F3 Knoxville

Big Ball Takes on the Murph – Y(mca) the Heck Not

THE SCENE: 0530: Wet/Rainy

    • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith
    • My name is Steam & I’ll be your Q this morning
    • A couple things before we begin
    • (1) I am not a professional
    • (2) You are here on your own volition
      • you made a choice to be here – so did the man on your left and right
      • don’t take that lightly – you’re here for them, because without you, they probably wouldn’t be here
    • (3) You know your body better than anyone – meaning I don’t know any injuries you may or may not have
      • if you need to modify any of the exercises we do this morning – do it. But don’t use that as a cop out.
      • see that guy on your left and right? He came here to work so don’t half ass it for him or you this morning.
      • We will be doing a modified version of the Murph this morning – it’s not just a beatdown – it’s a workout honoring Lt. Michael Murphy – who sacrificed his life in the Hindu-Kush mountains of Afghanistan for the rest of his SEAL team and country. When we’re all gonna be hurting at some point this morning, we all will I promise, think of that.
      • Lock in and Dig Deep – we’re gonna do this together.
    • That being said – it’s an honor to be here this morning with you men – I couldn’t think of a better way to kick off Thursday morning than with y’all.


    • SSH: 11×4 (in cadence)
    • Cherry Picker: 11×4 (in cadence)
    • Rockette: 11×4 (in cadence)
    • Merkin: 11×4 (in cadence)
    • SSH: 11×4 (in cadence)

Big Ball AO –> Downtown YMCA (around 1 mile roundtrip)

  • Mosey with 20lb vest and 20lb ruck from AO –> past convention center –> into the Downtown YMCA on Clinch Ave.
  • PAX heads up to the YMCA’s Attic, aka badass crossfit style room up top
  • QIC explains the history of The Murph, background on Mike Muprhy
  • PAX executes a Modified Murph along with hype music over the Attic loudspeakers by the QIC
    • Pull-Ups: 50
    • Push-Ups: 150
    • Squats: 250
  • When PAX members are done –> execute flutter kicks on a 4 count (led by Swanson & Steam)
  • PAX takes super awesome GP in front of the Y logo #GP
  • PAX American-Indian moseys to field across from AO
  • QIC goes down the line and affirms each PAX member by a chest-clearing cadence grunt that each PAX member repeats
  • TAKE. IT.
  • All PAX take the field like it’s their last.

Rain still coming down – all PAX are soaked but happy to be here

QIC checks in with each PAX member in the COT: How you feeling? Met with a response of affirmation of being here.

11 PAX including Q


  • I feel like God has been tapping on my shoulder pretty intentionally in ways that I can only explain as divine appointment.
  • When you feel that, when you are, uh, awakened to that tapping or divine call, will you take it?
  • I’ve wrestled with mine for a couple weeks because it regards my job and the list goes on and on.
  • With that I’ve isolated myself. We talk a lot in F3 about the isolated male.
  • When you feel that calling or divine appointment, bring others into the fold and share that with them.
  • I guarantee any one of us are more than willing to walk with you in that.


