlier and one of my favorite verses that Wedgie reminded me of is “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps” (Prov. 16:9) I think this can often sound like “My plans are useless because at the end of the day God decides what happens”, but the accurate way to hear this is “my plans succeed because the Lord allows them to”. My campus ministry has made all sorts of plans to accommodate for the restrictions on campus in order for us to continue to minister to UT students, but at any point in the future we could be told to limit our numbers even more, to no longer meet on or near campus, or that we aren’t even allowed to come to campus at all. So right now we’ve been spending a lot of time praying about and reminding ourselves that our plans are worth pursuing, but that should our plans change we should be content and remember that the Lord is still sovereign. So I encouraged all of us to continue to put effort and thought into our plans, but to hold onto them open handed and be willing to see them change

Speak Up Lead the conversation

THE SCENE: Super humid and sticky, but clear

Cherry Pickers x 10 IC, Windmills x 8 IC, Standing SLR’s x 5 (B) IC, Standing single leg circles FWD & BWD IC (B), Tempo Squats x 10.
Mosey to track

Run 400 meters and finish Lap 1 with: 15 Burpees, 15 BBS, 15 SQTS, Lap 2- 10 Burpees, 10 BBS, 10 SQTS, Lap 3- 5,5,5 of each

Finish with complete set of Bleachers stairs up and down and OYO exercise until group is through

Goal Line:

ROUND 1:  25 MKNS–> crabwalk 30 yds –> 50 OH Claps sprint backwards sprint to the goal line and finish with 5 8CT Manmakers

ROUND 2: 25 Jump SQTS–> Bear Crawl 30 yds–> 50 OH Press backwards sprint to the goal line and finish with 5 8CT Manmakers

ROUND 3:  26 SC Mtn Climbers–> Duck Walk 30 yds–> 50 SSH backwards sprint to the goal line and finish with 5 8CT Manmakers

Mosey back to AO

Gas Pumps x 20 IC, Crab Leg alt foot touches x 20 IC.
Natty, Hamm, Tractor, Oscar, Herbie, Suave, Biohazard
discussion about having the courage to speak up when remaining silent is not enough
Prayers for teachers, parents, students in school starts in the midst of pandemic, prayers for Tractor’s wife & her job search
Someone teach A-Rod how to tell time as well as warm up the old guys.

Be a Light

THE SCENE: A cool dry 70……NOT

Toy Soliders, Sprinklers, OHC, Little of this and that, Hammy stretch,

Mosey to FB Field

Double Quarter #er with Cheese

  • 25 Merkins then Bobby Hurleys
  • 50 squats then CDD
  • 75 MTN on the 4ct then ISW
  • 100 SSH then Air Presses
  • Planks and Flutters till 6 was up
  • Burpee Dans – increase Burpees until 50 yard line then decrease to the goal line
  • Flutters and Sucky Sit-ups

We did 41 HBD MM, then Australian Snow Angels followed by some side crunches


Be a Light – listen to the words of the song Be a Light by Thomas Rhett

All About the Benjamins

THE SCENE: Foggy, Humid and HOT
WARM-O-RAMA:  SSHx25, Cherry Pickers x 10, Windmills x 10, Tempo Squats x 10, OH Claps x 10, Seal Claps x 10 (All Ex’s IC)

Grab CMU or Ruck Sack and mosey to the trackSometimes

  • ALL About the Benjamins (w/CMU): 25 curls 4 girls, 25 Walking Lunges (WL’s), 25 squats, 25 WL’s, 25 OH Press, 25 WL’s, 25 Mtn Climbers 4ct., 25 WL’s
  • 1 lap run around track
  • Hit the Stairs for some 11’s:  Merkins on bottom, monkey Humpers on top.  Early finishers do tricep dips until all done
  • 1 Lap run around track
  • Goal line-  6 burpees–>bear crawl to 30 yd line, 5 BBS…rtn to goal line repeato–> 4 then 2 BRPs and all other the same.  Early finishers do rows and swings with CMU
  • Return to AO with CMU
  • MARY:

Freddy Mercury x25 IC, Flutters x 20 IC, GASPumps x 20IC, Tempo Merkins x 10, Hello Dollies x 20 IC, Supermans x 15, Bird Dogs x3 each side 10 count
Attract what you expect, Reflect what you desire, become what you respect, mirror what you admire!
Prayers for Hill Henry, Filter and his achilles, and some unspokens from Simmons.  Natty off to Detroit