F3 Knoxville


AO: asylum-daybreak
Q: skewer
PAX: Steam, Brick, Lilydipper, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Qbert, Pusher, Choir Boy, lebowski, Dain Bramage (Will Olson), F3 Pluto ( Hugh Nystrom), Mr Jinxy, High Heels (Henry Ritchie)
FNGs: None





[bluegrass-pm-otb] Unfamiliar Territory

AO: bluegrass-pm-otb
Q: The Situation
PAX: Pusher, Pele (Jon Lindberg), F3 Pluto ( Hugh Nystrom), Down Under, Finger Lickin’
FNGs: None
Hip Hinges
Cherry Pickers
Runner stretch
Slow Squats
Slow Merkins
Dive bomber merkins
Pickle Pointers

25 BBS
25 Flutter Kicks
25 Calf Raises
Between: Run to pillars, 10 Incline Merkins, run around

20 Merkins
20 Squat Jumps
20 1-ct Iron Mikes
Between: Bernie to start and jog back

40 1-ct Mountain Climbers
40 1-ct Rocky Balboas
40 sec Plank
Between: Shuffle out, shuffle back

Lunge to halfway median, 5 Burpees
Lunge second half, 5 Burpees

Bear Crawl up hill, Bear Crawl down
10 Hello Dollies

5 Crunchy Frogs in cadence
10 Side Plank Raises in cadence
10 Hello Dollies
10 Windshield Wipers
Crowdsource Abs

Side stretch
Upper Glute stretch
Hip Flexor stretch
Groin stretch
Runner stretch

Sometimes you find yourself contemplating the whole universe and your place in it. Other times, you’re just grateful for the little things. Both are okay.


AO: asylum-pm
Q: Lilydipper
PAX: Snaggletooth (Elijah Tafao), Welches (Leland Murphy), Pusher, Crash Dummy, Colonel (Alex Wallace), High Heels, Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), Pele (Jon Lindberg), Brick, Lilydipper, Catnip, Aardvark (Asher Jensen)
FNGs: 1 Aardvark (Asher Jensen)
WARMUP: 20 Side-Straddle Hops, 10 Mountain Climbers, 10 Windmills, 10 Tempo Merkins, 10 Rockettes, 5 Pterodactyls Forward and Backward

THE THANG: Mosey south to the mulch trail and then to the cul-de-sac that is south of the Coliseum. We will stop to do 10 Burpees, and 20 Freddie Mercuries.
Mosey downhill to the tree that is across the street from the Outdoor Chapel. We will do 20 American Hammers.
Mosey to the Exercise Machines. We will stop to do two 25 rep sets on machines of choice.
Mosey to the Bros Bowl. We will go around the three rings of power, stopping to do 25 Bench Dips at the benches on top and 25 Merkins on the bottom each time.
Mosey to the Caribbean Parking Lot. We will run a Candy Canes around the parking lot until we get to cone placed on other side of parking lot. We will stop at every other island to do 20 Carolina Dry Docks. The man who finishes exercises at the cone first sweeps all men back to the start.
Mosey to the parking lot across the roadway and go to the shaded area just right of the nice restrooms. From there we will run across the field to Haslam’s Rock. We will take a 20 second gander at the beautiful valley and water below.
Mosey to AO.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Iron Pax Upcoming. Also, look in Slack for where to meet for Bluegrass PM tomorrow as there will be an evening school gathering of parents and students that evening.