  • What I was vaguely referring to up above in my word is this: 2 weeks ago I met with the YMCA of East TN COO. She was asking how my new role with the Downtown YMCA was going, thanks to the Knoxville Fellows. I told her I was enjoying it, but there was not a lot of concrete structure – it was more a shadowing/figuring it out on your own. And with this new role at the Y, which seems pretty unclear at times, I feel like there are all these things that I want to do to benefit members and add more value to the Y than “just being a gym.” One thing that the Lord has put on my heart within the past month is the idea of going deeper at work than just surface-level membership questions and support. More specifically, leading a bible-study or small-group, or book-study. After all, this is the Young Men’s Christian Association, and I feel a charge to bring back some light that I feel we as an organization have lost (a little).
  • When my COO brought up the idea of bringing back a bible study, etc into the Downtown Y – i knew that’s what the Lord had put on my heart. I could clearly hear His voice through my COO.
  • Fast forward to the next Monday: my direct boss was away and I was in his office, 10 minutes into being clocked in, with my bible open, starting my day off thinking about what my COO said, and the idea of a bible study being brought back into the Y and honestly – feeling really insecure and negative and doubtful about it. The next thing I’m about to say can only be divine appointment: around the corner and into the office comes a man and the first words out of his mouth were “Hey man, do y’all do any bible studies here?”
  • My jaw literally dropped. To me, this was clearly the Lord putting this man in front of me as affirmation that his voice had been made clear. I got to talking to the man, and through our conversation it became more apparent this is something I feel called to do.
  • Later that week (Wednesday) I was walking home from work and saw the man outside after recently talking with a friend about the experience, and he asked again about the bible study. This was uncanny – it was Christ.
  • I’ve felt convicted about my doubts for this after clearly seeing the the call of God for this through this divine appointment – I knew what to do.
  • However, when I was feeling doubtful, I was isolating myself – what we talk about in F3 as the isolated male. My BOM today was about answering the taps on the shoulder from the Lord and inviting other men and HIM and people into the fold and grace of that – so you don’t isolate yourself.

G-6 has 2 job opportunities that can be longterm – for more info, see G-6

Oct. 6 = Abscess & Steam are co-leading a hike with the Downtown YMCA (See F3 Knoxville GroupMe events for more info) – DM Abscess or Steam for more info

Nov = Anniversary month! 3 Years! Keep your eyes peeled for more info on the shindig celebration that will ensue.

3rd F will likely be around the first couple weeks of December

Geology Rocks!

THE SCENE: Hot and Dark

Side Straddle Hops x25, Baby Arm Circles x10, Merkins x10 (4ct), Tempo Squat x15

Mosey to Methodist Church, get a battle buddy and every person get a rock

  • Line up on one side of parking lot and complete 20 squats, 15 lunges, 10 jump lunges with rock
  • Partner Wheelbarrow across lot. Then do 20 merkins, 15 Carolina Drydocks, 10 diamond merkins
  • Sprint back and repeat (trade roles on the wheelbarrow)
  • Mosey to Walnut St. hill with rocks
  • One partner at bottom of hill does squats w/ rock while other runs to top with rock overhead and does 1 rockee (burpee w/ rock). Come back down hill and switch while other partner runs to top and does 2 rockees. Repeat until you get to 10 (each partner runs hill 5xs)
  • Recover at top of hill and do 50 LBCs and 50 American Hammers with rocks
  • Mosey back to AO and return rocks on the way



Old Miss Lucy’s dead and gone

THE SCENE: The air was thick!
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Nope, not a professional

Stretching feels so good.

Mosey to “painted steps” for 10 minute circuit of:

  • bear crawl down steps
  • forward lunge, side lunge, other side lunge, backward lunge (light pole to light pole)
  • 80%-90% run up the ramp
  • R&R

Mosey to parking lot towards the Tn River

  • select a coupon (challenge yourself)
  • squat to the lyrics of “Flower” (Moby)

Mosey to greenway along TN River

  • stop at every third light pole alternating between 10 merkins and 10 squats

Mosey back to AO

This was my VQ – step up and lead if you have not done so!

including 1 FNG – Gesundheit
Run wild. To risk everything. To hold nothing back.
To lay it all on the line: your reputation, your success, your comfort.
It’s that moment when fear is overcome by faith. Live free.
It’s not the liberty to do whatever you want whenever and wherever you want,
But rather it’s living in accordance with the author of humanity
And finding freedom by connecting with the creator who conceived you.
Let the light flood into your eyes for the first time.
Feeling the blood course through your veins, finding the truest version of yourself
By knowing the one who knows you even better than you know yourself.
Love strong. Because you were first loved. Because without love we all perish.
Because the earth and the stars can and will pass away, but love, love will always remain.

from”Oh God Forgive Us” by For King and Country

Make sure to attend 3rd F this Saturday and the CSAUP on the 25th at the truck stop!

