F3 Knoxville

Dipper Doin’ Work!

20 SSH
10 Imperial Walkers
10 Forward Arm Rolls
10 Backward Arm Rolls
10 Cherry Pickers
10 Gradual Squats

Mosey on Road to South of Admin Building

20 Hello Dollies on 4 count
15 Mountain Climbers on 4 count

Mosey to Area East of Admin Bldg To Second Flight of Stairs
10 Shoulder Taps (four count) in Merken Position
Run up Stairs and Go left to the other flight of stairs
20 Big boys
Run down stairs and go back to original flight of stairs

Mosey to Roadshow Run
Go down and up the long flight of stairs once, staying to right to avoid men coming up or down
Go back down second time and run to trail. Do big boys while waiting on others.

Mosey to Bottom of Mt. Everest

20 Merkens
Run all the way to top of Everest and back to original meeting place by Admin Bldg.

Around the Bases

Grab Large Boulders out of my pickup truck
Set up four bases.
Have a pair of guys at each base.
Base 1: 20 Overhead presses and 20 squats
Bear crawl to base two
Base 2: 20 Curls and 15 Star Jumps
Sprint to Base 3
Base 3: 20 Squat Lifts and 10 Box Cutters
Run backwards to Base 4
Base 4: 20 Bench Presses and 15 Squat Jumps
Sprint to Base 1
We repeated this almost three times until it was time to end workout


Power of the Powerless is a book by Christopher de Vinck

About his brother, Oliver, born with birth defects and who lived 33 years unable to talk, walk or see, profoundly retarded, fed by family throughout his life.
The author first published a short article about the life and death of his brother in The Wall Street Journal
He talked about how this powerless person had a life that was profoundly meaningful
He made the lives of the author and his family more meaningful through the sacrifices and love that they, as humans, gave to him.
The response from around the nation and around the world was profound.
Some responses came from famous people like President Ronald Reagan, Fred Rogers, and Eunice Kennedy Shriver.
Others came from bishops, ministers, rabbis and priests.
Others came from folks like you and me but also from people who had family members who were powerless, just like Oliver.
The article was published again, numerous times, in other newspapers and magazines.

Henri Nouwen, the famous priest, theologian, and professor met Christopher de Vinck before he wrote that article. Christopher visited Nouwen when Nouwen was a professor at the Harvard School of Divinity. It was after meeting Christopher that Nouwen went on to work with the mentally and physically handicapped at the L’ Arche Community.
In writing the forward to de Vinck’s book, written after the article was published, Nouwen said that Oliver’s story and the story of many others who have also been powerless (written about in de Vinck’s book) “breaks with all human logic, all intelligent predictions, all normal norms of success and satisfaction. It turns everything upside down. It speaks not only about the power of the powerless but also about love offered by those who cannot speak words of love, joy created by those who suffer grievously, hope given by those whose lives are complete failures, courage enkindled by those who cannot make the slightest move on their own.”
Jesus Christ, of course, turned the world’s notions of success upside down. In a week when we have seen images of helpless children gassed to death in the horrors of those who attempt to dominate others, we are touched, we are moved beyond the comforts of everyday living, and moved by the power of the powerless.

Run Forrest Run…


38 and Clear

Welcome & Disclaimer

SSH x30 IC
Windmill Merkins x10IC
Cherry Pickers x10 IC
Arm Circles Forward x12 IC
Arm Circles Backward x12 IC
Mountain Climbers x15 IC

Mosey to curb and partner up in teams of 3


Triple Sprints #1, Upper Body
2 men at Cone 1 (orange cone) and 1 man at Cone 2 (orange cone).  One man at Cone 1 runs to Cone 2 while other two men do exercises at the cone, stopping in the middle at the yellow cone to do 3 burpees.  Then man at Cone 2 runs to Cone 1 while other men do exercises.  First man now runs to Cone 2.  Rinse and repeat for 8 minutes.

Cone 1 = Diamond Merkins / Carolina Dry Docks
Cone 2 = CMU BOR / CMU Press

Mosey to road in front of Asylum
– Stop half-way, 4ct Merkins x15

Triple Sprints #2, Abs
Same as before except:
Cone 1 = American Hammers / Lance Armstrongs
Cone 2 = Flutter Kick / Hello Dolly

Mosey to hill in front of the Asylum

Lt. Dan’s Revenge
Start at base of hill.  Perform 1 Lt. Dan (2 squat, 4 lunges), run the hill.  Rinse and repeat adding 1 Lt. Dan each time then back down (i.e. 2/4, 4/8, 6/12, 8/16, 10/20).

Mosey back up to road in front of the Asylum and form into 4 groups.

Bumper Circuit
One group at cones 1-3, two groups at cone 4. When Q says “go” one team at cone 4 makes the loop up the stairs, down the road and back down the other set of stairs to cone 1. All other groups do the exercise at the cones, alternating between the exercises.  When the group running gets to cone 1 all the groups shift and the group at Cone 4 runs the loop. Rinse and repeat.

Cone 1 – Dry Docks x10 / BBS x10
Cone 2 – Wide Merkins x10 / Squat Jumps x10
Cone 3 – Dive Bombers x10 / Hello Dolly x10
Cone 4 – Reverse Lunges x10 each leg / Superman Swims x10

Mosey to SP

Flutter Kicks 4ct 25 IC

Number off and Name-O-Rama (42 PAX, 5 FNGs)

Element of Authentic Manhood – Stewardship
Matthew 25:14-30
“For it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted to them his property.  To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away.  He who had received the five talents went at once and traded with them, and he made five talents more.  So also he who had the two talents made two talents more.  But he who had received the one talent went and dug in the ground and hid his master’s money.  Now after a long time the master of those servants came and settled accounts with them.  And he who had received the five talents came forward, bringing five talents more, saying, ‘Master, you delivered to me five talents; here I have made five talents more.’ His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’  And he also who had the two talents came forward, saying, ‘Master, you delivered to me two talents; here I have made two talents more.’  His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’  He also who had received the one talent came forward, saying, ‘Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you scattered no seed, so I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground. Here you have what is yours.’  But his master answered him, ‘You wicked and slothful servant! You knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I scattered no seed?  Then you ought to have invested my money with the bankers, and at my coming I should have received what was my own with interest.  So take the talent from him and give it to him who has the ten talents.  For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.  And cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’

You get one life.  You get one shot at the work and relationships in your life.  Don’t be a consumer.  As HIMs our call is to stewardship, to taking what we have been giving and multiplying it for the glory of another.  It’s counteractive, but this is where real joy come from!  We find our lives as we give them away.