Prayer of praise for Pusher’s daughter who as a Freshman at UT will be able to march out onto the field with the famous T at the first football game.
I had a patient in my psychology practice who had been my patient for about 15 years. I will disguise names due to reasons of confidentiality but let’s call her Marlene. She suffered from a long history of Major Depressive Disorder. Marlene died of natural causes on August 2, 2024.
Marlene’s story was a sad one, because of her depression and difficult history with her mother and some of her siblings. But like so many people who suffer with mental illness, her story was a beautiful one as well and one that I can learn from.
Marlene had a difficult childhood history. She suffered abuse and that abuse contributed to her depression. She loved her mother but her mother could be discounting and hateful. That relationship contributed to a great bit of hurt for Darlene and impacted her relationships with others in the future. Darlene could be very dedicated to others but could also get hurt easily and just write people off, saying to hell with them and never wanting to speak to them again.
One person that I am thankful Marlene never wrote off was her 2nd husband. Let’s call him Larry. When I first met Marlene, she had only been married to Larry for a short period of time. She talked about how good a man he was and how much he loved her and did for her – yet, she felt he wasn’t as attractive as men that she had previously had relationships with and wondered about her marriage.
Larry’s goodness and love for Marlene never wavered. Marlene learned that love has much more to do than with how physically attractive one is. Over the years, Marlene’s love for Larry continually grew. During her most depressing times, when she felt the most distrusting of and hurt by others, she knew Larry loved her and she was very thankful for him. Marlene’s love for Larry grew as his diabetes got worse, leading to very poor eyesight for him that approached blindness. Her love for him grew when he lost his job because of the blindness. Because of his blindness, Larry had to be led about when outside of the house. Inside the house, however, he was alright because he knew the house so well. He could even cook up a mean dinner as long as the food items were in the right place.
Marlene was close to her own daughter and two grandchildren. She and Larry used to go to the grandchildren’s ball games. Of course, Larry was not able to see everything that happened because of his eyesight but could hear the reports about what was happening. Marlene’s ability to go to the games, however, diminished as she began to suffer from heart issues and orthopedic issues, particularly in her back and legs. It began to hurt her to walk, even for short distances, but she would often go to the games despite the pain.
Marlene began to smoke some marijuana, finding it helped her with the pain. The use of drugs was something she had taught her daughter to always stay away from. When her adult daughter found out this year that her own mother was smoking marijuana, she got so upset that she refused to talk to Marlene. This, of course, hurt Marlene greatly. She apologized to her daughter and stopped using marijuana but her daughter held her silence. She did let Marlene talk to the grandkids. Marlene and I talked about how her daughter would eventually break her silence.
Like I said, Marlene had cardiologic or heart issues in addition to her back and leg pain. In mid-July Marlene developed an infection in her heart. That led to sepsis. She was hospitalized and treated with antibiotics and other medical drugs. Her daughter, who had been so upset with her mother, rushed to the hospital immediately and stayed with her every day and night during her treatment. Marlene did get out of the hospital for about five days but problems reoccurred and she was rushed back to the hospital. Unfortunately, she died the next day. It was her daughter who called to let me know of her passing. Marlene had told her daughter that if anything ever happened to her, to be sure to let Dr. Neece know.
What have I learned from Marlene? Here are a few of the things:
That there is beauty in the stories of all people.

That marital love means so much more than physical attraction and that physical attraction grows as we develop a more meaningful love with our spouses.

That there is a powerful capacity to love within even those who distrust others or turn their backs on others.

That we should never give up on people we love who get angry with us and turn their backs on us.

That people like Marlene, who may not be great leaders, or wealthy, or vocationally successful, or even mentally or physically healthy, can touch us profoundly, thereby impacting our lives and maybe making us better people.

Marlene, I know you are up there with God and, if you are listening, I love you!

[bluegrass-pm-otb] Q101 at Bluegrass

AO: bluegrass-pm-otb
Q: Pele (Jon Lindberg) , Steam
PAX: Pusher, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Down Under, Curveball, The Situation, Dain Bramage (Will Olson), Splinter, Short Bus
FNGs: 2 Splinter, Short Bus
Steam started things off, explaining the disclaimer, the five core principles of F3, its credo, and a demonstration of warm-up exercises with various cadences and counts, including SSH, Merkins, and Man Makers.

Steam took us down to the track to do 11s with Merkins at one end and Butterfly sit ups, then passed it over to Pele.

Pele led the PAX on a mosey to the back parking lot of the school and talked about some of the finer points of planning and structuring a workout. Then we did a Quarter Pounder (four cones, do 25 Merkins at first, 50 Squats and second, 75 Mountain Climbers at third, and 100 SSH at last, returning back to first cone each time).

