F3 Knoxville

Seven 7’s

AO: the-project
Q: Flying Dutchman
PAX: Borg, Erector, Flying Dutchman, Icey Hot, Mathlete, Munge, OBrother, Ocho, Papa Lock, Taco snob, Tom Tom, None
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Arm stretches and circles, Willie Mays Hayes, Cherry Pickers, Side Straddle Hop

Mosey to brickyard
7 reps of 7 exercises- all heavy
Shoulder presses
Chest press
Bent row
Shoulder shrugs
Run a lap
7 reps of 7 exercises- all heavy
Rear lunges
Flutter kicks
Box cutters
Big boys
American hammers
Run a lap
Repeat until time
Choose your heavy exercise as many as you can 4 minutes
Mosey to flag

Heels to Heaven

Escape from Haw Ridge April 5

Shared Hebrews 12: 1-2. We need to put aside our weight and our sin and run the race of endurance. This is tough as we all know, life can be difficult. However, we have a Savior in Christ to look to for help, guidance and rest. We also have his word, prayer, praise and each other. We as brothers, as a Band of Brothers can support, encourage and lift up each other.

Remembering the repetition

AO: the-project
Q: Mathlete
PAX: Rocket, Papa Lock, Biohack, Tom Tom, Ocho, Flying Dutchman, slappy, Mathlete, Chowder
FNGs: None
Running: high knees, butt kicks, carioke, side shuffle, Bernie
Tempo squats, Grady corn, cherry pickers, tempo merkins

>From a deck deal 10 cards face down. Each time you flip one, do the exercise, then flip the next on top, do both, then next all three until all 10 are flipped. Then the chosen one has to recall (with Pax assistance) all ten in reverse order and execute each one as a group. If there are any mistakes, finish with 20 burpees.
First round, one rep of each to learn.
Second round, 5 reps of each
Third round, 7 reps of each and sprint across the field before flipping each card.
No time
Escape from Haw Ridge April 5
GTE April 26ish
Hardship Hill May 27
Remembering doesn’t work like we want. We like the computer kind of memory where we just put it in, then we can get it back exactly the same whenever we like. But we remember some things and forget others. Why? Are there different ways to remember? How do I remember what is important?
Because we aren’t computers, we have developed methods of remembering. Though the words ritual, liturgy, and tradition aren’t much in vogue, they are a powerful means to remember well. A ritual provides repetition, ingraining that which you repeat. Liturgy acts out a story, activating many senses in an experience that sticks better than a fact. Tradition filters the multiplicity of that which might be remembered and holds dearly to that which ought to be remembered.
These things are on my mind as we approach Holy Week, in which Christians use these tools to relive and reinforce what we believe is the fundamental truth of the universe. But the approach applies across the spectrum of life, and you should use them to prioritize the things that fill your mind.

Heavy Cards

AO: the-project
Q: Biohack
PAX: Biohack, Tuba (Dylan Cox), Papa Lock, Flying Dutchman, Ocho, Tom Tom, 3-Peat (Carlos Rodriguez), OBrother, Munge
FNGs: None
1. Projectivator
2. Tempo squats
3. Tempo merkins
4. Cherry Picker
5. Reach for the sky


1. Mosey to recruiting center.
2. Carry a block to the theatre stairs.
3. Draw a card. Do the number of reps.
a. Hearts – Thrusters
b. Diamonds – Derkins
c. Spades – Curls
d. Clubs – Overhead press
4. After each card, run up and down the stairs and do a blockee.


I ran this Q one year ago and shared this Word. I think it is worth sharing again.

I’ve been reading the Gospel of John and it has led me to reflect on my namesake, Andrew’s, role. Andrew is never considered one of the “main” disciples and is not mentioned nearly as much in the Gospels or the New Testament as Peter, James, John, or even Judas. However, the Gospels tell us he did some incredibly important things:

1. He was the first disciple called by Jesus.
2. He was a disciple of John the Baptist before John points him to Jesus.
3. He brought his brother Peter to Jesus.
4. He was a fisherman with Peter.
5. He brought the boy with the loaves and fish to Jesus so he could feed the 5,000.
6. He was the first disciple to claim Jesus was the Messiah.

Through these scattered and limited accounts of Andrew, we can draw a few conclusions:

1. He was seeking God — already a disciple of John the Baptist
2. He was a man of work — fisherman
3. He showed up — likely one of the main reasons he was called first by Jesus; he was there
4. When he saw the Truth, he spoke it — claiming Jesus was the Messiah
5. Perhaps most importantly, he brought people to Jesus. The Gospel of John tells us that he brought both his brother Peter and the boy with the food to Jesus and Jesus worked miracles through them both.

If we could simply do what Andrew did, what awesome legacy could we leave behind? Seek God, put in the work, be where you need to be, speak the Truth, and bring others to Jesus.

12 Heavy Pains of Christmas

AO: the-project
Q: Biohack
PAX: Erector, Flying Dutchman, Biohack, OBrother, slappy, Papa Lock, Tom Tom, Feeny, Munge
FNGs: None
-Cherry Pickers
-Tempo Merkins

Death march to hill on ORAU campus parking lot. Then do the first exercise, run up and down the hill, do 2 + 1, run, do 3 +2 + 1, run, etc. Just like the song.

1. Blockee
2. Elves on the shelf
3. Thrusters
4. Derkins
5. Big Boys
6. Lunges
7. Curls
8. Rows
9. Diamond derkins
10. Tricep extensions
11. Squats
12. Blockees

This month, billions of people around the world will celebrate the birth of a Jewish baby in a town in a land that they don’t think Jews lived in before 1948.

The current conflict (and past and future ones) were foretold in Genesis to Abraham by God. He promised that the decedents of his 2 sons would fight until the end times.


AO: the-project
Q: slappy
PAX: Biohack, Borg, Boy George, Erector, KickFlip, OBrother, Ocho, Papa Lock, slappy, Tuba (Dylan Cox), Flying Dutchman, Tom-Tom
FNGs: None
-reach for the stars/hang low
-down/up dogs
-jumping spider
-iron mikes
-friendship merkins

-we separated into 4 teams.
1. Cobra Commanders
2. Chuck Norris’s
3. The Terminators
4. The A-Team

The parking lot was the game board. Each team was given 2 oversized dice. You roll, move that many spaces, and do the exercise (based on the roll). 10 points for every complete lap and 1 pt per stop.

-Flutter kicks
-leg lifts with slow hello dollys
-Freddy mercs

-the farm kick off
-Shamruck flag handoff to @Eliza
-1/20/24 big ball convergence

I listed out some of the top ten statements that I’ve said to myself while doing F3 over the past 4 years. (Don’t have the list with me right now. I’ll update this later)