Rock Doras

THE SCENE: 20 degrees (in Kentucky units) and damp.

Did that. Especially the disclaimer for the VQ.

25 SSH – IC
20 Rockette – IC
10+10 Baby Arm Circles – IC
10 Cherry Picker – IC
20 Squats – IC
Mosey to Light poles then alternate Mosey/Exercise up the hill so…
Mosey to next lightpole
Butt Kickers to next
High Knees…
Bear Crawl…
then Mosey to top
(plank till 6 up)

Grab a BB Mosey to Rock Pile.  Wagon wheel for 6.

Take a rock and do some Doras.  While PAX1 does the exercise, PAX2 runs to Asylum steps and back.  Count up to a cumulative:

  • 100 behind head (tricep) curl
  • 100 up and out
  • 200 squats
  • 200 curl
  • 200 rows

Mosey to stop sign (Al Gore for 6).  Complete the following buddy/partner exercises:

  • 10 Hand Release Merkins (high-5 buddy with chest on the ground)
  • 20 Big Boys (sit up and patacake with buddy)
  • 30 Dolly Partners (Lie side by side, do Hello Dolly and tap feet)

Mosey to AO.

Just a minute left for Boat-Canoe-Catamaran with some Paddling in cadence thrown in.

29 PAX including one FNG – T-bone.
When I’m with my kids I often blurt out the risk I see them taking – “don’t fall off that wall”, “don’t spill that drink”.  Telling someone not to fall makes them think about falling and usually leads to them doing the very thing I don’t want to happen.  Instead, to foster a Growth Mindset I should tell them the Mitigation – that thing they can positively do to protect themselves – “Watch where you are putting your feet”, “Carry your drink carefully”.

As HIMs we should try to affect the people around us positively and help them to get better by telling them the mitigation, not make them focus on the risk.

This was my VQ.  Thanks to the PAX for following my lead and swinging those rocks.  From my post Q high, I’d recommend it to all the HIMS at the back to step forward and do it!
Everyone at the workout got their 100 squats in today.  Post them in the August challenge.

Another unneeded garage sale

THE SCENE: 70 and rain in the forecast, but no rain

Tempo lunge x12 IC
Shoulder taps x12 IC
Monkey humpers x10 IC
SSH x20 IC

Get keys in the bag and mosey south toward 11th Street parking garage.  Once inside the garage, circle up for a super easy 3 minute workout.  Workout consists of alternating planks: high plank (front leaning rest/merkin position) for 15 seconds, followed by low plank (resting on elbows) for 15 seconds, then flapjack every 15 seconds until 3 minutes are up.

Slow mosey up the ramp to the next level of the parking garage for a Hot lap around that level.  Each exercise is a way to move to the next corner.  Jack rabbits wall sit while waiting on the 6 to complete each leg of the lap.  Exercises as follows:

  • Bear crawl
  • Duck walk
  • Burpee beam jump (at each overhead concrete beam, stop and do a burpee, on the jump portion you jump up and touch the beam overhead)
  • Inch worm

Mosey up another level for the four corners routine.  Simple run between each exercise.  Exercises as follows:

  • Box cutters x20
  • Alternating hand merkins x20 (10 each hand.  Start with one hand on the curb and one hand on the ground and perform a merkin, switch high and low hands each rep OR do 10 with one hand high then switch for the remaining 10)
  • Bobby Hurleys x10 (deep deep squat jumps – squat down and put palms flat on the deck, pause then jump)
  • Jump lunges x20 (10 each leg)

Rinse and repeat for three laps around.  Recover and 10 count.  Begin mosey back to start point.  Pause for squats while waiting on Preacher who took a wrong turn in the garage.

Captain Thor up to 3:12
19 strong including 1 FNG: Passport, Soot, Swanson, Preacher, Amazon, Reverb, Quarantine, Red Writer, Guano, Jenner, G6, Gutenberg (FNG), Singlet, Butterfly, Moana, The Voice, Careless, Petey, Abort
Insert the WORD here.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.