Moseyed back to flag, demonstrating a Wagon Wheel to let the 6 catch up. Did DORAs on the sloped road with one partner running down to a tree, doing 5 SSH, then returning with partner doing exercises, then switch off. Exercises were 50 Carolina Dry Docks, 50 Jump Squats before we ran out of time.

Mosey to flag.
Did some Core exercises to demonstrate how the Mary can be used to fill up the time until the 45 minutes are over.

Talked about how the Word and Prayer are often the biggest barriers for guys Q’ing the first time. Discussed the fact that this doesn’t have to be a long speech, or something terribly impressive, just speak from the heart, be positive and encouraging, and you’ll be just fine. Steam led us out with prayer.

Trifecta + Bonus

AO: asylum-daybreak
Q: Steam
PAX: Brick, Bookman, Jumbo(Carter Dickens), Tropicana, Mia (Max), Mermaid, Eliza, Drum Major, Cart Girl (John Sadler) (Chatt, TN), Lilydipper, lebowski, Qbert, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), High Heels, Grandslam, Dain Bramage (Will Olson), Crawdad (Robbi Dickens), 0
FNGs: 1 0
– 6-Count Burpee: 10×4
– SSH: 12×4
– Mountain Climber: 14×4
– Merkin: 16×4
– Morrocan Night Clubs: 18×4
– LBC: 20×4

(1) Rings of Power
– 7s
– Merkins (bottom)
– Squats (top)
– 6:1, 5:2, 4:3, 3:4, 2:5, 1:6
– 6 Merkins first
– Run the inner ring

(Mosey to Muscle Beach)

(2) Muscle Beach
– Modified Murph
– 50 pull-ups/chin-ups
– 100 merkins
– 150 squats

(Mosey to Isengard)

(3) Isengard
– Wall: Incline merkins
– Wall before pavilion: Box jumps/step ups
– Bear crawl up the green
– Run back down the stairs

(Mosey to the new AMP)
– 10 incline merkins
– bear crawl up to the next level
– 10 decline merkins
– crawl bear to the next level
– 10 incline merkins

(Mosey back to the flag — taking the two rucks from Eliza and Mermaid – switching between men along the way)

– Cherry-pickers
On The Curb / Down + Backs
– Karaoke
– Rockette/Zombie 1/2 way down – slow mosey the rest of the way and back
– 25%
– 50%
– 75%
– 100%

– Lilydipper is apparently the new interim AOQ – congrats! A true Vol.
– Q101 at bluegrass-pm-otb on 8/14 led by me and Pele (Jon Lindberg).
– 9 Year Anniversary coming up in November – more details to come, but if anyone wants to be part of the leadership and planning team – DM me.
– qsource-ao tomorrow morning at 0600 at the HGTV Overlook
– Borg is on Q
– Q-3.3 — Trust (Reliance Between Team Members)


Three A’s and an F. Known as “four notes that changed the world” according to many scholars, or also known as the beginning to Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony. We’ve all heard it. We know it.
– Yesterday, my wife and I had the opportunity to connect with other life group leaders within the Young Adults ministry at Fellowship, and listened to Brent Crenshaw teach for a few moments. Something he said stuck out to me:
– “It’s the white space between the notes that help make the music.”
– It had never occured to me that the white space in between the notes help establish the necessary spacing in order for the composition to go smoothly. No one really ever pays attention to the white space between the notes, becuase it’s all about the notes and how they come together.
– But without the white space between the notes, the Fifth would probably sound like 30-40 minutes of notes rear-ending each other in a never ending crash. Chaotic.
– Things are happening between the notes (like space/time/rest), but we just don’t see it or forget the importance that the white space between the notes holds.

Don’t negate the work God is doing in between the big things in your life. Sometimes, it is in the quiet space in life that God speaks the loudest. It’s been true for me. With the guidance and help of the Holy Spirit, the work that is done in the white space between the notes should not be dismissed or looked over. Keep at it. Don’t give up. In other words, stay the course, keep the faith, and fight the good fight. Take this truth and run with it today!